Important Notice: Nashcon Moved To February
I just saw this and I know many of you who planned to attend. Creation Entertainment has announced that due to scheduling conflicts with their special guest stars (I’m presuming Jared and Jensen), Nashcon has been moved from the original date of June 2-3 to February 4-5. Yes, that’s an entire four months earlier. It also puts you in Nashville during the winter months, which might kill any summer travel plans.
Below is the notice from Creation Entertainment:
In order to keep our current major star guests it necessitated changing the original convention date to the only other weekend that worked with their scheduling, which is thenew date of February 4-5, 2012. All previously sold Gold Tickets and “Works Packages” will be transferred to the new date and your hotel reservations (if made) will switch over to the new date as well. We regret this inconvenience but the only other option was canceling the convention. If the new date does not work for you please contact us at for various options. If you have issues please contact us via this email address rather than calling. Our customer service department will reopen on Monday November 14, 2011, so please email instead of calling. Please note that you will receive new tickets via email, which includes all Gold tickets, photo ops and autograph tickets. Your old tickets are void, so please discard them once you have your new tickets.
Thank you,
Creation Entertainment
So, does this change your travel plans? I’m not sure if I’ll be going now.

Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
Isn’t this likely to because Jared wants to be at home with his baby over the summer? So they’ve moved it to before the baby is due? If so I can’t blame him. Shame for those who can’t make it, but there will also be some who couldn’t make June but can go in feb.
No, it’s because Jared is going to every single one of the European Conventions: Italy, UK, Germany and France in April, May and June.
yeah i just noticed that jared signed up for uk and germany…so i guess his weekends are full and that’s why they moved it to feb..maybe there is a conflict with their schedules..i mean nashcon is after the paris con which jared and jensen are attending..
I cant go now, just too hard to get plane tickets and save spending money with the holidays coming up. I am going to get my tickets switched to Vancon instead.
The only issue I have with IF he changed his availablity because of the european conventions is that he said yes to Nashcon first so he should honor that. IMO.
I had a talk with the hubby today about it. This was the con we were going to take the kids to. It was a perfect weekend, the first weekend of June, just as school was getting out. Maybe take a few extra days and see the nearby attractions (considering we missed out at the last Nashcon because I ended up in the hospital down there).
Early February? That’s blizzard season here in the Midwest. I don’t see myself buying tickets for the whole fam just to risk having to drive 6 hours in hazardous conditions. I’ve lived in this area of the country long enough to have learned my lesson. Shame too. Opryland is nice, Nashville in February isn’t.
We’ve decided we’re going to NJ con instead. Sure there’s no Jensen, but my kids love Jared and Misha. That way, we can also work in some sightseeing in NYC and upstate NY. It’s summer vacation, we can take some extra time.
does anyone really know the reason for changing? the way it’s described is multiple conflicts with scheduling…i mean if only 1 of them couldn’t do it, they still could have convention (jared and misha have done this before and jensen/misha in rome)..but if j2 couldn’t do it then i see moving the entire convention..
This was the one Con I was going to attempt to make it to next year because its only about an 8hr drive from my house, but I’m with you Alice, there is no way I’m gonna attempt to drive from OKC to Nashville in February. Good news is they just announced a Con in Dallas in September so I think I will try to make that one instead. Bonus..its only a 3hr drive verses 8 or more to go somewhere else. Happy Happy Happy.
Yes, I’m not at all thrilled about the chance of driving in wintery conditions through the Tennessee mountains. I was also planning on bringing 2 or 3 friends along who have never been to a con of any sort before. total con newbies! I was so excited just thinking about the fun they were going to have! Our jobs would prevent us from going in February even without the weather. We may try for Chicago now since that’s still within road trip distance.
Now Mark Sheppard cant make the new date.. I had photo ops with him. Well good thing I am gonna change and go to Vancon.. use that photo op with someone else maybe.