Report: Comic Con 2015 – Alice’s Supernatural Adventures, Part Two

Report: Comic Con 2015 – Alice’s Supernatural Adventures, Part Two

It’s part two!  When we left off, the “Supernatural” panel was getting started, and someone handed the keys to Richard Speight Jr. and Rob Benedict.  Uh oh, what are we in for?  Right, the introductions… Alice JesterAlice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester…

Report: Comic Con 2015 – Alice’s Supernatural Adventures, Part One

Report: Comic Con 2015 – Alice’s Supernatural Adventures, Part One

I almost didn’t make it to Comic Con this year.  I had decided earlier in the year I wasn’t going.  After five years of fighting crowds and paying outrageous prices to fly cross country to San Diego and stay in sky high priced hotels (yes, the Motel 6 was even $180 a night), it just…

Interview (or Really Some Fun Banter) with Mark Sheppard – Comic Con 2015

Interview (or Really Some Fun Banter) with Mark Sheppard – Comic Con 2015

Those of us covering “Supernatural” enough know one thing, Mark Sheppard doesn’t give straight forward interviews.  He doesn’t like traditional questions, and if you hammer him with normal questions he could come off as a bit of a jerk.  Luckily, our table knew how to have fun with him and flagged him down as interviews…

Interview with Supernatural Co-Executive Producer Andrew Dabb – Comic Con 2015

Interview with Supernatural Co-Executive Producer Andrew Dabb – Comic Con 2015

Our time with Mr. Carver was so short, there was one burning question on our list that wasn’t answered.  What happens now that Dean has killed Death?  In between guests we decided collectively that this question would be the first one thrown at Andrew Dabb.  The answer I think is pretty damned satisfying.  Also, I…

WB Comic Con Bags – See Supernatural Design

Once again, Supernatural is featured on the suite of Comic Con bags that are handed out to convention goers courtesy of Warner Brothers.  Today the designs for all the bags were released, including the new Supernatural bag.  Here is this year’s design!  What do you think?   Alice JesterAlice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head…