SPN 1529

Let’s Discuss: How did Demon Mythology Impact Supernatural?

Ben Edlund, one of the brilliant writers who shaped Supernatural‘s mythology in the first half of its groundbreaking 15-year run, penned 24 episodes in seasons 2 through 8. Some of his episodes, such as “Hollywood Babylon” (2.18), “Ghostfacers” (3.13), “Monster Movie” (4.05) and “The French Mistake” (6.15), were fun, creative departures from routine episodic television….

Supernatural’s Top Ten Friends to Foes, Enemies to Allies

Supernatural’s Top Ten Friends to Foes, Enemies to Allies

Hi, everyone! I’m back with another Supernatural Top Ten list! This time I’m featuring characters who either started as a Friend but then became a Foe, and/or characters who started out as an Enemy but later became an Ally. Once again, I chose my list by picking the first ten characters that came to mind,…

Threads: Supernatural 15.13 “Destiny’s Child”

Threads: Supernatural 15.13 “Destiny’s Child”

The Morning After Now that’s more like it! Supernatural‘s “Destiny’s Child” engaged the imagination. There was mystery, emotion and plot development. Granted, some of the new canon that was introduced to advance our heroes’ plights required a massive suspension of disbelief, but at least the episode mostly made sense and was super fun to watch!…

Supernatural 15.13 “Destiny’s Child”–Returns, Remorse, and Replicas

Supernatural 15.13 “Destiny’s Child”–Returns, Remorse, and Replicas

What a fascinating episode. For me, Supernatural episodes fall into one of the following three categories: 1. Essential to the arc of the season 2. Monster of the week 3. Comedy/One-offs (ala “The French Mistake”) This episode was kind of, sort of, all three mixed up into one. It’s thrown me for a loop a little.

Let’s Speculate: Supernatural 15.13 “Destiny’s Child”

Let’s Speculate: Supernatural 15.13 “Destiny’s Child”

THEN – Baby’s tail lights.  Cas confusedly watching porn on TV, while Sam and Dean look at him, mortified.  “I learned that from the pizza man.”  Cas kisses Meg.  Ruby opens the door for Bobby and Dean and asks, “Where’s the pizza?”  Dean eats pizza – pizza – pizza.  “I’m done.”  Jack.  Billie.  Sam says…

No Sympathy For A Devil Part II:  A Further Look at Ruby Revisited

No Sympathy For A Devil Part II: A Further Look at Ruby Revisited

Editor’s Note: To celebrate Genevieve Padalecki’s birthday, I went looking through our archives for articles about her portrayal of Ruby. This 2-part analysis was first published in December of 2011. It traces Ruby’s motivations and impact on Sam and Dean from her introduction in season 3 through her death in season 4. It goes deeper…

No Sympathy For A Devil Part I:  A Closer Look at Ruby Revisited

No Sympathy For A Devil Part I: A Closer Look at Ruby Revisited

Editor’s Note: To celebrate Genevieve Padalecki’s birthday, I went looking through our archives for articles about her Supernatural character, Ruby. This 2-part analysis of Ruby was first published in December of 2011. It traces Ruby’s motivations and impact on Sam and Dean from her introduction in season 3 through her death in season 4. It…

“I’m Sorry, Have You Met Me?” I’m KAREN!

“I’m Sorry, Have You Met Me?” I’m KAREN!

“I’m Sorry, Have You Met Me?”By WEDNESDAYWelcome to another:There are people we’ve heard of, but never really got to know.  (Like Sully was to Dean.) Sometimes we run into old friends and realize we’ve changed and we need time to reconnect with each other.(Like Sully and Sam’s friendship.)With this in mind, it’s a sensible idea…