Pardon Our Dust, We’re Remodeling!
You might be noticing some changes here over the next few days. Despite all the little changes I’ve made to this site here and there, I haven’t done a major upgrade in almost two years. I have a new template (with new colors, a new header, and a new layout) ready to go, but I have to perform some behind the scenes upgrades before I put in that template. Then, after the template goes in, there will be a few days of bug fixes planned. It’s my goal to have this site running smoothly by the time “Adventures in Babysitting” airs next week.
Sometime around January 1st or 2nd, the site is going to be down for an hour or two as I put in the new template and activate the new features. There’s going to be little advanced warning, so I’ll get the apologies for the inconvenience out of the way now. An announcement will go on our Twitter and Facebook when the site is going down.
Once the new site is up, feedback and suggestions will be most appreciated. I’ll put out an article once all the changes are in place sharing all the new features and how to navigate the site.
In the meantime, we might be a little light on articles the next week. I don’t have any articles in the queue to share and I won’t have time to write any. I’ll alert everyone to any updates to our spoiler page if any previews happen leading up to Supernatural’s return on January 6th.
Thanks again in advance for your patience. Hopefully you’ll enjoy our new and improved site.
Hey everyone! I’ve got several of the changes in, but yes, my list of fixes and things to do is still very long! Feel free to report anything you see fit here or through the Contact Us section. I’ll be doing a lot of fixing tomorrow.
In the meantime, do you like what you see so far?
It’s looking great Alice. I love it.
Looks awesome! Nice job.
Looks sharp so far! Good luck!
Looks good so far.
Hi Alice,
Kudos on all your hard work. I like. I like very much! Clean. Crisp. Cool!
One little question, and it’s likely my font size screwing things up… My page seems bigger than my screen and I have to move cursor across the bottom a lot. I’m thinking that’s likely a “me & mine” problem.
Happy 2012!
Pragmatic Dreamer
Thanks! I got to admit, there’s still lots of work to be done. The archive and article page currently only has half of our history on there and has to be rebuilt. That’s my project for today! Then there’s fixing all the tiny details.
Depending on what browser you are using (I’ve already noticed some formatting quirks in Firefox I have to fix), you can zoom in or zoom out. I suggest zooming out with your browser, or lowering the percentage. It works fine for me in Safari and Firefox, but I’m at a 100% ratio on those browsers.
I’m glad you like it! I think this site is going to be a big shock to many. It’s a dramatic change to absorb.
Looking great so far. Can’t wait to see the finished product.
Alice, I like.
What a nice way to celebrate a new episode of SPN with a little remodeling.
Um, I’ve a (possibly silly) question. What’s a connection request and how does it work? I keep seeing requests and I keep ignoring them cos I’ve no clue what they are.