A Look at Season One – A Slideshow
Here’s an original slideshow, summarizing Supernatural season one by episode. This started out as a song and mutated another way. Enjoy!
They’re back! There’s no better theme to reflect on the finer things in life than to imagine a world in which the Titanic didn’t sink. And Celine Dion didn’t become a mega superstar by singing dreck. Good times… Share on Facebook Tweet Follow us Save
I hope everyone in the USA had a great Thanksgiving! For those intersted in more, here’s last year’s message: https://www.thewinchesterfamilybusiness.com/article-list/the-lighter-side/13484-things-im-thankful-for-2010.html And the one from 2009: https://www.thewinchesterfamilybusiness.com/article-list/category15/4003-things-im-thankful-for.html Share on Facebook Tweet Follow us Save Alice Jester Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The…
In this edition of The Winchester Family Business Short Attention Span Theater, Castiel has been spending time on the fan boards and it has an impact. He calls in his good friends Sam and Dean for some advice… Share on Facebook Tweet Follow us Save Alice Jester Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer,…
Karen is getting into the musical slideshow act this week. Thanks to some help from Julie, she’s adapted her ode to Sam and Dean inspired by John Mellencamp’s song “Jack and Diane.” Brotherly hugs and fun galore! Share on Facebook Tweet Follow us Save
This week, inspirational words go to the dogs. And a cat. And Sam and Dean. It’s all good. Share on Facebook Tweet Follow us Save
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Julie, this is amazing. I’m in awe of your talent, I really am. And it’s so unique.
Thanks a million for this. (You’ll be doing season 2 as well, right??)
Thank you Tim. Yes, I have almost finished Season Two 🙂 Ju
Hi Julie
This is fantastic!
Can’t wait to see the other seasons.
Hello Karen
Pleaed you liked it! It was sort of an accident, honestly, it started as a song, Bostons `More than a feeling`, but it sort of took on a life of its own 🙂
Thanks for commenting Ju
Love this. Considering I’m in the process of rewatching the season right now, with my new TV, yeah. This is great. Love it.
Scarecrow is probably one of my fave of the season, but it’s probably because the it’s the first episode I ever saw.
Hi Far Away Eyes
I can identify with your comment. Seasons 1 and 2 were released here on Blue Ray yesterday and have just arrived through my letter box. I am a happy woman 🙂 Things really are so much more wonderful in Blue Ray 😉
I think we all have a soft spot for our first episodes, mine is IMTOD
Thanks for your comment Ju
Because of this little slide show, now I’m in the process of writing a little review for Scarecrow. Yeah. So thanks for that!
Seeing the picture of Dean in home broke my heart all over again : (
Hello trish
I know exactly what you mean, as if I would chose any other image there.
Thanks Ju
Thanks for this. It was lovely. I just watched episode one from season one last night, gearing up for the heavy stuff coming on the DVD’s of season six. I hope you do all seasons like this. Something to look forward to on a drab day at work.
Hi Sylvie
Pleased I could help to cheer up your day!
As I said I have just about finished Season 2. AHBL is proving hard to sum up in a couple of lines !? 😮
Thanks for commenting Ju
You have quite a knack for choosing some of the most disgusting and moving scenes of the first season 😆 !
I enjoyed this so much. It moved me, reminded me of days the young hunters were somewhat more innocent than they are today… Much has changed.
Thank you so much for this lovely trip down memory lane! Just as Sylvie puts it – on my [i]drab day at work [/i] this made me smile. I just couldn’t comment earlier.
Love, Jas
Hi Jas
It makes me kind of sad too when you look back at some of these images. Our boys do look so young and innocent here, it makes me want to protect them from all the problems and hurt that they are going to face 🙁
I am pleased you enjoyed the nasty images too!
Love Ju
Julie, that was fun.
Season one, wow.
The good: John, ‘Faith’, ‘Home’, Bobby, original Meg, ‘the Benders’, ‘Something Wicked’, ‘the Pilot’, etc…..
The bad: Cassie, ‘Bugs’.
The ugly: WTF the Impala NOOOOOOO………
Will you be doing this for all the seasons? Maybe, if we all ask nicely? 😀
Hi nancyL
Pleased you enjoyed it
It is nice to take a trip down these particular memory lanes don`t you think?
Even the `bad` ones 😉
Thanks for your comment Ju
Hello Dany,
Lovely to `see` you round here!
You are right they do look very young and somewhat happier!
Yes, I am intending to attempt the other seasons, it will mean a [b]lot[/b] of `research` but you know I am more than willing to sacrifice myself for your entertainment 😉 😆
Love Ju
(sigh)the good all days
Route 666 had a truck and Cassie (the envy of all Dean’s girls. I want to be Cassie 😆 )
Then Bugs with the shortest night ever, no doubt (haha is funny cause is true)
Dean found the Benders not the most gracious hosts ( and Dean looked yummy)
The scarecrow demanded a high price for fruit (And Sam left :'(
They killed Meg and we met YED (awesome awesome episode)
Not knowing the boys or the Impala were dead (hehe the Impala)
fabulous thanks Julie
maggie , I get the impression you enjoyed this wander down memory lane 😉
There were some wonderful episodes. Really difficult for me to chose a favourite but I do love Devil`s Trap, and Something Wicked, although I do end up hurling abuse at the tv ( or more accurately John Winchester ) when I watch this one. Also love Dead in the water and Faith and …. maybe easier to say which ones I don`t re watch very often! No surprises think lots of people might agree, Bugs and Route 666?
Don`t want to be Cassie though, she did hurt and upset Dean, this is[b] not[/b] allowed! 😡
Thanks for commenting Ju
What an amazing trip down memory lane. Season 1 will always have a special place in my heart. Even Dean has an innocence that has long since been lost. The weight of the entire world had not been put on their shoulders yet (How many times?)The angst of Dean’s call home -yes. 🙁 Even the regrettable “Bugs” and “Route 666” had some redeeming values. I love how Dean related to the little kid in “Dead in the Water” – a portent of things that were to come? 😥
Thanks- and when can we expect Seasons 😆 2-6? 😀
Hello Marilyn,
One of the best things about things about this show is that even when we get the occasional dodgy episode there are always good bits within these, and they are still better than the majority of stuff on TV!
It is lovely to look back and see our boys looking so young and innocent, Dean really did enjoy his `work` back then bless him! 🙂 But it does make me sad knowing what they will soon have to face.
Thanks for commenting and Season 2 is on the way! Ju
Hi Julie,
Kudos!! I do love the way your mind works. This was wonderful.
It reminded me of many of the great moments of Season One. On an incredibly shallow note, it reminded me that some Season One episodes included a shirtless Dean. Will that ever happen again? (Not since Season 4 with Anna in the back of the Impala, and that was in the dark!)
We live in hope.
Pragmatic Dreamer,
I admit my mind works in some pretty weird ways at times 😮 but I am pleased you enjoyed this and it brought back some nice memories.
BTW I know it was a dream but have you forgotten the opening of The Third Man? 😉
I had forgotten about that short shot at the beginning of The Third Man.. Probably because it was so fleeting!
Thanks for reminding me of it, and many other beautiful images!
(It does, however, still leave me wishing for more skin scenes. I am so shallow!)