Hellatus Easing…NOT
Not to rub salt in the wounds of us Supernatural fans but…remember this time last year? I do. Dean and Sam standing together as Lucifer was rising, Bobby possessed by a demon, Meg’s return, Castiel in his bada**ness had returned and told Zach off…Chuck and a toilet plunger, Dean coughing up blood, Sam dying…again – good times.
Hellatus Easing…NOT by Elle2
Not to rub salt in the wounds of us Supernatural fans but…remember this time last year? I do. Dean and Sam standing together as Lucifer was rising, Bobby possessed by a demon, Meg’s return, Castiel in his bada**ness had returned and told Zach off…Chuck and a toilet plunger, Dean coughing up blood, Sam dying…again – good times.
This year…nothing, zilch, nada, zippo. Well, not completely nothing. We did get three promos, all quick, all delicious. (Hey, it’s been 17 weeks since anything so you bet these little crumbs were scrumptious.
With Hellcats and Nikita set to repeat on Friday night (for me Saturday night as the local affiliate scrubbed the CW shows in favor of Philadelphia v New York Mets) I decided to take some time to jot a few thoughts out on The Vampire Diaries and Nikita. Both were enjoyable, one I really liked and the other is a wait and see, although it started well enough.
The Vampire Diaries
Mostly because I have too many TV shows in my life and I’m working on downsizing I didn’t watch this show last season. Towards the end of the first season, however, I found myself watching it a bit and thought it’s not horrible. So, with the bane of Hellatus looming large I made an appointment most Thursday nights to catch up on The Vampire Diaries. I haven’t seen all the episodes so I notably missed how Damon became so integrated with the sheriff and the town council that he’s their sorta go-to guy. I’m not criticizing the role, just wondering how it came to be. So, if anyone could enlighten me, I’d appreciate the background.
I like the brother storyline the best. There is definite love between the two that is certainly tempered with a lot of anger, betrayal and complex emotions. Frankly it makes their storyline the most delicious to me. I love ‘buddy’ type shows and no matter how hard Damon denies, I know he loves Stefan. Stefan similarly is frustrated with Damon but no doubt blood is thicker than…well, in this case more blood. I think I most fell in love with the character of Damon when he and Elena teamed up to capture Stefan and lock him in the room to help him get control. Damon intended to go upstairs leaving his brother to detox, instead, upon seeing Elena resolutely sit down and begin her vigil for Stefan’s sake Damon showed his other side (at least the first time so pointedly for me…I’ve missed other episodes prior to this) and almost resignedly sat down to keep her, and Stefan by default, company. Yeah, there’s more to this bad guy than those wonderfully sarcastic, biting and well-delivered zingers.
As for Stefan I like him as well. The brooding isn’t that much fun and I wished he’d lighten up a bit and his constant goodness and light was a bit bland but still, I truly like a good guy I just need to see a bit of emotion every now and again.
As for Elena, she’s a nice girl. Nina Dobrev brought Elena to life well enough but I often found her a bit simple in the character. Still, better than a lot of things on TV so it was good enough.
I don’t have much to say about the other characters mainly because I don’t know who many of them are and most of them don’t interest me enough to find out a lot about them. Alaric is a good foil for the brothers and Bonnie has potential. Most of the others just annoy me and I tend to clean the bathroom or dust when their scenes are on…or sort the mail.
Remember, all this so far is about Season 1.
Well, last night’s Season 2 opener was really quite good. I’m definitely looking forward to next week’s episodes (and, yeah, the week after that and so on.)
Ian as Damon did not surprise me at all with how good he is in the role. I expect good to great from him and he did not disappoint. Paul as Stefan got some really good things to work with and I enjoyed his character a whole lot more. I’ve read a spoiler or two for this season and what I saw of Stefan last night appears to be the order for the season; I say bring it! Stefan was tender and gentle, concerned and caring, commanding and jealous and angry and violent, all in one episode. When Stefan caught on to Katherine’s appearance so quickly I loved that turn. Then when he threatened John in the hospital…and fed him his blood…oh, Stefan, you are a bad boy! Paul definitely had a lot to work with in his character last night and he stepped up to the plate and delivered scene after scene.
Nina is the best part of last night. I’ve read and heard interviews these last weeks’ of how good her turn is between Elena and Katherine and frankly I thought there was a lot of hype and I was bound to be disappointed. Well, not a chance. Nina is good as Elena but excellent as Katherine. Frankly, the chance she has now in this dual role is elevating her performance as Elena so it’s a double win. She has perfected the subtle and swift transition, one moment she’s Elena, another moment she’s Katherine and all she did was draw a breath. Well done, Ms. Dobrev, your performance really made the episode for me.
As for the writing, thank goodness these writers have managed to avoid so many of the usual teenage show traps and pitfalls. Damon not only knows he kissed Katherine (thinking it was Elena) but he admitted it to Stefan. Wow, usually these types of reveals drag on forever but nope, these writers outed it within the first half hour. Thank you very much. Furthering up on that nice change of pace they made it so much more intriguing in that Elena made it absolutely clear that while she knew Damon had feelings for her she does not return them. Not only did she say that once, but twice and in effect drove a stake into Damon’s non-beating heart. And Ian has made the character so real and so, well, likeable, that I feel kinda bad for him, actually really bad for him.
I didn’t expect him to come up and ‘kill’ Jeremy – although the character does nothing for me – I did figure him to have had the ring on since the scene just before had him and John talking about that very item. As John was leaving it seems he decided to protect Jeremy. Good for him. Perhaps Stefan really did scare him.
Perhaps I just don’t know enough about the other characters to care that much about them, perhaps I just enjoy the whole Elena/Kathering, Stefan and Damon storyline that I don’t have much to comment about the others. Bonnie’s storyline looks interesting enough with her interactions with the brothers and Elena and with Tyler set to reveal his ‘heritage’ I’m thinking that will likely intertwine more to my liking. Suffice it to say, I’m a fan of The Vampire Diaries and will be watching on Thursday nights.
Thank goodness this show has finally premiered. Like Hellcats I’ve had the music and the promos for four months now, it’s time to get those scenes onto the screen so we can move past them. Not that there aren’t good things there it’s simply that these pilots were shot back in the spring (or late winter) so this is all the CW has had to show us week after lengthy hellatus week…I’m tired of it already.
Well, Nikita has arrived, with a bang, a blast and a whole lot more. It’s decent escapist fun that was enjoyable enough. I think they’ve set themselves a pretty lofty task and time will tell if they’re able to deliver it week after week. Maggie Q sells the role well. As I said in a previous article I’m glad this isn’t some 20-something playing this role. Well, turns out Nikita is 27, but thankfully she isn’t 22 – or as young as her mole is – and trying to convince me of her depth of experience and torment with life. I believe Nikita lived a lot in the six or so years she’s been with Division and then on the run from Division. 27 year old Nikita works for me because Maggie is grounded in the role.
Is the storyline something that’s going to keep me coming back week after week? I don’t know. Each week, at least based upon what I saw in the Pilot, Nikita is going to have to disrupt and foil one of Division’s missions. Hmm. That’s a tall order. Besides Alex on the inside who does she have to help her? Hopefully someone is ‘backing’ her because otherwise it’s more than slightly farfetched.
While I feel bad that her love was killed I don’t know how much I do sympathize with the character since she’s basically a killing machine out for revenge. It’s slick, it’s fast, there’s plenty of action scenes and the dialogue isn’t terrible, the editing was quite good intercutting the young new recruit with Division between Nikita and the reveal at the end that this young new recruit isn’t so innocent but rather recruited and paired with Nikita herself was a nice surprise for me. Perhaps others saw it coming, I didn’t so as a shocking reveal it worked.
As I’ve said before, time will tell if this can keep my attention as well as its own momentum going for 22 episodes, not to mention multiple seasons. I’ll be watching it again next week and likely the following unless it really loses my attention. There isn’t anything else on Thursday night at 9:00 that I watch anymore so it has no competition for my attention – however my sock drawer could compete if the premise doesn’t hold up.
Here we are a little over a week and a half until Supernatural premiers, the CW debuted its Wednesday and Thursday night lineups with Monday and Tuesday to come this week. I won’t have anything to write on those because nothing on either night has caught my attention. My Tuesdays are reserved solely for a double helping of NCIS goodness (hunks galore and decent writing and good acting). I’m not surprised the CW chose to move 90210 to Monday; those shows are the least in this lineup and stand not a chance against the CBS juggernaut. This way the spin will only have to be twice as spun for the Monday night ratings…they’d really have to break out the centrifuge if GG and 90210 were on Tuesdays trying to compete for any ratings.
We’re almost there. This week there’s no more USA characters to enjoy but Hellcats, TVD and Nikita are all on my schedule for another go. Next week I get to enjoy a double (actually triple) dose of NCIS as well as Criminal Minds (likely I’ll flip back and forth between Hellcats and Criminal Minds for the rest of the season. With CBS firing one of the female leads and renegotiating the other female lead for a partial and final season I’m a bit peeved and not sure I’ll stay with the show, so somebody will have my viewing attention at 9:00 p.m. on Wednesdays (even if it’s the inside of my eyelids). Then shortly thereafter we’ll be there…Supernatural premiers (yeah, after Smallville which I’ll watch ‘cause it’s the final season.)
So hang in there, Supernatural siblings, we’re almost there.
Thanks for reading, Elle2
Hi Elle2,
Good article – it’s interesting what we’ll turn to in our time of Supernatural withdrawal, isn’t it? I stuck with TVD all season one, because hey, I’ll admit, I have a vampire thing. It dates back to the early days of Buffy and Angel. Basically, you tell me it’s about vampires and I’ll check it out. You give me a bad boy with issues like Damon? I’ll probably also stick it out. FYI, to answer your question about Damon and how he became involved in the counsel: Damon and Stefan’s human relative (whom they referred to as “Uncle Zach” in the presence of others when in fact they were his great-to-the-something-power uncles) kept vervain growing in the basement and supplied/promised to supply the town counsel (fuzzy on whether he’d actually delivered at some point and was a regular supplier or if he had promised them some and never had the chance to deliver it). Then Damon killed Uncle Zach and was approached by the Sherriff about the vervain, which he gives to them, and then is brought into the fold, so to speak, as she tells him she thinks vampires are walking among them even in the day. Damon, in a ploy to ensure he IS NOT discovered, agrees to help her locate and eliminate the vampire threat. That’s the long and short of it anyways.
Anyways, I like TVD and thought the premiere was good – though I’m sad to see David Anders go; I hope he returns!
Nikita was a pretty good opening and I too was surprised by the twisty end. I hope they can maintain because it’s seems to have some potential. Though I agree, the writers will have to give me a little more to relate to/sympathize with in the central character before I can legitimately like her.
These shows are great, but I’m ready for the Winchesters to return. Only a handful of days now!
Thanks so much for the backstory on Damon with the town council. I knew the council and he were openly discussing the vampire threat but didn’t know how he got there (or the town for that matter). Cool to know that while Damon is a ‘bad boy’ he isn’t looking to kill the town, sort of like Lenore in Bloodlust…just wants to live in peace (well, at least somewhat)
I too really liked Buffy the Vampire Slayer although I never got into Angel…too busy with other shows likely.
I am enjoying it.
Last year during the summer I got into Burn Notice and Psych because my beloved RJ (german shepherd) had to be put to sleep and I needed something to capture my attention so when they were showing their marathons getting ready for the late summer premiers I got into those and White Collar followed quickly. Now all those shows are back on hiatus until November and/or January so thank goodness the CW has opened a few decent (and one really good-great) show.
So, thanks for the background, I’ll be watching shows right along with you this week…well, timewise at least. 🙂
Hopefully we’ll get some more Supernatural goodies this week…a scene or two (or three) clips to drool over perhaps.
I’m so glad I have a DVR. I’m watching quite a few shows this fall season…nineteen to be exact. Don’t make fun of me! It’s kind of embarrassing how much tv I watch. : P But since I got Netflix I’ve started a lot of shows from the beginning and felt the need to continue them, plus there are like five new shows I want to try out. Supernatural’s the only one I’m really, really psyched for though. I have a countdown clock on my desktop, like the one on this site. 10 days, 7 hours, 26 minutes and 41 seconds, guys. : )
Also, did anyone else wonder wtf was going on when they saw Tom Welling was a producer or Hellcats? : P I I guess he’s rich enough to fund other network shows. I just wouldn’t have pegged that one.
this looks awesome—spoiler warning
season 6 promo
Elle2, this was great! I also watched other shows though hellatus, and became a fan of The Vampire Diaries, too. When they came to german tv the dubbing was so bad that I stopped watching. I gave it another try as the dvds came out – and love it. Brothers, a gutsy gal, interesting storyline. And the first episode of season 2 was promising.
Plus, I discovered White Collar (elle pointed that out to me, thank you Sweetie!). Love it, I could just imagine Jared playing the lead.
But nothing comes close to Supernatural. I doubt anything will in a long time.
Love jas
This Hellatus has been interminably long this summer, it has been difficult indeed waiting for the beginning of Season 6. But, alas, all is not lost because summer TV has gotten better over the years. My main channels during the summer are TNT and USA with all the shows they offer up during this time. But, like Jas said, nothing can come anywhere close to Supernatural.
I watched Vampire Diaries last year and enjoyed it. After the season 2 premiere last week, this new season looks all kinds of good. I’m very excited for it. And Nikita looks pretty good too. It will be interesting to see how they keep the intensity up. And I also didn’t see the twist coming at the end. Very interesting to see how they are going to play that out.
Hi Elle2
My daughter and I got into Vampire Diaries last season we watched the opener for this years. I like the show and the three main characters.
As for Nikita and Hellcats, I’ve never watched. I did get into ‘Lie to Me’ over the last too summers. It’s a bit over the top but I really like Tim Roth character.
Hi, Joelsteinlover, ANonymous, Jas, Evelyn, Karen,
Thanks for all the comments. Oh, Jas, I’m so glad you’re watching White Collar. Last year when the previews first started coming out I wrote it right off but after a few times of watching the previews I wondered why I didn’t like the idea (perhaps a bit too Hardcastle and McCormack in my mind) but realized that that show was a looooooong time ago and this looked hip, snappy and just snarky enough for me. I was hooked five minutes into the Pilot and love it!
As for Tom Welling being a producer for Hellcats. I’d read that last year (or earlier this year actually) that he was a producer and wasn’t surprised it got a chance. Gotta figure for all the CW’s boo boos they knew enough to keep Tom happy as they wanted that tenth season of Smallville—I’m just guessing.
Last night’s second episode didn’t suck either but the jury is still out for me if it keeps my attention.
Evelyn and Karen, I’m really enjoying TVD thus far and in just two and a half hours the second episode this season will be on and I saw promos last night whilst giving Hellcats another look and I’m pretty stoked for tonight’s episode (plus I’ve read the synopsis for next week’s and that too has got me interested)
Anonymous, that promo is excellent and I’m definitely eager to get to the one week mark and better yet, march through that week quickly.
Thank goodness starting next Monday (Hawaii 5-0) starts five nights in a row of watching…it’ll help to pass the time.