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I think Rainbow Confetti Bullets should be required equipment from now on. They sure are pretty. 😆
And basketball is just plain EVIL – okay to watch as a spectator but trying to put ball through hoop was impossible for me. 😥
Great Job!!!
This ep was awesome, and #9 was my favourite part. I love it when both Sam and Dean can see the silly side and – shock, horror! – laugh about it. It does my heart good to see that. Have we seen that since Hell House? I can’t remember.
Keep ’em comin’, Ardeospina.
I was always a bit suspect of Unicorns with rainbows coming out of their rear ends, good to know my fears for the environment have been confirmed! 😮
We always knew though that Dean would fit right in with five year olds….right!
Brilliant Ardeospina.
Ahh, Dean will always have the heart of a five-year-old. I love that look of wonder when he sees something he wants. And unicorns are bad for the environment? Who knew?