The WFB Short Attention Span Theater Presents: Happy Birthday Sam!!!

Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
Oh, Alice! This is the best way to start a day!
Thank you so much for this Sam-fest! I love the guy – but who am I telling that?! 😮
I’m grinning like a fool right now, am happy dancing, yeeee-hawing in my head of ourse (I wouldn’t want to scare my neighbours with the crazy psycho), singing, ah, well, anything else I can come up with!
You are simply wonderful, woman!
Love, Jas
Thanks! I must say, that turned out to be a pretty good effort considering I started pulling it out of my butt at 10:50 EST. I totally forgot what day it was! Luckily, photos from The French Mistake are very accommodating.
OMG with the end of the season comming up and worring about Cas, I completly forgot Sams birthday.
Thank you Alice, what a wounderful way to celebrate it. Somewhere it is still May 2nd, 😆
I second all that Jas said this was wonderful 😆
What a brilliant concept, and because I have a very strange brain my mind drifted immediately to `Alice in Wonderland`. I now have visions of Dean singing `A Very Merry Unbirthday` a la Mad Hatter, he does not have to wear the Top Hat with 10/6 on it though, the stetson will suffice 😉
Thanks for this Love Ju
Perfect, I loved it.
That was schweeeet! And I’m all for No Pants Day, by the way, at least if the guys are in!
😀 😆 😀 😆
This was a fantastic tribute to Sam’s Birthday.
Happy Birthday Sam!
Such inventive reasons to have a few drinks (No Pants Day..hehehehe).
And here I was always using the
‘Only drink on days that end in ‘Y” excuse. 😉
You know Dean`s already done `No Pants Day` [youtube][/youtube] 🙂
Sorry couldn`t resist!
Happy Birthday Sammy! There’s always a reason to celebrate when you’re a Winchester.
Alice, if your butt could produce this it really is amazing. Thank it for me!
This is so great! What a fun way to celebrate Sam’s birthday. Very good job!
This was wonderful.
Happy Belated Birthday, Sammy Winchester!
Bwah!! National Oatmeal Cookie Day! This was wonderful. A sweet antidote to my “grumpy” day.
Thanks muchly!
Happy Birthday, Sam!
THANK YOU MUCH, ALICE! Made me so happy seeing the brothers like this. Reminded me that I wanna hug them always.
MMM … Winchester No Pants Day sounds like something to celebrate 🙂 … ( Drifts off to happy place in head ) Could we combine it with the cookie one?
I agree that is a holiday that needs to happen. But we need to stress the Winchester part or we’ll have a bunch of hairy creepers volunteering to celebrate. 😀
Wow Alice.. its just awesome..!! no words..!! well happy birthday sammy..!! wish this year brings u loads n loads of happiness..!!! which am not quite sure of. but stil one can’t stop wishing..!!