How Was “The Third Man?”
Wow, episode three already! It’s Ben Edlund’s turn, and he gets to depict the grand return of Castiel! Up tonight, “The Third Man.”
After watching the episode, let us know what you think! Unfortunately, I’m currently in Chicago for this weekend’s “Salute to Supernatural” convention. That’s not the bad news (watch for reports in the next few days from me and Sablegreen who is here too!). No, the bad news is Supernatural is FREAKING PRE-EMPTED IN CHICAGO TONIGHT!! It seems the Bulls game is more important to them. It will not air until tomorrow night in Chi-Town. I’m going to do everything in my ability to get a copy of the episode before that time, but if not, you won’t be hearing from me until at least late tomorrow, maybe Sunday.
So, I feel your pain International folks! For the rest of you, please share and discuss. For those that want to check out a few spoilers in advance, Sablegreen has updated the Spoiler Page with a nice summary.
Enjoy the episode everyone, no matter when you actually get to see it.
Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
Ooh, man, that was a doozy. Really enjoyed that episode. There is so much to process that I don’t even know where to begin with this one. I guess I need some time to think on it, but first and foremost, it is great to have Cass back! And I like where his character is and where he might go this season. Civil war in Heaven? Interesting! Raphael is going to be an awesome baddie, too.
OMG – Here is a final salute to Sam’s car. /salute
I could have had a few more episodes of Dean and Sam playing cat and mouse in their separate hot rides but thanks to Cas that won’t happen.
So the question of the day:
Is Sam marked and subsequently souless? Note Cas left before anyone could ask that question which HAD to have been on their minds. That could be one reason why he’s such a FREAKIN SCHMUCK!!
Oh and I thought that the Apocalypse theme was over with? Archangels are now trying to jump start it all over again? WTH??
Oh we definitely need a counseling session over this one. I don’t think I’ve ever been more confused as much as I am with this season. Sam is a jerk, so much of one that I actually came to WFB to post this and put off a re-run of Sam’s half naked workout to vent (which I must admit I would have given it up without having asked for payment so Sera G. no need for Sam to hire a hooker anymore).
The guys are back, yay. But they aren’t BACK TOGETHER by any means. I am as upset and fuming as Dean by the end of this episode and the teasers for upcoming episodes that aired at the end left me even more dumbfounded. Can’t wait to read more comments on the events of tonight and what you guys thought of it. Personally at this point I think Dean needs to just go back to Lisa and Ben. At least Lisa was cool to hang out with.
Something I want to see in up coming episodes: Dean seriously kick Sam AND Cas’ petunia’s because right now, they both deserve it. 👿
Loved it! Finally an episode I totally loved – no feeling of not quite right! I know why – there were no crappy Campbells in it!!!!!!
Campbells out – Cas in!
Of course I loved Sam’s workout for obvious reasons but I really loved flipping between Dean’s morning workout and Sam’s!! lol! So Sam has sunk that low has he? In Lazarus Rising (the best season opener ever) Sam said ‘Dean, you know I don’t pay for it!’ I guess this time around without Dean (& Ruby I guess) his standards have lowered.
Loved the gore!!! Pus & blood and locusts! Loved Cas – loved Balthazar – loved Sam’s car’s demise – loved Raphael turning to salt. Great special effects. I feel like I’m in heaven except that it’s in the middle of a civil war!
Dean was so great – trying to be kind to the boy when Sam & Cas were obviously not caring about him being a scared kid. Even more so when Sam & Cas didn’t really care about hurting the kid to get the angel’s name. Wow – Sam is f*&$ed up!! 😈
Next week’s episode looks great – Sam can’t lie to Dean! Wow – can’t wait! 😯
Opening sequence had my ewwing out loud. Gross..but awesome.
Dean has HAWT dreams. Bout time we get a lil action from those two. No more of the ‘mom and dad’ kissing crap.
Shakes head sadly at Sammy, (I mean, after I stopped drooling). What happened to, “I don’t need to PAY for sex, Dean”? I mean, I get it. TPTB are trying to worsen our image of Sam. But dang it. It’s hard to be a Sam-girl, when you’re boy’s turned into such a douche. Dean, I’m relying on you to beat some sense into that boy, but quick!
I love, love, love Dean’s prayer and how deep and gravelly his Church of Cas voice is. And oh how I’ve missed you, Cas! My people skills…:lol:
I kinda like Balthazar. Guess I haven’t paid attention to the spoilers enough to know if he’ll be back, but I’m assuming so and am interested to find out where he ends up in all of this.
Raphael and a civil war is an interesting idea…as long as it doesn’t take away from the arch that they’ve led us to. Can’t go back to season 5. season 6 is upon us and there’s too much shit going on to be distracted by angel dicks, namely Sam X 2.
LOL, ‘who made him boss?’ (clears throat and gets serious) Effin’ right! Crack him in the head, Dean. I didn’t really agree with Jensen’s comment about Dean being written too soft…until this episode. No WAY Dean would have ever let himself be put in a corner about something that he felt so strongly about. One hand on the shoulder holds him back while an innocent kid gets tortured? Then he just kind of let’s Sam’s comments about hell float with just a cross-eyed look. grrr!
And lastly…I loved the SOON sequence, BUT…I think they gave us too much at once. It almost seems like they’re trying to appease the fans. It’s okay for us to be freaked out a bit by where this season is heading. It’s a mystery, so to speak. gotta let us figure it out slow and steady. Like an onion, with layers. skin it too openly and we’ll be sprayed in the eyes and crying our eyes out. or something.
Talked way too long, sorry. 😕
Oh my – I almost forgot – Cas has more of a profound bond to Dean – LMAO! And Who’s on first, what’s on Second (or whatever it was) – hilarious – my favorite comedy bit!
Did I mention I loved this episode!!!
OK, my favourite quote from this episode – Dean, looking at Sam’s trashed car (how appropriate it was that Cas was the one that squashed it) saying “OK, silver lining”
HEE!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
Take that Raphael (but I am sorry that it seems to mean that Demore Barnes will no longer be back as Raph. 🙁 )
Now, Sam has already told Dean that he doesn’t care. That was why he wanted Dean back with him to begin with. So why would he try to convince Dean, now, that he does care? I love you Sam, but something just isn’t right.
Ah Cas, you adorable Angeldork. I’m surprised you didn’t get a finger cramp from all those air quotes.
I am so loving Cas at full power, too.
Happy Sigh.
So, I’ve done a second watch already and it’s hard to tell but, when the boys arrive at the morgue, there is a doctor, seated, talking to another staff member.
That Doctor kinda looks like Robert Singer. What do you think?
Initial impression…. all good. Y’know, I kinda missed the trench coat wearing angelic dude (which surprised me). I love that ‘Castiel’ is now his aloof self with just the slightest trace of his old ‘Cas’ self; enough to be entertaining but not annoying.
The entire concept of ‘angelic weapons stolen from heaven’ was a bit ‘huh’ with me. For angels, they sure do drop the ball a lot! Plus, when I saw Aaron hold the Staff of Moses like a gun I couldn’t help but think ‘Wow, you’re going to have say a lot of ‘Hail Mary’s’ to make up for that one.’
Dean is almost back on familiar territory. He has a case, his car, his angel, and his brother. Dean’s on happy street! The quips are coming more naturally and the outer semblance of a relationship with his brother is there. A part of me is thinking Dean feels he has it all now, the familiarity of hunting with the security of family. It’s got to be a little hard on him though, to have two hugely conflicting ideas as to what it is makes you happy. Plus, Dean, bed head? Such a good look for you. Seriously, dude, just burn your comb!
Sam…. Sammity Sam Sam Sam. What the hell are we going to do with you, buddy? You’re now the epitome of what I thoroughly hate in a person; an overtly cold, calculating, dispassionate, domineering man-whore. But instead of disliking you, my heart is freaking breaking for you. What the hell… (Cue lots of thinking about this one)
I can see (or may be imagining) tiny flickers of Sam about to break. When Castiel said the angels want the story to end the way it was supposed to end, there was, for a moment, a look of utter terror on Sams face, and not necessarily at the thought of the Apocalypse, but perhaps at the thought of Lucifer walking free.
Ah, so much pondering, so little time….
I think I have to watch it again but it reminded me of Ben Edlund’s previous effort “The Devil You Know” and not in a good way.
I don’t think he can write Sam very well, either he’s non existent like in “The End” or he is forced into character overkill eg in TDYK Sam was angry because of Brady, and BE turned him into a raging lunatic who locked Dean in a cupboard and now this – Sam is not right from his time in hell ok but according to BE that means he has sex with hookers, allows kids to be tortured and acts like a dick. There’s no subtlety, no conflict of emotions, no asking the audience to question because it’s all too obvious and in your face.
There was also no sign that Sam was hurting underneath and therefore it was very hard to sympathise with him.
Plus, as with TDYK Dean was too passive – just as Dean should have been able to burst the cupboard door open in TDYK, in last nights episode Dean shouldn’t have been held back so easily when the kid was being hurt.
The only character that came off well written last night was Cas and that speaks a lot about Ben Edlund, who I think has either lost his touch or interest in writing for the brothers.
I am fully on board with Sam being different and Dean gaining a softer side but the problem with last night’s episode as with The Devil You Know is that it was all a bit too over cooked, and it makes the actors look bad because their performances reflect the writing.
But this is all just an opinion so…..
I am going to watch it again tonight and see if my opinions change,and look for all the positives that out weigh the negatives 😎
RIP ‘plastic piece of crap’ 😀 😀
Dean sees the new cars the same way I do.
Pete, after five plus years of Supernatural, one knows not to eat during the first ten minutes of the show. 😛
The racing scene was fun too. The Impala is not going to get shown up by a ‘plastic piece of crap’.
MyMADWorld, I agree with you. I enjoyed the lack of back stabbing Campbells, and loved the return of Cas.
I think that Lucifer may still be present in Sam. Compare some of Sam’s expressions to Lucifer’s in ‘Swan Song’. somewhat similiar?
Even though the season is only three episodes old, I am enjoying it. Next week brings us the debut of a new director, Mr. Jensen Ackles. Then, we get the ‘twilight’ episode, where Dean is a vampire. Then, the truth episode. Love this season, but we need Sam and Dean to reconnect soon.
Ratings hurrah!!! Smallville 2.37 (third place) and Supernatural 2.28 (third place) AND both were preempted in Chicago which means their numbers should tick up a bit…mega cool.
Okay. My review is up so I come here to read everyone’s comments and add a couple that I didn’t put in my article.
Loved the opener again, first off the THEN with the use again of the odd angle perspective of Dean awakening to see Sam is awesome. That shot is great and its continued use tell sme that we are to remember all things are not as they appear. Mysteries abound.
The back and forth between the brothers as they begin their mornings also continue to hit it out of the park. With Dean having tamer dreams of intimacy with Lisa (and great camera angles Mr. Singer for with the shots and the blankets there was no need for Jensen to endure long hours in the makeup/prosthetic departments for Cas’ hand print or the tattoo. Jared on the other hand…woof (in a really good way, oh, yeah, and completely respectful. 😳 — sorry, Mrs. Cortese-Padalecki but dang.
Anywho, love the contrast with Dean and Lisa to Sam paying a prostitute. The two going through their workout regimes with Sam being the disciplined hunter and Dean simply stretching out the kinks.
Sam is pulling back and utilizing most all of the deflections that Dean used to use, sex, work and sheer avoidance of the subject when talking — “Glad we hashed that out.” — of course, Sam was always good at avoiding talking about things that troubled him.
I’ll have to go back and watch again (number 3…oh, darn) to see if Robert Singer himself played a cameo. I love looking for little fun things like that.
It felt like Supernatural and had all the elements we expect. I happen to like Castiel; so I was happy to see him back. I know people are annoyed by the angels, but they are monsters in the Supernatural universe and they aren’t just going to go away. I just hope it remains that Sam and Dean are no longer pawns ofthe Heavenly Host, because that part was annoying. Otherwise, the angels are welcome to stay! 🙂
Ok, this episode was amazing, but I’ll admit to it. I have a hard time remembering anything other than a certain 3 minutes near the beginning. :roll:: 😆 Wondering if Ben Edlund had a bet going with someone to see how many fan girls he could liquefy. The parallels of Dean connecting with dream Lisa, and Sam not connecting with a woman standing in front of him were great. There were some amazing subtleties played by Jared in his exchange with the hooker. It quickly became clear that he wasn’t paying for sex, he was paying to avoid human intimacy. Still, I swear I saw some of the Sammy we love peek out for a minute when he threw the bone of “ok†to the already leaving woman. He was being nice in a messed up way. Giving her something to save her pride on. Not that I’ve obsessed over this scene or anything! 😕
So much about this episode was fantastic. Cas’s quotie fingers. The Impala vs. Charger. Sam showing how much it really did matter to him that his sacrifice of jumping in the cage wasn’t for naught. The entire exchange in the hotel room between the three of them. Basically the whole thing.
It’s breaking my heart to see how closed off Sam has become and yet, this season has me being nudged further into being a Sam girl. Not sure what that says about me. I mean, the guy is being bad, and I don’t mean that in a good way. Single minded, rolling over other people, only seeing the hunt and not the hunted. He seems to be forgetting one of the rules of the Family Business. “Saving people, hunting things.†Remember what comes first Sam?
Sad to see Demore Barnes go as Raphael, though I’m curious to see who will take his place as the Vessel. Sadly, the fella playing Baltashazar (however you spell that) isn’t sitting right with me. I’m hoping he’ll grow on me, and trying to take Dean’s advice and stay positive. Though I did like how he called Cas, Cas as well. So Dean wasn’t the first!
Love the scene showing the boys moving back in together. Oh, and though Dean’s reaction to Cas saying they have a more profound bond is priceless, but I was rolling over how Sam was busy being incensed in the background. Awesome.
Oh, and Pete, your comment about ‘Team Free Will’ not being a cohesive unit anymore got me to thinking. It should bother me more but it doesn’t. I figure that before, they were all working toward one goal. That goal was huge and put them on the same page with much in common. Now Cas has other things to worry about, Dean’s been being suburb guy for a year and Sam…well, he’s just a mystery. I’ve been part of a unit before that was all working toward a singular goal, and I believed myself incredibly close to those around me. Then, goal accomplished, a little separation, meeting again with those same people and it was full of awkwardness. The only thing we had in common was the past. Different situation but perhaps the same concept.
Okay, this is running way longer than I intended. Loving this season. Happy to be along for the ride. Eager to find where Sera is taking us.
Yvonne, I’m with you with what you say about Sam paying to avoid human intimacy. Might also make sense of his realtionship with the Campbells, they don’t seem to ask many questions.
I also think Sam was paying for control. By going with a um… ‘lady of the night’ and not some girl he picked up in a bar, Sam could dictate the who, where, when and how.
Given that Sam has had very little control in his life up until this point (John, the manipulating demons, Lucifer), it could be that he is now trying to overcompensate by being excessively dominant.
I feel Samuel defers to Sam on hunts, he’s telling Dean what to do (and Dean ain’t liking it!) and he gets physically aggressive and domineering when situations start slipping away from him ie when the guard shut the door.
So it might also be that he was trying to exert control on that particular part of his life too because lets face it, Sam Winchester doesn’t need to pay for sex. (Really, all he’d need to do would be to post a message on here…)
Since I am in Europe I watch the show early Saturday morning. It goes like this: After I wake up I go turn the computer on and while that thing is waking up I go and turn the coffee on. Once the coffee is done I sit down to watch my show. And enjoy every minute of it.
But it was different with the third man. The enjoyment just wasn’t like I expected it. I must have had like 3 or 4 sips of coffee when suddenly that coffee wanted to work its way back up again. That is when I realized that I should have an empty stomach when watching an Edlundian. That open scene was slightly revolting. So Alice please could you warn me next time like in capslok that it will be an Edlund ep.
I did love like so many other the back and forth between the boys morning routine for obvious reasons stated above already (hello I am only a woman). It also shows us that Dean does miss Lisa and how torn up he is. Also his fatherly talk to Ben via phone is just priceless and Sams reaction to it is great. And then the scene near the end when Sam finds Bens Halloween mask in the Impala. I think that is an indicator that at least till after Halloween Dean was still driving the Baby before he decided to tarp her. Plus I believe I saw a silk scarf next to the wendigo mask. So Dean has reminders of Ben and Lisa in the car and they are going with him where ever he goes. That was a nice touch from the writers.
PS: Something just hit me for future Edlundians. I have to decide what is more important to me. My morning coffee or watching the newest episode. Now that is a case coming right out hell. Any suggestions here?
Hook yourself up to an IV of coffee Yirabah. Case solved 😀
Think you could be right Tim the Enchanter. He certainly wasn’t in control of his last relationship. (I was going to add on ‘romantic’ to that but my fingers rebelled on giving that tag to that bitch Ruby) And he was totally out of controll when it came to the demon blood. He is an addict. Maybe he’s afraid of losing control again and so he’s holding on to control of everything. He even controlled the relationship with Dean by not telling him he had come back from hell. Ya, ya, you are on to something TtE. Could be a big clue to the enigma that is Sam Winchester.
And can you imagine the riots if Sam ever made that post?!
Did the “soon” preview mean that there is going to be a break already? I know that in past seasons that usually meant a break in new episodes. Man I hope not!
I loved the first half of this episode. It kind of fizzled out for me when the angel fighting started. Dean racing Sam was priceless. I would have liked Sam’s car to stick around a bit longer. And of course half naked Sammy…still swooning!
I agree Yvonne….that was definitely Sam wanting to avoid human intimacy. Just another indication of how detached has really become. Lets face it someone who looks like he does certainly wouldn’t have to resort to such measures. 🙂
Also I was glad to see some action between Dean and Lisa, even though it was only a dream. Those little pecks were starting to annoy me.
I was glad the brothers were back fighting together. Their little exchanges of banter gave me fuzzies inside.
I finally saw it! Without the benefit of a rewatch, I must say there’s a lot to take in. I don’t have much to add except poor Cas. He so doesn’t have control of the situation. Throw in Sam who clearly is having issues of his own and Dean must feel like he’s running the nuthouse. It felt so good to have Cas back.
However, my mind is clearly clouded by shirtless Sam….I mean too much con fun. Hmm, chin ups.
My initial thoughts on a first glimpse.
Many – perhaps too many – things to process in a single watch. I thought it was a fast paced. I liked :
(a) The interactions between Castiel, Sam and Dean – the introduction, the tortue of the kid and setting Balthazar free;
(b) Balthazar was an interesting character;
(c) I liked the stunt (Castiel falling out the window) – nicely done. 🙂
(d) The final conversation between Sam and Dean at the end of the espisode.
Things I liked less 😛
(a) Raphael’s appearance seemed to be muted – even his fight with Castiel was … kinda low key, I thought (especially after the earlier spectacular jump out the window). I would have liked Raphael’s character to be a bit more developed; at this point in time his character seems to be a bit one-dimensional.
(b) I’m not sure I like the civil war in heaven – among other things, it appears to be a bit one-sided with Raphael leading the charge and he is apparently the sole remaining arch angel.