A Christmas Dream
Editor’s Note: Supernatural inspires each of its fans in different ways. I write. Others draw, create fan videos or write fan fiction. Bettina creates collages of Supernatural’s characters edited together with images that express her interpretation of the characters’ personalities or characteristics. I first saw Bettina’s “Animal” themed art on Twitter. I thought it was…
Kind readers, in need for fun on a really tough working day, I had to escape to a place where happiness, laughter and Supernatural was to be found… so, I figured I’d limerick a bit… Have fun going through this and – if you like – compose your own limericks, silly, dirty, angry limericks…. you name…
Eight Metallicar moments… Seven sneaky Johns… Six bitch a-facings… Five anti-demon rings… Four future Deans… Three shirtless Sams… Two badass wings… and air fresheners on a pine tree. Share on FacebookTweetFollow usSaveAlice JesterAlice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. …
Dear Robert, This is to ask you to let the TV show Supernatural to use one of Led Zeppelin’s songs. Any of their songs, as agreed between the band and Eric Kripke. We know that the rights to Led Zeppelin songs are treated with the care they deserve. We think Supernatural, for its services over the years to rock music in Hollywood,…
We have so much talent in the Supernatural fandom! Fans draw, edit photos and videos, write fan fics, create costumes or props, make jewelry and much more. It’s time to showcase the #SPNFamily’s talent and ask the people behind the creations some questions! Giovanna aka GioGui is the next artist I want to introduce…
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Karen….this was excellent, so beautiful and well thought out. I really enjoyed this. Nice to believe the boys had a good Christmas too. Very moving….Thanks for sharing.
Your know this would have been a GREAT Christmas episode for this year. T oo bad you don’t write for SPN. 😉
Awwww! We have at least 3 great poets on this site.
That was a really nice gift to give the boys and Bobby.
Very, very groovy and sablegreen is right, would have been a quite poignant episode, then everyone wakes up into the soul-crushing misery that is the world of Supernatural.
This was so beautiful, your poems just rock girl!
*sniffles* I’d like the boys to have that kinda christmas too, lord knows they deserve one *sigh*
Now I gotta and watch me some Supernatural Christmas and sniffle some more 🙂
Thanks everyone. I’m so happy you liked this.
After ‘Abandon all Hope’ I was feeling so bad for the guys.
I thought if they could have just one good moment in their lives, what would it be.
And being around Christmas I got inspired. I get a little sappy around this time.
Sablegreen and Randal without any bloodshed, gruesome murders, mellon balers, sink disposal units, motw, I don’t think this would ever fly as an episode. I just can’t see Kripke going for it.
But thank-you for thinking that it could be, I’m completely honoured.
Hi, Karen,
What a fun idea to give us a little respite from nothing new in the SPN realm during hellatus!
I love the idea of John and Mary and Ellen and Jo all being there with Jessica and how people paired up to talk and share…very nice.
Thanks for sharing.
Hi Elle2
Thank-you so much. I’m glad you enjoyed it.
Karen, this is magical. How do you come up with beautiful stuff like that?! I’m equally sappy this time of year,so the tissue-requiring part of me is glad that we’ll have another year till it’s Christmas again…
You know, there is also Easter, and there are some other holidays… (hint, hint), 😉
Thanks! Always a great pleasure! Take care, Jas
Well done … I think you’re probably the first person in the entire history of rhyme to combine “quota” with “Dakota” and frankly I’m in awe.
Hi Jasminka and Suze
Thank you so much for your comments.
Easter eh? I will have to think about that one.
For some reason the killer rabbit in Monty Python and the Holy Grail keeps coming into my head.
As for rhyming Dakota with quota, I have to admit that one was tricky to come up with. I had changed around the first line numerous times before the word quota came to mind.
I was so happy.
Cheers to you both!
OMGOSH, Karen… It couldn’t have been more perfect. I