Let’s Speculate: “Season 7, Time For A Wedding”
Oh seriously, what sort of speculation do we need to be doing? We all needed a break, a light hearted romp. We needed an episode where we didn’t have to harp on continuity or character arcs at all. Mrs. Becky Rosen-Winchester took care of all of that for us!
I’m just going to say what absolutely thrilled me the most about this episode. This is the big FINALLY!!! LAS VEGAS!!! Vegas Baby!!! Sam and Becky got married at A Little White Chapel? Oh that’s too rich!! We had friends married in that chapel. Elvis sang at their wedding. As a matter of fact, that’s the only thing that was missing. Dean got to flirt with smart woman in a strip bar. And this is their annual trip? Why in the world did we never see the other six visits? I honestly believe I can die happy. Well, wait, I’ll hold out for the Grand Canyon trip. Which isn’t far from Vegas BTW.
The plot was believable to me. Becky does seem desperate enough to fall for a demon deal. To be honest, I’ve actually been feeling nostalgic for demons lately. It’s actually kind of sad that she’s such a huge fan of the whole Supernatural story and believed she would get this potion with no strings attached. That’s really desperate.
Becky was a bit over the top for me. I do believe that was the point, that’s always been the point, so those that like her antics her character was done very well. True to form. The only thing that ended up being a saving grace is that Sam didn’t forgive her in the end. He stayed mad, even after she saved him. He tried to tell her the right guy would come along, but it sounded forced to me. I don’t think he was being sincere, but I liked that. If we had another ending like the pep talk Sam gave Gary at “Swap Meat” I would have felt sick. Did anyone notice how freakishly tall and big Sam is compared to Becky? I’m so glad we didn’t have to see the consummation of the marriage. He would have smothered her. Even under a love potion though Sam didn’t want to touch her in that way. That should have told her something.
Notice how the show took another stab at the online culture again? The only place Becky felt accepted was the message boards. “They were grumpy and overly literal, but at least we shared a common passion.” Okay who’s feeling a little shameful right now?
Speaking of shameful, hand ups and heads hung low if you loved seeing Sam Winchester tied up on the bed, his pants missing (with a strategically placed blanket of course. Yeah, it was really embarrassing for him too, but I do admit dipping my toes in the shallow end of the pool. That was the tie up scene missing in “Swap Meat.” I feel somewhat vindicated after complaining about that after “Swap Meat.”
The best part of this entire episode though was Dean’s reactions. There hasn’t been such a great irritated Dean since “The French Mistake.” It’s sorely needed and really saved the ep. The sweater vest and tweed jacket didn’t hurt either! I’ll also never look at a waffle iron again the same way.
The second best part? The exploding wedding cake with the bride and groom crashing down in front of the logo. I died laughing!
I especially love that this whole thing worked out to be a setup for Crowley to make an appearance. We not only get to see him pass some information to the Winchesters about the Leviathan and their leader Dick, but he still has management issues with stupid demons. Still has headaches at the top I guess. He’s there to help, sort of. I like his hands off approach so far. Something tells me he’s going to have to get more involved.
What did you think of DJ Qualls as Garth? He’s so adorkable. I’m not exactly sure why Dean needed another hunter, but I overlooked that because I loved Garth. He was the perfect kind of quirk. It felt odd seeing him work with Dean and not Sam, but for one ep, it was fun to watch. The hug at the end with Dean was so funny. If anything he was underutilized. I hope we see more of him.
Okay, here’s a question. How can Sam get married using his real name? Isn’t he supposed to be dead? I suppose it can be a common name but that’s hardly flying under the radar from Leviathan, don’t you think? Plus doesn’t he need an id with his real name? I thought those were destroyed.
It was reported that Vegas got a lot of wedding business today. It’s 11/11/11. Think that Sam and Becky fit in that statistic? That’s funny.
A lot of the episode took place in Pike Creek, Delaware. Isn’t that were Nick the vessel and Lucifer became one? One check at the recap I did for “Sympathy For The Devil” says yes.
There is one point of speculation though, and it comes at the very end. What’s up with Dean? I’m actually buying that Sam has this new lease on life. He knows he still has a “Denver omelette” up there but he knows what he’s seeing. Dean spent the early part of the episode wondering what to do now that Sam is fine and off doing his own thing. So, is Dean hiding something (aka another secret), or is he just avoiding facing his demons? It was a very strange reaction, and given the emphasis on it, I’m not sure it was meant to be taken lightly. It reminded me a lot of the end of “Nightmare.” Something is scaring him, that’s for sure.
So all in all, I liked. It reminded be a lot of the screwball scenario in “Swap Meat” but this ep was better. I like how Sam and Dean were smiling at the end. The smiles have been what’s sorely missing the past few seasons.
What did you all think?

Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
I absolutely loved everything! The wedding cake, Sam tied up my fantasy coming true yum Dean with Garth,Dean with girl in strip bar, sweater vest tweed jacket Dean’s reactions & expressions Sam hilarious with rag towel in this mouth & trying to speak Scruffy Crowley yum. But I’m with you what is up with Dean? I think he has another deep dark secret way to go writers
I loved this episode! I definitely needed a laugh and this episode delivered! I thought the exploding cake was a nice touch along with Dean’s reaction to Sam’s news about getting married. It was priceless!
As for Garth…I loved him. I’m so glad that we finally met him. I’ve been curious about him ever since Bobby mentioned him. He didn’t disappoint me at all. Such a loveable screwball, but smart too! Plus he loves Marmaduke!
Now for Dean…I LOVED Dean (Jensen) in his sweater vest outfit. It was such a great look that needs to be repeated soon! I loved how he gave Sam and Becky a waffle iron for a wedding present. I’ve done that before when I had no idea what to get the happy couple…I also included a gift receipt just in case they couldn’t (or didn’t) need it. As for this episode, Becky found use of it although I wish she hadn’t hit Sam with it. He’s got enough problems with adding a concussion too.
Poor Sam! He likes to camp? I thought he hated camping…re: Wendigo…Also, I hated seeing him tied up in that bed, but it was funny! Becky was so pathetic! I really felt sorry for her at one point, but not for long. She needs to put her romantic energy somewhere else. Maybe Garth? He seemed interested. Maybe a new Chuck for Becky? At the end, I was glad that Sam admitted that things aren’t so rosy in his noggin, but he’s dealing with it. That’s good to know.
As for Crowley…I was glad to see him! I think he will get more involved with this Leviathan story. However, I like that he’s on the side lines right now and that the story is focused on the boys.
Where’s the Impala?? I know it got a new engine (a 502..not bad..my late husband was a Chevy parts manager and drag racer) per Jim Michaels…but really, it’s been absent too long! The third Winchester is missed a lot! The hunts aren’t the same!
One more thought…Something is really off with Dean! Last week, I thought that that had been resolved (the Amy matter) but now, I really got the impression that something else is going on and it’s something that has the potential to be big!
As for the cast and crew, they were terrific as always. The J’s were in top form! 😀
Do you think he’s guilting over Amy’s son? Maybe that’s the other secret? I’m just guessing, but what else could it be?
Could be…but if that’s the case, I’m not sure where the writers would go with that…I mean does Dean decide to bring up the boy?? or take him to Bobby’s?? Or is it really something else all together that we’ve been kept in the dark about and they’re just starting to hint at it?? Over the seasons, they’ve always left a few threads (an awful lot last year) that could be picked up later and pursued. I’m wondering if this might be the case since they’ve been exploring Season 1 (and 2) so much. Maybe this isn’t just for nostalgia, but as a subtle reminder of past issues. I don’t know…I could be looking for something that’s not there and gasping at straws, but I really do think that something else is going on…and Dean is right in the middle of it!
I enjoyed this ep. Not a classic by any means, but a fun, entertaining episode of the show IMO.
I don’t have the allergic reaction to Becky that some in the fandom do. I think some see her as the showrunners making fun of us, but I think it is affectionate and funny.
Some things I loved:
– that Sam and Dean have an annual trip to Vegas. We don’t hear enough about what they do together when they are not working, and the fact that they are friends as well as work partners. So I thought this was a lovely touch.
– that Sam called Dean to be his best man, even when he was under a spell
– the pink flower ‘for loyalty’
– the wedding cake
– Dean buying Sam and Becky a waffle iron as a wedding present
– Sam tied to a bed (sorry – I am shallow)
– Dean in a tank top (I think you in the US call them sweater vests?)
– Crowley!!!!! I loved him. And this was a great twist that he is keeping out of their way so they can get the Leviathans. Crowley totally respects their abilities as hunters which I think is a great element of his character.
Couple of things that made no sense;
– how the heck did tiny little Becky get an unconscious 6’5” Sam from her upstairs apartment to her cabin, and tie him up there?
– why did Dean need Garth? And I thought his character had potential but was a bit wasted, Also he was hopeless. He wouldn’t last 5 mins as a hunter.
My favourite bit was the scene at the end. Sam apologised to Dean, and told him that clearly he did need him to take care of him, but that he also needs to take care of himself – something Dean obviously finds very difficult and uncomfortable.
Overall 8/10. Not every ep in every season can be a Mystery Spot (insert your fave ep here). This was was a good SPN ep and, IMO, more enjoyable than any ep of the first 8 in s6.
Good times:) I feel a bit ripped that the Bros. did not figure out there would be more than one demon working this.
Becky. Yeeee. At least she saved Sam’s hiney in the end. Woulda been nice if the timing was changed a little and Sam went with Becky to her reunion to show her “friends” up as a reward- un-potioned.
No comment on Sam on the bed or Dean in the vest. This smacks of girl fandom to me.
Garth- well, I kinda felt cheated there too. He reminds me of one of those geek hunters that should be dead by now. Even from the way he was posing questions to that CEO. Not sure how effective a hunter he would be because he didn’t do much of anything except look scruffy.
Dean flipping out about Sam- heh. Classic. Freakin’ Becky? I’m glad he had no idea how to use a waffle iron.
Yeah, I didn’t buy that Garth is a living hunter. That inept guy would have been dead on the first hunt.
I guess I’m one of those ‘grumpy’ fans, because nothing worked in this episode for me except Dean. I couldn’t get excited about Sam in this one, because Becky overpowered his scenes, IMO.
As for the ‘literal part’…I’m still wondering if that means those who depend on the canon of the show are nit-picky? If so, count me literal, too, as I’m one who believes that fans should be able to believe show canon.
ETA: One last thing. I had hoped we were through seeing the Amy scene in the ‘Then’ recaps.
I did like the exploding wedding cake and the tumbling bride and groom topper in the title card. That was cute.
I’ve liked S7 up to this point, but I am beginning to have some red flags about where SG is taking these two characters. Dean’s beginning to look a little pathetic, and Sam…no idea what’s going on there.
Looks like I’m in the minority, but I didn’t care for this one.
Becky is fun in meta episodes, but I do not think taking a commentary character and building an episode around her is a good idea. Her plight was sad, not funny, and the attempts at comedy lacked timing and intensity.
I liked the idea of the demons cheating and being caught by Crowley, and I liked that final confrontation, but everything else fell a little flat to me.
It was fanfic come to life and not in a good way some of it I found uncomfortable rather than funny. Outside of that it was a episode that did very little except tell us what we already know Sams fine and Dean has a secret .
I’m honestly one who doesn’t like to be negative and I’m trying to bite my tongue (or hold my fingers), but I’ll just say this here and try to move on.
I feel really personally offended by this episode. Why? Because Becky has always been a sort of avatar for fandom, kind of creepily obsessive on one side, but ultimately harmless and actually helpful. Now she’s someone who would drug a man in order to force him to marry her, knock him unconscious, tie him up, remove his clothes, do everything short of actually physically raping him (though the writers so helpfully let us know she didn’t cross that *one* line).
I know, I’m taking this too literally – but then again, that’s exactly what was said about the “fictional” fandom of the Supernatural books – “grumpy and overly literal.”
I was feeling so nauseous during the episode that I missed or nearly missed so may potentially good things – I see people talking about Dean in a professor’s sweatervest and honestly, I never noticed it! And I really liked DJ Qualls and would like to see more of his funny nerdy hunter, but again, I almost don’t care right now.
To summarize my feelings; The Monster at the End of This Book and The Real Ghostbusters were sort of a gentle mocking, practical joke on fandom. The French Mistake was practically a love letter to us. And Season 7, Time For a Wedding felt like one big “F— You” from the writers. I know a lot of people liked it, and that’s okay; I suppose it just hit some personal triggers for me. But right nwo I’m just very, very sad 🙁
Maybe it was reflecting a certain shift in an overall attitude of the fandom – Becky was getting more pushy in trying to force a certain ending rather than passively going along with the story as it was written. :sigh:
I can’t say for sure, but it looked like a “F*** You” to me, too. Especially, when I think of other episodes that I liked: The Real Ghostbusters” and “Monsters At the End of the Book.”
And when I compare it to other comedies like Bad Day At Bedrock, Tall Tales, Monster Movie, Wishful Thinking, Hell House, Changing Channels, or even the fourth wall The French Mistake, I wonder how we got to this.
As far as I’m concerned, it wouldn’t have made a bit of difference to the episode if DJ Qualls’ character hadn’t been written into it. This was my first time seeing him act and, personally, I hope he is never included in SPN again; not that he was a bad actor, just that his character was as annoying as Becky and not believable as a hunter at all.
[quote]I can’t say for sure, but it looked like a “F*** You” to me, too. Especially, when I think of other episodes that I liked: The Real Ghostbusters” and “Monsters At the End of the Book.”
And when I compare it to other comedies like Bad Day At Bedrock, Tall Tales, Monster Movie, Wishful Thinking, Hell House, Changing Channels, or even the fourth wall The French Mistake, I wonder how we got to this.[/quote]
I’m speculating here, but certain fan groups got really nasty over the summer with theats of boycotts and movements to get Sera fired. If there was a “f*** you” back, that might been the show’s response.
I wasn’t a part of that movement. In fact, I didn’t even know about it.
But that’s exactly how I am taking it.
I wasn’t part of that either. I thought when they tried to force a change in the showrunner, that was crossing a line.
With that interpretation, there’s some interesting symbolism in this episode. A lot of fans associate Sera with Sam, so we had a character representing the fans trying to hogtie Sam/Sera, and Sam/Sera telling them “f*** you.”
Scratch the last part of my sentence. I read that he said that to Becky when he was muzzled, but I don’t think that’s true.
if this is the writers’ way of saying “F*** you” to the fans, to just shut up and go along with no whining, then maybe they should realize the fans are the ones who kept this show going, and that maybe fans have a legitimate reason to be angry and the show should listen instead acting like little kids throwing tantrums and getting angry when fans don’t like the storylines and changes.
I didn’t find this episode entertaining at all, the humor was lost, the only bright spot was Crowley appearing in the end and Garth and his cuteness.
[quote]if this is the writers’ way of saying “F*** you” to the fans, to just shut up and go along with no whining, then maybe they should realize the fans are the ones who kept this show going, and that maybe fans have a legitimate reason to be angry and the show should listen instead acting like little kids throwing tantrums and getting angry when fans don’t like the storylines and changes.[/quote]
I’m causing trouble here. 😳
As I said above, I think my comment that Sam said f*** you to Becky was wrong. I listened to the scene again and I think he just called out her name. He was muzzled so it was hard to tell. I’m probably reading in things that aren’t there, but in response to the original comment that Becky (who represents fans) got more dangerous and stalkerish this episode, it’s possible that change was intentional. I do think the tone of the fandom has changed from last year to this year. It’s one thing to criticize and advocate for a favorite character or story direction respectfully. It’s another to launch an ugly public attack campaign against the showrunners. Only a small minority of fans are acting like this, but those fans’ comments have been hard to miss if you read online SPN comments.
When I originally said I thought the writers were saying “F You” to the rabid fans, I didn’t even realize the part with Sam mumbling through the gag. Another thing I missed because I was upset!
But I rewatched the scene (ahem, a “few” times) and I think he is saying “F You” – but I actually love that part!
Actually, I’m 99% sure that’s what he’s supposed to be saying – note that Becky replies with “Love you too!” – it’s possible in post-production they dubbed it over so it could possibly sound like “Becky!” but we know what he’s really saying. Obviously my love for the boys cursing supercedes a lot of hurt feelings, LOL!
I realy loved the ep. But I got the feeling that TPTB made some fun of us or at least our inner fan girl. I mean marry Sam Winchester, tieded him to a bed like a dream coming true (but we would be cooler than Becky):-))
It was fun to see her agin
I actually really enjoyed this episode. It had me giggling, albeit a little uncomfortably sometimes. I’m also not surprised some people didn’t care for this episode either. And I’m sure come Monday, there will be more people not liking it, or even hating it. Were TPTB making a little fun of the fandom? Absolutely. But I think it was done tongue in cheek.
We finally got to meet Garth. Loved him! I like D.J. Qualls, here’s hoping we see him again…before he gets killed that is. As Bobby once said to him, “How are you still alive?”. Crowley with a beard! So cute. And he’s doing what he does best, staying out of the way and letting the Winchesters do all the heavy lifting. I do have one pet peeve (a little one). How, oh how did Becky (all of 5 feet of her, 105 lbs soaking wet) get Gigantor out of her apartment, into her car, out of the car, onto a bed and tie him up? Don’t get me wrong, nice fangirl fantasy going on there (yes Subwoofer, women can be shallow and have fantasies too). Did love Dean in the sweater-vest though. I churtled with happiness (again fangirl)! All in all, I’m satisfied.
“Speaking of shameful, hand ups and heads hung low if you loved seeing Sam Winchester tied up on the bed, his pants missing (with a strategically placed blanket of course.”
Uh, seriously? I thought it was absolutely horrible. So, let’s say this was reversed, and a [i]male[/i] fan of Jo kidnapped & drugged her, hit her to knock her out, took off her pants, gagged her and tied her up in his bed. So… should we LOVE seeing this as well? I’d say a big NO to that. Just because Sam is a guy and the fan is a female, it shouldn’t make any difference, I don’t think.
What Becky did was wrong in every way. She should have been arrested for kidnapping and assault.
The only thing decent about this episode for me was Dean. He was cute (in that sweater vest especially!) and funny and most of all, he was effective on the job. I did feel bad for Dean in the beginning when he revealed that Sam had left him to go off camping by himself. Dean seemed kind of depressed about Sam not hanging out with him.
I’m not sure what to think about Sam and Dean’s talk at the end. Sam saying that he doesn’t need Dean to take care of him. I understand it, but since Sam is not entirely mentally healthy, then how is Dean supposed to react?
Dean is placed in a very difficult situation with Sam. On the one hand, Sam is an adult who can take care of himself. But on the other hand, Sam is still (might always be) struggling with the effects of Lucifer/his wall coming down. So what is the appropriate way for Dean to acknowledge this? I guess Dean should not ask Sam about it or mention it unless Sam brings it up?
If I were Dean and had been told by my brother that he didn’t need me to take care of him… then I guess that’s what I would do. So I guess Sam can take care of himself, all by himself.
I don’t know but I just think Dean can’t win here. He’s seen as either too overbearing, or not caring enough. He can’t win for trying it seems. :sigh:
We have seen women in the show put in similar situations. Demon-possessed Sam almost raped Jo in season 2 and we’ve seen both Ruby and Meg stripped naked and tortured with a knife. I’m not a fan of those scenes (although I’d be willing to bet some people are), but I’m just saying the sexual suggestiveness goes both ways on this show.
Regarding the last scene, I heard it as Sam telling Dean it was OK for Dean to look after himself for a bit – that Sam was managing. He’s worried about Dean and wants Dean to take care of himself. There was no negative judgment in Sam’s tone. He also made a comment about still needing Dean to watch his back (as he would watch Dean’s).
[quote]We have seen women in the show put in similar situations. Demon-possessed Sam almost raped Jo in season 2 and we’ve seen both Ruby and Meg stripped naked and tortured with a knife. [/quote]
And when Ruby was was stripped naked and tortured, were we supposed to think it was “hot” or funny? I don’t think so, and that’s even despite the fact she was a demon.
And regarding the last scene, I’m not talking about Sam’s judgment of Dean, I’m talking about the [i]Show’s[/i] (and the fan’s) judgment of Dean.
It seems to me that many fans believe that Dean’s job is to take care of Sam, and that is often reinforced by the [i]show[/i] itself. And it’s a problem, for me. Because I am anticipating something eventually going wrong with Sam (i.e. the other shoe dropping) and then Dean being blamed because he wasn’t paying attention (i.e. the apology Dean had to make in Fallen Idols). DNW.
Well if it helps, currently the main reaction to Sam saying Dean should take care of himself is that Sam is a clueless uncaring selfish idiot for not realizing that Dean wants to take care of him. In fact, neither one can win as the situation stands now.
Chris, you make excellent points about that disturbing scene between Sam and Becky.
I’m happy you liked it Alice. Whew!
I’m not a lover of Becky, I must say, and she is the most annoying female IMO on the show yet. She makes Bela perfectly palatable. 😮 I can’t help but wonder why the writers would kill off Ellen and Jo and leave Becky alive to drive us nuts. 😡
Loved Dean’s reactions to the craziness and good for him! flirting again. That was good to see as well as the smiles at the end. Though he is hurting for not being needed as much anymore. Hope that gets reconciled. Hate to see him suffer in that way. Love the boy, you see 😛
Still don’t believe Sam is coping as well as he thinks and am sure that will come to a head. Hopefully it will have Dean saving him again. I want them to need each other! I love the codependent unhealthy relationship they once had. 😛
And the hunter Garth. Loved him! Hope he will be a recurring character (please keep him alive). That hug was priceless! 😀
I am sorry for those who had a bad experience watching the show. 🙁 I have to admit that those thoughts never occurred to me because I took it as silly slapstick. I watched an SG-1 episode recently that had a similar situation between Vala and Mitchell (who continually lost his pants during the show.)
I’m not dismissing anyone’s feelings but I honestly didn’t get a creepy vibe because Becky didn’t seem remotely sexually threatening. Meg molesting Sam in Shadow? yes. Adult Lilith? yes. Luficer and Allister? Yes. The torture scenes of Ruby and Meg were purposely sexually charged but I saw no comparison here.
Becky who only tied up Sam to keep him with her seemed only pathetic. Love portions of one kind or another are a tried and true plot device in just about every sci fi series I’ve ever seen so I didn’t think anything sinister of it. If Sam had taken her to bed, this show would have taken a darker turn but thankfully they didn’t go there. Did they with Andy Gallager and his mind control ways?
I didn’t see Becky so much as an avatar for fandom in this one like she was kind of was before. Maybe because they tried a bit to develop her as an individual character by talking about her unhappy past and showing her feelings about herself. She seemed less like a fan caricature.
I enjoyed the show for what is was but I rather not have any more of this vein this year, thank you. The Leviathan episodes seem to be the strongest this season so I am anxious to see them again.
Other thoughts.
-Writers take note, we can only handle Becky in small doses.
-I thought Jared and Jensen were terrific.
-I liked the tie-in to the mythology. -Liked seeing Crowley who looks hot with a beard.
-Sweater vest!
-Sam needs a barber.
-Mad Sam is fun to watch as is confused Dean.
-If Becky and Garth were to team up as a hunting team, Bobby’s head would explode.
-I loved that the guys were so comfortable with each other at the end.
-What’s up with Dean?
I beg to differ with my esteemed colleagues! Twasn’t a sweater vest, twas a sweater.
(Please see scene when Dean is helping CEO’s wife up after saving her).
Lovely either way 😉
She who has the eyes of a thousand hawks is right! It is indeed a sweater Dean is wearing. (Over here, they’re called ‘jumpers’. See, the learning never stops on this site!)
Long sleeved shirt, long sleeved jumper and a tweed jacket. Dude must be roasting.
Just off hand, before I go sleepies, is anyone else genuinely worried about the state of Sam’s brain at the moment. How many times has he taken a bar, a fist or a waffle iron to the head so far this season alone? Add to that, how many times has he been choked thus depriving the brain of oxygen (also dangerous).
I’m convinced that all those inevitable brain aneurysms that he surely has at this stage have all just migrated to one non-lethal spot and are just lodged there. And by the looks of things they’re lodged in Sam’s sideburns. Sweetie, razor, now.
Thank ye kindly for my new title, O Enchanting Tim of the Emerald Isle 🙂
And I agree about the roasting – dude looked [u]hot[/u] (Sorry, couldn’t resist)
And continuing in this sartorial vein (and why not is what I say!), loved both the tweed jacket and the Fed suit of the older, increasingly quite exquisitely coiffed brother. New additions to the Haus of Winchester A/W line, methinks? Well played, Diane and Jeannie, well played.
I think the brain-related concerns you raise for the younger, bewhiskered Winchester merit serious consideration. I suppose that is one way to extinguish Hell-related hallucinations – choke them or bash them periodically, in the manner of Tom trying to flatten Jerry when he hides under a carpet.
mmmmm… about the recent trend this thread has taken, methinks a person would have to go to these SPN Con’s to understand where “perhaps” this could be viewed as being an galactic FU to the fans. I just don’t see it that way. Maybe they are putting a spin on SPN fandom, but I think it is because they feel we can take a joke. I for one found this episode funny. The waffle iron could be used to fight spirits too- ghosts [i]are[/i] effected by iron 😉
As for the Sam tied to the bed- I missed all of that and it was not until some of the er… female fandom here drew that to my attention, that I noticed. My thoughts was that for Sam, this was a mix between Kathy Bates in “Misery” and Danny Devito in “Throw Momma from the Train”( the waffle iron bit still cracks me up). But yeah, what somebody said- Sam tied up-crappy. When some of the females were being tortured, it was just that, torture. Nothing else. No “gee it was nice to see her strapped down”. IMHO Sam was right to be pissed at the end of this show, so I suppose in the end, the timing worked and it was good that he didn’t do the reunion gig after all. I stand corrected.
BTW how come folks choose to get their collective knickers in a knot over some BDSM stuff and the “absentee God” thing and the “I’m the new God” thing gets a pass?
This episode showed that Sam’s grows as a person, but dang it, the brothers still need each other and blood is blood… and waffle irons hurt. Is it me or do the boys flop like a carp? Maybe they should invest in helmets? Bound to be some concussion syndrome going on about now the boys have been knocked silly one too many times.
BTW how come folks choose to get their collective knickers in a knot over some BDSM stuff and the “absentee God” thing and the “I’m the new God” thing gets a pass? [/quote]
There were plenty of people who got pissed over the whole “New God” and “Absentee God” thing when it happened, but the simple difference is, calling yourself God or making it seem that God is absent is not a crime, however, drugging someone, hitting them on the head, kidnapping them, and then undressing them and tie them to the bed IS considered kidnapping and assault. One might be crapping on religion and knocking personal religious beliefs, and another is making light-hearted romp of a very serious crime that happens in society.
I enjoyed this episode for the most part (although not as much as The Monster at the End of This Book, The Real Ghostbusters, etc.) but the one thing that bugged me was that it was completely obvious that Sam was under a spell of some sort/cursed/whatever and Dean just left him with Becky. I get that Sam wasn’t in any real danger and that Dean was sort of trying to figure out what was going on, but to me it just didn’t make sense that Dean would leave an obviously enchanted/cursed Sam alone with the source of that curse. Just a structural thing that sort of bugged me. Anybody else?
I think he knew Sam was under some sort of influence, which is why he followed them to Becky’s home town. I don’t know what Dean could have done, bearing in mind that recently there was discussion between the boys about Sam’s decision making abilities and how Dean didn’t respect them, etc. Sam was not acting un-Samish, aside from marrying Becky. He stated that he’d tracked Becky down, she was tested as not being anything supernatural. Maybe Dean wondered if it was, on the off chance, the legit thing, what would he do to keep Sam from Becky in the long term and how would it damage the relationship further? Dunno. I’m over analyzing.
To me, I felt pretty vindicated for what I call the ‘mythical brother bond’ was pretty much confirmed to be over and done with.
Last week, Sam had been off on his own for 10 days and doing well, according to him. This episode he takes off to do his own thing during their annual Vegas trip with no worry over Dean and the problems he says he knows Dean is having. Twice during this episode, Sam told Dean he doesn’t need him anymore; once under the spell and then at the end he tells him he needs him only during a hunt to watch his back.
It’s obvious Sam has moved on now and is happy and managing quite well. From all appearances, Dean’s story this season is that he has to turn loose of Sam and move on, too.
The brothers are looking more and more like long-term working partners, not two brothers who have a special bond.
In this particular episode, I think Dean did what any long-term working partner would do; nothing more or nothing less.
For the record, I think the lack of that special bond is a part of what is missing from SPN these days.
I did feel really bad for Dean. Here he was in Vegas for what he thought was a “bonding” vacation for he and Sam… and Sam leaves him to go camping alone.
I mean, really Sam, you couldn’t have picked another time to go camping? So we have Dean in a Vegas strip bar, alone (and facing away from the actual strippers!) and only thinking about Sam… [i]oh, Dean[/i].
Well, I do hope Dean actually takes Sam’s words to heart and starts to focus on [i]himself[/i] from now on.
I originally thought the same thing, but now I’m sort of hoping that this is leading into a reverse of the norm–Sam taking care of and watching out for Dean instead of Dean watching out for Sam. Which yes, he’ll always do that anyways, but what I mean is, I’m hoping they’re starting an arc where both Dean and Sam acknowledge that Sam doesn’t need Dean to constantly take care of him anymore…but Dean needs Sam to take care of him and watch his back, especially right now while he’s tale spinning. Maybe this is just me seeing things that aren’t there, but I feel like they might be going that way, which would be an interesting change.
I don’t think that the fact that Jensen is not on twitter, for instance, is a hint at him moving on from the show. I doubt that you have to worry, dear.
When I experienced Jensen at a convention last year, I had the impression that he is more reserved, a tad quieter than Jared is.
I believe he’s reluctant to get a twitter account because he tries to keep his private life – private. I admire him for that, actually.
He might follow the twitter-trend at some point or be more candid in interviews, who knows – only Jensen, I guess…
I’ve never been to one of the conventions, but I have watched some of it on Youtube, and different interviews with both Jared & Jensen. As you’ve said, he seems more reserved. I think Jared has a very outgoing personality and Jensen is much quieter. Actually they remind me of my brothers. Both were musicians at one point, but one became a family man and the other continued in the music biz. He is extremely outgoing and extremely personable. Anywhere he goes, he meets someone he knows. And my other brother is very quiet and reserved, but he can bust out once in a while. Not to get all astrological, cause I know most people think that it’s hogwash, but Jensen is a Pieces, and I know alot of people of that zodiac sign and they are all very quiet and reserved. And personnaly I admire him for keeping his private life private. I think this is what makes these two guys so much fun, they play off of each other.
This is all personal conjecture obviously so please don’t any negativity my way.
[quote]There were a few things that I just didn’t like.
Also, it really irritates me that Becky’s name is Cohen. Is she a such a dork and a loser and an idiot because she’s Jewish? WTF? Is there an in-joke I’ve missed?[/quote]
Just to correct this misunderstanding at least. Becky’s surname is Rosen, not Cohen. For all I know Rosen might also be a Jewish name, but thought I’d point it out.
Not my favorite episode. But it didn’t offend me or anything. I was a bit disappointed that Show didn’t kill Becky off . . she is SO annoying.
I thought the love potion part was funny – Jared was cracking me up. Especially with the notebook.
But whacking him upside the head with the waffle iron? (And yeah, how in the HELL could she possibly move him?)And the tied to the bed thing was awkward and uncomfortable to me, not especially funny. I’m not sure if it was intended to be funny? Certainly it wasn’t being treated seriously.
Of all SPN’s writers, Daub & Lofflin are the only ones I consistently have issues with the episodes they write. Its tone or something – I dunno.
I loved Dean’s reaction where he can’t get the word ‘married’ or ‘Becky’ out of his mouth. Jensen’s timing is so wonderful. (I’m a bad fan – I didn’t notice the sweater.) The hug from Garth? Hysterical.
I really liked DJ Quails. We could see Garth again sometime. 🙂
So yeah, not my favorite episode and I was glad when Sam answered Becky’s “So will I see you again?” with ‘Yeah, no.”
I’ve seen enough of Becky — and if I do see her again? It better be Show killing her off. 😀
You really think that they purposefully made her a dork because she’s Jewish? I don’t think creed makes a difference here. She could have been purple with green spots and she’d still be a dork.
For the past few seasons all I’ve heard is Dean girls complaining about how Dean is all about Sam and now Sam has practically handed Dean his chance to stop being all about Sam and be more about Dean and the whining continues.
Apparently it was either seen as Sam not knowing his brother at all because he should realise Dean cant ever be more than all about Sam or as Sam giving Dean a big fuck you, don’t need you any more coz I’m a grown up now.
Not to mention the whining because Sam chose to go off and deal with his own shit himself when he should be glued to Dean’s side because Dean isnt coping?
I’m seeing a lot of ridiculousness in the fandom right now and its really making me wonder why I’m a part of it.
Many Dean girls didn’t want Sam’s issues to be a fixture on the show-I think it was labelled as wooby Sam and his man pain? They didnt want Dean to hold Sam’s hand through the season. So the show has made Sam deal with his own shit off screen.
There has been bitching about Dean being all about taking care of Sam and Sam not doing the same for Dean. So the show has had Sam’ issues shoved aside and his express concern for whatever Dean’s issue happened to be each week. I get the feeling they need Sam to be there to hold Dean’s hand through his current crisis, to solve all his issues for him when really Dean’s problems are things he needs to deal with himself. There is only so much Sam can do without Dean and the fandom harping on at him for being pushy.
Sam is trying to release Dean from the burden of having to deal with Sam’s issues when Dean is so clearly struggling with his own and I don’t think its fair he is being bashed for it.
Should Sam be dealing or not dealing for Dean’s convenience? I definitely get the impression that Dean is actually suffering because Sam is seemingly doing so well.
Also I seriously believe that if Becky were a true representation of the bulk of the on-line fandom she would be a lot less likeable, a lot whinier, a lot more judgemental and a lot more anti-Sam.
Wow. I think you may be on the wrong site… are you sure you didn’t wander in here from a Dean-hating site of some sort?
I’, not anti-Dean I just dont like Dean fans much.
That seems pretty closed-minded, though! There are lots of very nice Dean fans, Cas fans, and Sam fans, and there are some not-so-nice Dean fans, Cas fans, and Sam fans. Just as there are nice and not-nice people in every group. I don’t see any need to bash one fan group or another, do you?
I think sometimes we need to remind ourselves that it’s only a TV show. 😆
Amen, Jas!
I think that the writers are striking a decent balance between Sam and Dean (at the fairly least, they are striving to anyways – but then I never see it as a competition between the boys) and maturing these characters while maintaining who they are. I know a great many people would disagree with that, but for the most part I’m finding season seven well balanced. Is it the most myth-arc driven season of them all? No. It’s certainly no season 4. But it is nice to see the MoTW formula, some character development and some “big picture” plot advancements unrolling weekly, bit by bit as opposed to in your face (not that I dislike that approach either) – it’s refreshing coming off season six. I don’t always need a heart-pounding, roller-coaster race to the finale; slow and steady this season is doing me just fine.
[quote]Amen, Jas!
I think that the writers are striking a decent balance between Sam and Dean (at the fairly least, they are striving to anyways – but then I never see it as a competition between the boys) and maturing these characters while maintaining who they are. I know a great many people would disagree with that, but for the most part I’m finding season seven well balanced. Is it the most myth-arc driven season of them all? No. It’s certainly no season 4. But it is nice to see the MoTW formula, some character development and some “big picture” plot advancements unrolling weekly, bit by bit as opposed to in your face (not that I dislike that approach either) – it’s refreshing coming off season six. I don’t always need a heart-pounding, roller-coaster race to the finale; slow and steady this season is doing me just fine.[/quote]
Well said Elle. I totally agree.
Though I do like the fiery, adrenaline-filled storylines, I don’t mind quiet embers once in a while. It warms me just as much, if not more.
I am with you, Elle, on not always needing the heart-pounding. In particular not when my real life is heart-pounding enough. Let’s enjoy the “slow and steady”…
slow and steady is fine but it kind of feels like the show has stalled. They keep going back to old issues and not resolving them, just highlighting them. Every week we get a new issue with Dean but no sign of resolution.
I kind of hope these next two episodes are more about the myth arc as hinted at by SG, because it feels like that part of the show has somewhat stalled.
I’m looking forward to what looks like an action packed episode 9 and a Bobby centric mid season finale. I feel like there have been too many plodding along episodes and I could use a break from all the emo. For me the show used to be batter at balancing myth and character arcs.
There were plenty of people who got pissed over the whole “New God” and “Absentee God” thing when it happened, but the simple difference is, calling yourself God or making it seem that God is absent is not a crime, however, drugging someone, hitting them on the head, kidnapping them, and then undressing them and tie them to the bed IS considered kidnapping and assault. One might be crapping on religion and knocking personal religious beliefs, and another is making light-hearted romp of a very serious crime that happens in society.[/quote]
Hang on, calling yourself God is a crime, so is the other, God is not a big fan of idolatry, “you shall have no other gods before me”. Exodus 20:3.
But I am not here to have a religious debate. We’re talking about the crime committed here, Really? Lemme see- Sam shot a guy- human psychic in the last episode, that was ummm… murder- a crime. Day in and day out the boys do credit card fraud, making light of it, impersonating police officers and federal officials etc. All crimes, so let’s not draw the line in the sand on this. I haven’t even mentioned grand theft auto, grave robbing, being fugitives from the law…
Point is, this is a TV show, stuff happened, stuff always happens, they kill demons and save the world here so it is off the beaten track. If guys really lived like they did I’d wonder where they stow their clothes, especially the suits and when do they have time to work out between all the diner food. The writers want to poke some fun at some things and do it in a way that folks choose to interpret as crossing a line? Meh.
I’m giving the guys a mulligan on this one and looking at it the way it was intended- one of the more easy going episodes. I’m sure we’re in for a gore fest in the next little bit, so enjoy what you can while you can.
First of all, not everyone is religious, so no, the whole God thing is not a crime, not in the way that you can be prosecuted under the law for simply believing in another God or call yourself God. You don’t get arrested for it. And like I said, not everyone is religious so there that quote doesn’t apply to everyone.
Secondly, yes, the Winchesters have committed a lot of crimes, but they were done for survival, there was always a good logic behind it, they weren’t doing it because it was funny or making jokes or think it’s all cool and fun. But Sam being tied up and kidnapped, the writers made fun of the situation and we were suppose to laugh at when it isn’t funny. Now we’re suppose to laugh at something that would be have been a serious crime? THAT is the difference. They made this into something made to laugh and be funny when the subject content isn’t funny to many people who have been put into that kind of situation, and it is bad taste.
If they want to have light hearted comedy, there are many other stories to make fun off rather than making a light heart of kidnapping, drugging people, and would-be rape. Changing Channels and Bad Day At Black Rock were good examples of good fun easy going episodes, this one however is a disgrace and a mess.
I don’t care for gore-fest next week and I see no reason why because it’s a gore-fest next week that I’m suppose to enjoy this equally disgusting episode of awkward cringing moments.
And when being Hindu with many gods or Native American with non Christian gods becomes illegal, then this will not the the country I love. Right now anyone can declare themselves a god (although that may lead to psychiatric intervention, not criminal charges) or believe that there are gods other than the Christian god.
Sam and Dean do commit crimes AND they have been arrested for them as well. Now, I can buy that Sam didn’t press charges because he IS supposed to be dead, legally, but kidnapping and attempted rape aren’t funny to me.
To be fair, I also disliked the same writers’ handling of Dean’s Hell memories in Yellow Fever, which was supposed to be “funny” at times. Dabb and Lauflin are hit and miss for me and this one was a miss.
okay fine, it’s not a legal crime, and I did say I don’t want this to be a religious discussion, but I could be equally offended if I choose to be. And murder is very serious, and you seem fairly cavalier about it, fairly quick to write [i]that[/i] off. I get survival, but folks flopping like a carp is this show’s MO so why couldn’t this guy be winged or knocked out or something, it happens enough for the brothers. Sam could have shot the guy in the arm or leg, and he seems fairly pansy like, the shock alone would stun the guy enough that Sam could whack him on the head etc. It would even add more suspense to the episode.
I could see the writers spit balling this episode around a table, “Sam, this big lumbering guy, tied up by a girl half his size…” I am fairly confident that rape was not the topic of discussion, IMHO folks are making that mental leap all on their own.
Yeah, I get that, rape is a sensitive subject. One of the other blogs I do there is several instances of spankings and sure enough rape came up, and all the morally sensitive spoke out about rape and good for them. But like I said, I don’t think the issue of rape was on the table here.
I am not by any stretch defending Becky’s actions, it was douchy and I’m on Dean’s side with this, the veil went up and I said “whiskey, tango, foxtrot?!” The writers went to great pains to make sure that we, the viewers knew that the wedding was never consummated. Becky seemed very naive, ignorant, and not able to make the mental leap of the way she was going about things. It was not until Sam said “you roofied me” that I made any connection to what folks are going on about. IMHO that is what happened with Becks too.
I was looking at the demon’s POV- Sam Winchester, nemesis for many baddies,slayer of demons, killer of vamps, etc. rendered useless by a 99lbs weakling. heh. Substitute Sam getting married(the show’s theme) to Sam joining the circus or Sam becoming Deepak Chopra, or Dean becoming a suit. That was what it was about for me and hey, all in all it came off pretty good. Folks want to go down the path of rape, fine, whatever floats your boat, but your paddling that all on your own. That’s your choice to be offended or not.
And to be fair, I had to look up the episode “Yellow Fever”, I don’t have the SPN lexicon that some folks do, but the handling of Dean’s memories in certain parts of that ep were used to build tension, and it could be viewed in poor taste, but IMHO the episode as a whole was dang funny. “these badges are fake, what if we got busted, we could go to jail”… “who would pretend to be an FBI agent, that’s just nutty”… ([url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hm70FQ8dX74[/url]) heh, but we did get “eye of the tiger”…
I did giggle at some things, but overall I felt uncomfortable about how fandom was represented in the show and how Becky was used. There are annoying fans, but… And there are fans who would love see Sam (or Dean) tied to a bed and half-naked (one of my fantasies), but I felt that the epi went kinda overboard with us.
As to Becky Rosen, I like the girl and my reading of her character in the past seemed to point out that she would never go this “love spell her Sam†no matter how desperate she got. It’s a poor way to use a character who has given much delight in the past.
Oh, I may be wrong but from some of the books I’ve read and some of the blogs I follow, no ethical witch or Wiccan will ever use a love spell or potion to get a loved one. It’s a human rights violation