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Julie, that was WONDERFUL. 😀
Call me old, but I recognized the song right away. Loved Orleans, ‘Still the One’, ‘Dance with Me’.
Anyway back to the main topic.
Sorry, but some things I will not do for our boys, and one of them is rewatch ‘Bugs’. Like Meatloaf sang, ‘I’d Do Anything for Love (But I Won’t Do That)’. 😆
I love #4, ‘In September, we start another year’. WooHoo. 😀 😀
Hi nancyL,
Ahh Dance with me!!! I love that one too. I must admit I did wonder if anyone else would like this track when I `did` it but it just felt so right to me.
I will re watch anything but there are some episodes that don`t make the cut anywhere near as often as others – Coughs `Fallen Idols` 😮
Thanks for the comment Ju
Loved that Julie!
And I still watch ‘Bugs’ every time I go through the episodes again. It has some great back and forth with the brothers re: family stuff and Dad stuff. There are 3 or 4 episodes I dislike much more than ‘Bugs’.
And it has Dean in the steam shower!! 🙄
Hello Bevie
I [b]never[/b] actually watch old episodes in order so some get viewed a lot and some very infrequently. I have to confess Bugs is on that list but there are none that I would not happily view again as there is, as you point out, always something wonderful in every one 😉
Thanks for commenting pleased you enjoyed it, Ju
Another great one Julie. Such lovely pictures to feast our eyes on. And I’ll watch “Bugs”, “Route 666” and “All Dogs Go to Heaven” only when I’m done with every other episode! I will be that desperate to see my Winchesters back again. Although, now I think about it ADGTH has Sniper Dean, so maybe I’ll zip through for that part!
Thank you Sylvie
ADGTH was not one of my favourites either but worth it just for `Sniper Dean` he really should do that more often 🙂 Ju
That was awesome. 😆 Love how you showed them season 1 – 6.Weren’t they babies back then? It’s probably a good thing they had no idea of everything they would be going through in the future.
PS: I rewatch all of them; some more than others. “Bugs” I fast forward through the ickier parts.
Helo marilyn
I admit sometimes when I watch an early episode I get the urge to wrap them up and protect them from all the horrors I know are coming, mad I know! 😮
I think everyone has their own `icky` moments, I have a major thing about eyes and have never watched a certain scene in Time on my hands.
Thanks for your comment Ju
WOW Julie, this is fantastic! Just what the doctor ordered. I smiled so widely it made my face hurt! And I too may be giving away my age, but the whole time I watched the slideshow, the song was playing in my head! I simply love this show. And yes I even re-watch Bugs! Because even the worst episodes of Supernatural are better than anything else on TV. Thanks for this! It was a perfect end to my not so perfect day!
Hi boobula
Sorry about your rough day but pleased if this helped to cheer you up a little 🙂
Could not agree with you more a `bad` Supernatural episode is still the best thing you will see on TV
I dont really care if the songs are old or new. I think this sounds just as good today as it did back then. It really scares me sometimes when I realise just how old some of these songs are 😮
Thanks for commenting Ju
Oh gosh! This has been one of my favorite song since childhood, and I still love it. But seeing those pretty faces to this song made it even better. 😆 I actually left some of the boards because of the constant back-and-forth between the fans, and I’m just like, “Hey, I just love this show! I’m just going along for the ride!” It totally describes my feelings, and this is my first summer hellatus, so it’s nerve wracking! 😥 Great job!
Hello Cassy
You know, I really did wonder when I did this if anyone else would remember/love this like I do, I am so pleased that so many people do as it is such a happy little song. 😆
I am so with you on the `let`s just enjoy the show` this is exactly the way I feel, sure I like to talk about it but the micro anaylising of every word or plot point is just not for me either. Everyone has their own ideas and theories and rarely changes them during these discussions. It`s entertainment and I can`t think of any show that does the job better.
There is room for everyone here though and that is why I love it, Hope you feel `at home` too 😉
Hi Dany,
Thanks, I knew you would like this one! 🙂
Hope you enjoy singing it, it is what a friend of ours would call an `ear worm` song – it gets stuck in your brain, but there are far worse ones that could be there!
Love Ju
Thanks that was great and really made me smile!
Thank you for commenting MarieVictoria, I am really pleased this made you smile 🙂