This Week In Supernatural History – Week 17
(writer’s strike = short season)
(writer’s strike = short season)
Happy episode day!!! Only four left, and this one is definitely a puzzle. The preview for “Hammer of The Gods” makes it sound like a quirky tale of the cannibalistic version of the Hotel California. The one clip we got too also seems to show the lighter side. However, at the bottom is the description courtesy of The…
“Faithless is he that says farewell when the road darkens.” ― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring Even if time has gone by, I have still mixed feelings about writing this article. “Don’t Call Me Shurley” was a magnificent episode. If you ask me, it was the finale on which this season should have…
Season Three Lisa Braeden and Ben Braeden from The Kids Are Alright, what are they up to now? Does Lisa ever wonder about Dean, does Ben wonder if that cool guy, who taught him to stand up for himself, is ever going to visit again? How do neighborhood sleepovers and block parties and cookouts get handled? Do…
It’s here! It’s here! Our 62 day ordeal is over!!! There’s no grander feeling than episode night, especially after a long Hellatus. So, settle in, unplug the phone, put the kids to bed and enjoy! Afterward, come back here and tell us what you think. I have an announcement too! Robin Vogel, who’s been doing…
Cahtryn Humphris wrote her first episode for Supernatural late in season one and has since averaged only two episodes per season. I don’t know why she doesn’t write more, but I enjoy the ones she has written. Dead Man’s Blood was her first episode and she showed from the beginning she could handle big…
This Week in Supernatural History – Episode Eighteen 2006: Little Brothers and Second Chances Share on FacebookTweetFollow usSave
I love each of S1 thru S4 of these episodes.
That opening scene in 99 Problems was awesome, and the rest of the episode was enjoyable (not enough use of Michael Shanks, but I sure liked the bartender guy). Then we got the out of the blue Lisa moment and I was jerked out of the whole episode. I’ve re-watched this one, but I stop the episode when Dean drives off in the car.
My Heart Will Go On was okay. Not one of my favorites.
It’s good to look over the years in sequence. Great job.
1.17: Loved this one because Sam and Dean acted like I thought guys who battled monsters every day would act. Jeez, if I were about to be attacked by a poker wielding ghost I’d be all ‘Holy *!%!$$! %+!&&^%, get that %£â€!@:* &^%$& out here right the &^%$ now!’ not ‘Golly gosh and dagnamit it, let’s get that pesky little critter’ (or something of that sort).
Plus, I liked that we got to experience a bit from the victim’s POV and it was horrifying. I know it’s a terrible thing to say but if you were put in that situation by a human monster, then (were you not insane with fear) you could think ‘Okay, it’s just a guy, I can reason with him, talk to him etc etc’ but when it’s a ghost or something you’ve never seen before the terror and confusion must be ramped by 1000%. I feel for you, Corbett.
2.17: I heart Heart. (Man, that was corny.) Fabbie doodie episode. It makes me sad though.
3.17: Worst. Episode. Ever….
4.17: This is a real guilty pleasure. It’s my ‘When I want to watch SPN but I don’t have the energy to really focus on it’ episode. Sam thrashing a cubicle and Dean on the lemonade diet were classic. (I wonder if Dean knows that the only reason the lemonade diet works is because you spend so long in the freaking bathroom while you’re on it that you physically don’t have time to eat?)
5.17: I’m strangely not all that gone on it. I don’t know if it was because I didn’t like Castiel calling Sam an ‘abomination’ (Castiel, wait til early season 7 when there’s a Leviathan trying to punch its way through your stomach lining, you’ll know abomination…) or the fact that I really hate the word ‘whore’ (I don’t know why, it’s just not a nice word. It doesn’t sound nice to say) but this one didn’t do it for me. .
That being said, the Enochian translations were funny. I must try to work in ‘You breed with the mouth of a goat’ the next time I insult someone (that’ll probably be tomorrow sometime…)
6.17: Not the best but Sam and Dean trying to avoid being killed; very good. Dean’s line of questioning ‘Did anyone own a slave? Any ties to the Nazi party? Did Grandma ever piss off a gypsy?’; very, very good. Oh, and Sam’s ‘Yeah Dean, I’m pretty sure six seconds is too soon’; excellent. (That episode had a lot of good lines)
7.17: I know it’s not on the list but it’s been a few weeks so technically 7.17 is now history….. (I tried to pique the interest of a first year History class once by explaining that History is an alive, ever changing subject so I told them ‘Lads, if you did something yesterday, it’s now part of history.’ Their response was ‘What?? Is what I did yesterday going to come up in a test?’)
Actually, I only mentioned it there because I just want to kiss the side of this episodes face. A lot.
Thanks Elle.
1.17-I going to be really shallow and admit my favorite scene in this one is Sam coming out of the bathroom in a towel. I know awful. But C’MON that was VERY *long sigh* nice.
2.17-Oops had to edit. Thinking Nightmare from other post.
I love Heart. (‘nother shallow moment. ) The Sex Scene. Sam gives GOOD SEX SCENES. And to show I’m not COMPLETELY pervy. That last scene with Sam so upset not only for what he has to do, but also fearing what he’ll become and then they move to Dean’s face and you see the anguish reflected there. So beautiful.
3.17 LOVE. LOVE. LOVE. So many good moments between the boys. Especially since the season their being pulled apart. The two uncomfortable elevators scene MIGHT be my favorite though, especially the 2nd one. “I’m going to do the word a favor dude and tell you that you overshare.”
Oh Dean.
5.17- I mostly appreciate this one as a set to the Point of No Return-one of my all time favorite episodes. Favorite scene is probably with Sam and Castiel. “I find the sound of your voice to be grating.”
6.17- The so many funny scenes in this one. Balthazar saying that the reason he saved the Titanic was because he hated the movie (I with him on that one) “Who Celine Dion?” “A destitute lounge singer and let’s keep it that way.”
“Too soon?” Bitch face “Yes I think six seconds is too soon.?”
And that walk they took to tempt fate just cracks me up.
Thanks for the comments guys! I’ve been away due to virus-related laptop troubles – glad to be back! Look for Episode 18 in the next couples days.