Recap – “Devil’s Trap”
This is where I get all excited, for this is not only one of the most breathtaking scenes, its Dean Winchester at his most badass. Man does Jensen rock this scene. I suspect when people complain about Dean in season five and six, this is the guy they’re comparing.
A powerless and trapped Meg is tied to the chair and she is so getting the stare down from two put out Winchesters. Meg decides smart mouth demon is more fun and we couldn’t agree more. “You know, if you wanted to tie me up, all you had to do is ask.” Bobby comes back from salting the doors and windows so no other demon is getting in. So now its time for Dean to get in some bad ass interrogation and a cavalcade of great lines.
“Where’s our Father Meg?” “You didn’t ask very nice. “Where’s our Father bitch?” “Geez, do you kiss your mother with that mouth? Oh, I forgot, you don’t.” Dean loses his temper and all I can think about here is how perfect these two would be for angry demon sex. None of that until season four though and wrong Winchester.
Dean is yelling now, demanding to know where John is and what they did to him. Meg insists he died screaming for she killed him herself. Wasn’t it the other guy that had him? Dean doesn’t care what she says and smacks her across the face. Hey, its the only time hitting a girl is legal. “That’s kind of a turn on, you hitting a girl.” Meg says with a malevolent grin while Bobby and Sam watch in the background like they’re taking in an intense movie. Dean insists that she is no girl but Bobby jumps in with other information. She really is a girl. She’s possessed. “That’s a human possessed by a demon, can’t you tell?” Bobby, they had only recently figured out she was a demon. These details are slipping by them right now.
Dean finds this reveal to be good news because now he can really get tough with this bitch! Whoo hoo! Out comes John’s journal and as a major bonus to Dean’s brutally hot interrogation, we get Sammy speaking Latin. Oh, the timber of his voice when he does this. I could watch a whole series of these two doing just this!
“You going to read me a story?” Smartass Meg asks. Dean has Sam get started. Meg plays it cool over it being an exorcism but Dean stays uncorked. “We’re going for it baby. Head spinning, projectile vomiting, the whole nine yards.” Meg feels a little pain, threatens to kill, but she can’t stand up to Sammy’s latinating. Who can? Dean insists she’ll burn in Hell unless she tells them where John is. No answer. “Well, at least you’ll get a nice tan.” He cues Sam who then goes on with the latin. Meg sticks with the dead story, insisting he begged for his life before she slit his throat. Sam and Dean share a worried look and Sam goes on. Dean really goes off on her now, insisting that she better be lying. If she isn’t, he’s going to march into Hell and slaughter “everyone of you son-of-a-bitches I can find.” Meg doesn’t flinch.
Sam continues and now pages start blowing around. Dean tries again. “You just won’t take dead for an answer.” Dean asks again, she says dead. “No he’s not! He’s not dead, he can’t be!” Oh, the cold hard stare is making me melt here! Sam gives Dean that “you’re going too far” look. “What are you looking at? Keep reading.” Sam goes on and this is the fun part. Meg screams and the chair violently moves to each corner of the pentagram. As many times as I’ve seen that, it still rocks!
He commands Sam to keep going, but Sam is hesitant. Sam thinks they can still use her to find out where the demon is. Dean believes she doesn’t know. Sam thinks she lied. Dean argues there’s an innocent girl in there so they’ve got to help her. Sure Dean, you got the answer you wanted so you get to pull out that old excuse. Bobby reminds him that Meg fell from a building so if he finishes the exorcism, they kill her.
Dean doesn’t care, for if that’s the case they’re going to put her out of her misery. Bobby doesn’t argue but doesn’t look happy. “Sam, finish it,” Dean orders. Ooh, but Sam is definitely not happy. His glare of defiant disapproval says it all! He looks at Bobby, goes back to Dean, then sees the suffering Meg. “Finish it,” Dean orders again. Sam reluctantly begins the latinating again. Meg starts shifting all wonky like and Sam recites louder. He finishes and the black smoke goes shooting out of Meg in spectacular fashion. Sure, this is old hat to us now, but at the time, that visual was pretty freaking amazing. A first!
The real Meg droops and Dean, Bobby, and Sam stare at her in disbelief. She’s bleeding from the mouth, but suddenly starts choking on it. The upward angle on Meg’s limp body Kim Manners uses here is great. Dean orders Bobby to call 911 and needs water and blankets. Really? You think that’s going to save her? Whatever. Sam and Dean tend to Meg, untying her. She manages to thank them in the process. They help her to the floor and she cries out in pain. She’s not so thankful now!
She tells them it’s been a year while Sam tries to reassure with puppy dog eyes. Hey, that’s one of his superpowers. She goes on with the awful tale, she was awake for some of it and couldn’t move in her own body. She did horrible things. Dean wants to know if demon Meg was telling the truth. She warns Dean they want him to know and come for him. Dean doesn’t care, his priority is to get his Dad back. Sam, naturally, wants to know where the demon is they are looking for. Not there. Sorry Sam, you’ll just have to save your OWN FREAKING FATHER instead. Dean wants to know where they are keeping John. Near the river. “Sunrise.” Meg slips away.
Dean asks what it means but its too late. He just gets a blank stare from Meg’s corpse. The tender music plays and yeah, this is one pretty somber moment. It’s even sadder when you think Meg is still one of the early innocent victims in this story. Plenty more corpses to come.
Bobby tells them to get out of there before the paramedics get there. Dean wants to know what Bobby is going to tell them. “You think you guys invented lying to the cops?” No, but they’re so much prettier doing it! Bobby hands Sam the gigantic Key of Solomon book for they might need it. If anything, Sam’s big enough to carry it. They both thank Bobby, especially Dean who tells him to be careful. Bobby wants them to bring John around after they save him, this time he won’t even try to shoot him. I’m sure John will do something that will make him change his mind.

Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
As you know Alice, I love your recaps, but there is something special about the retro ones, maybe its because we are so familiar with these episodes, it`s like revisiting old friends, rediscovering all the tiny nuances and details therein.
What made this one great was that it`s one of my favourite episodes, it is one I watch a lot,in fact I watched it earlier this week and could probably recite the entire script ( obsessed Moi!! Perish the thought).
It has so many scenes I love and it also gave us the introduction of our beloved Bobby, is that not reason enough to call it special? For me this was one of the key episodes for Dean, here, he grew up and came into his own and, as you say, he was such a bad ass but utterly wonderful too. I think Jensen was fantastic here. About him not being killed like in SFTD and SS that was a great theory! I am still, like you, waiting for the explanation on the whole true servant of heaven stuff and why he could kill the Whore of Babylon. It also gives all the doubters out there a reminder of his character, how sad to think when you watch this of everything he, and Sam, have had to face since then but he may be battered but he is still standing and still fighting
It was also good the see the interaction with John and I think this explained a lot, offering a much deeper insight into both boys characters, the fact that they knew he was not himself because he was actually being nice and supportive speaks volumes, sorry Yvonne but it does, not knocking JW I know he did love his boys really but we have to agree to disagree on his parenting skills.
Cannot wait for your take on IMTOD as this was my `first one` and holds a very special place in my heart, thanks again Ju
Never stop the retro-recaps, Alice! I just love them – and this is one of my ever favourite episodes. There is so much in it, tragedy, humour, love, anger, despair, well, let’s say, the best of good tv drama.
And this piece of yours brought all the moments I love back to me (not, as if that was necessary, really, as I know this episode quite well – I hear you, Julie -).
you rock. Jas
Where oh where is the classic car humanity!!!!
This was excellent, Alice, so glad you’re planning to finish this three-part retro-recap.
There was so much goodness in this episode as well as a few bits of not-so goodness with some continuity issues (demon smoke, holy water and salt lines) still, very cool. So I’ll just hand wave at some of those things or as you have done, point them out and then go with mystical fairy demons…yeah, that’s why.
I also noticed that Dean has three times now been on the receiving end of near death by a demon possessed loved one (well, Lucifer wasn’t a demon, fallen angel possessed loved one there) and each time be it John, Bobby or Sam has been able to take control and change the course of the action. I think it has everything to do with love (the power of love! HAH) which is what enabled Bobby, John and Sam to take back control.
Ahhh, what a chick-flick moment that is too.
Great recap. I’ll be looking forward to the third and final installment during the upcoming winter hellatus (not that I’m wishing that upon us any early than need be)
A retrospective historical recap. What could be better on a snowy Wednesday afternoon?
Ok, must check my ‘awesome episode’ checklist and see how this episode rates.
Angst moments aplenty – check
Meg (the original and best!) – check
Brothers fighting for the common good – check
John – check.
John being shot – check.
John looking sad – check.
John being a dad – check.
John on the floor = check
JOHN TIED TO A FREAKING BED!! – (Needs to lie down for a wee bit…) Um, check
John with chest hair -check (Hey, it’s there, ok)
Latin – check
Awesome Bobby – check
Smartassery to demons – check (God, I love hearing that!)
Sam and Dean dressed as firemen – check (I never realised this was a fantasy of mine until I saw the boys shimmying out of those uniforms…)
Ah lads, this episode was great. A+ times a squagillion.
Alice, keep lashing these out, please and thanks….
Love retro recaps! Awesome as usual. This episode is near the top of my all time favs list. The Dean and Meg showdown, with Sam and Bobby to boot! Dean at his badassery (spellcheck says it’s not a word, but I like it) best. Sam with the Latin and floppy hair. Bobby’s first appearance. John. What more can I say, other than I LOVE this show. Like ya’ll didn’t know that already. And Alice I’m with you. Dead people, fine. Dead animals, not so much. I was relieved in Family Matters when it was dead dudes not dogs. Go figure. I am looking forward to the third installment. 😀
I loved this retro recap Alice. This is one of my very favourite episodes ever! It had everything! But most of all it had the brothers together. Loved the way Sam moved to side with Dean when John was being a good parent. Also Sam stepping over his father to go to Dean who was bleeding on the floor. That’s the way I wish for them to be and have been missing now for more than 2 years.
Yes, my favourite seasons are 1, 2 and 3 and I’m hoping that some day that warm feeling will return during an episode. Please please please! Bring them back together older but wiser and caring about each other like in the first 3 seasons. I don’t think Dean ever lost that feeling, but Sammy needs to get that back as soon as possible.
I agree with you Alice in thinking that Dean IS a true servant of God for all your reasons. Something he could never believe himself with all his low self esteem but is true nonetheless.
Looking forward to more of your retro recaps. 🙂
Alice, I know I’ve said this before but I LOVE your recaps! They are so much fun to read, especially in retrospect. I forgot how good this episode was and oh, that brotherly relationship, how I miss it.
What I do remember vividly was the absolute shock I felt when the truck hit the Impala. I think I just sat there in stunned silence, mouth gaping, while the credits rolled. And I did not have the luxury of having the season 2 DVD beside me. No, I had to wait through an agonizing summer for the show to (hopefully) return come the fall. And thank God it did! 😀
I became a fan of this show during the summer between the third and the fourth season. I saw all the episodes in two weeks. And I remember this episode very well. It is until now a top in my top list. A thin line to the excellence. And this moment I cherish, although the drama, this moment when Dean said to his father, “Dad, don’t you let it kill me” and the “please”. I remember this moment as the moment I became a Jensen Ackles’ fan forever. Until now, I was in a very special trip with this show. I can say now why and when this show is special for me, every week of my life since then. A very emotional, self-learning(is it a word ? I don’t know) trip. I will be grateful to all of them for that, eternally. I could write for hours about the feelings and the pure entertainment, and the meanings and I stop to write now because I feel like I ramble. But yeah, a very good episode with the mother of all the cliffhangers in it. It’s a great idea to review old pieces, it’s a good memory !
This episode is a win for me simply because John is in it…even if Yellow Eyes is possessing him for most his screen time. All the other excellence is huge bonus material.
And Julie, have I ever said John’s parenting skills were admirable? The guy did the best he could, but that doesn’t mean he didn’t make some rather huge, constant and awful mistakes.
I’m aching to go into a “this is why I love John” expose, but am (admirably I think) restraining myself.
Oh, and Tim the Enchanter, I am in fervent agreement. John tied to bed causes massive weakness and needamomenttocomposemyselfness. Papa Winchester…um. I’ve said it before but it doesn’t hurt to reiterate, I love the boys (and am still beginning the lean toward Samgirl), but I’ll be a Johnwoman for life.
Alice, don’t you sleep???? 😀
The days of bad-ass Dean, puppy-eyed Sam speaking Latin, Daddy Winchester, the intro of Bobby. 🙂 🙂
Is ‘latinating’ a real word? 😆 😆
C’mon, Bobby is pretty too. 😆
The Sam and Dean love was front and center during this episode. I love your first picture on page two, of the two of them together. Remember when they would have whole conversations without saying a word.
I agree, ‘Rumsfeld’, is a big ass dog that could either rip your face off with one bite, or drown you with one lick of his tongue. You do not name a Chihuahua ‘Rumsfeld’. 😆
With SUPERNATURAL, the real enjoyment in re-watching the earlier episodes is that you now know how all the pieces fit together. I have been watching this wonderful show since the beginning. When the Impala was hit at the end, it was all WTF WTF WTF WTF. I knew that everybody had to live, but it was painful to wait til the end of September to find out how.
I didn’t have your wonderful 😀 😀 website to go to spend the summer Hellatus. But now I am grateful to have you and all your wonderful writers. 😀 😀 😀 Just want to thank you for all your hard work.
OK, ‘chick flick moment’ is over, is it Friday yet?
Meg returns. 😉
I would love to find a Chihuahua once by the name of Rumsfeld. So wonderfully absurd.
:lol:, Jas
I loved this. The Salvation/Devil’s Trap/In My Time of Dying threesome is one of my favorites on the show. It’s almost like one really long episode in three parts.
It’s always fun to go back and watch old episodes after knowing what happens later. Like it’s always been funny to me how little they know about demons in S1, when their lives are pretty much run by demons for the rest of the show.
This cracked me up btw: “Yellow eyes steps backward, closes his eyes, looks up and suddenly Dean is screaming in agony. Sam is yelling “No!’ in the background because he’s always been under the illusion that it helps.”
Hi Alice
I will always love your recaps especially with your comedic style.
I had missed Salvation and Devil’s Trap when it originally aired due to my work schedule and VCR issues. So I didn’t suffer the summer hiatus that year like the others as I had no idea what had transpired. However I was able to catch In My Time of Dying when it aired and was so overwhelmed by that episode.
I have to admit I do favour seasons 1-3 over Seasons 4 & 5. That’s not to say season 4 & 5 was not spectacular. I just missed the strong brotherly relationship and banter that deteriorated during those seasons.