12 Days of Supernatural Christmas: Day Five
Five manly rings…
Four calling phones…
Three hot guys…
Two muscle cars…
And a scarecrow near an apple tree.
Five manly rings…
Four calling phones…
Three hot guys…
Two muscle cars…
And a scarecrow near an apple tree.
We have so much talent in the Supernatural fandom! Fans draw, edit photos and videos, write fan fics, create costumes or props, make jewelry and much more. It’s time to showcase some of the #SPNFamily’s talent and ask the people behind the creations some questions! I´d like you to meet Sherri! Sherri sketches beautifully detailed…
300. That is a lot! By the time Supernatural filmed it’s 300th episode, it was season 14! Jack had joined the cast and Jeffrey Dean Morgan came back for a touching reunion. 300 caption contests later, The Winchester Family Business is talking about Walker, doing retro Supernatural reviews, and still having a laugh at our…
Seven Reasons to Be Grateful for During the Holiday Season Santa never came down your chimney. More to the point, Santa never ripped you up your chimney. Share on FacebookTweetFollow usSave
From hurting puppy to adorable pet with teeth in his mouth – here’s Jaspala Wesson’s exclusive report on a new breed of rarities. Despite its discovery in 2005, this exceptional breed hasn’t been studied by scientists yet. But – times are changing. The WFB Gazette’s intrepid reporter hunted down the researchers entrusted with the study…
(This is a repost from this day back in 2010. After all, today is Festivus and it turns out Supernatural is well rooted in the holiday. Go figure!). It’s December 23rd, so Happy Festivus everyone! It’s amazing how this made up holiday from the TV show Seinfeld has just grown in the hearts of many. From the…
(For Part One, the link is here). 16. Teddy bears Leave it to Ben Edlund to bring a warm, fuzzy childhood companion to life as a 7-foot bipolar nutjob. He’s scarier than a real bear. Tea parties are strongly discouraged. Dean, are you ever going to hunt this little bitch down? 17. A nice,…
Will we ever find out what happened to the ‘god locating’ amulet? It cannot be in a garbage dump. 🙁
haha love the rings : :-):-) cant wait to see what number 6 is
I love the 12 Days of Christmas,and I want to know about the amulet too.. will it ever come back?
yes, where is the amulet, & what did Dean do with the rest of the horsemens’ rings?
I swear, Dean wears the other horsemens’ rings secretly when he’s trying fashionable outfits. Because – what neither of us knew: he’s a secret fashion victim. In every city he steals into Burberry’s, Armani’s or Brioni’s and tries on various elegant suits. 😀 Heaven knows he looks yummy in those…
Flamey, you always suprise! Never thought you’d put these on. Keep ’em coming. I’m a bit late, but finally I’m getting the gist of how difficult this project of yours probably is. Kudos!
Love Jas
Heh! 😆 Well done for working that in … Not just handsome and magical, they make pretty good knuckledusters too! 😉
Jasminka, Dean is a fashionista ????? 😀 😀 😀
The truth shall set you free, Dean. 😆 😆 😆
I think you might be onto something, Jasmnka. I mean, how do we know that copy of InStyle magazine belonged to Lisa? She seems to live in jeans.
Maybe Dean is thinking of an alternative career as a male model??
The moment Dean starts walking the fashion cat walks… ah, I’m going to kill to sit in the front row, Lagerfeld or not! 😆 sigh…
OMG, maybe they’ll have Dean be a male model as “Jensen” in that meta episode they’re planning since Jensen used to be a model. That would be an epic win!
LOVE that idea, Ardeospina!!