Robin’s Rambles – Supernatural 10.16 – “Paint It Black”

Robin’s Rambles – Supernatural 10.16 – “Paint It Black”

What an episode, huh? Beautiful nuns (one ghostly and murderous), battling bitch witches, Sam reads Italian, and a hamster in a mini ruby necklace. Then of course, we have Dean, of all people, going to confession, something that should, given his many transgressions, last years in the fess-up box and cost more Hail Marys than…

Alice’s Review: Supernatural 10.16, “Paint it Black” aka Does the Show Believe in Us?

Alice’s Review: Supernatural 10.16, “Paint it Black” aka Does the Show Believe in Us?

I just don’t know what to say.  There are a few approaches I could have taken for this review.  I could have ranted about how an utter travesty like “Paint It Black” ever made it to air, I could have calmly tried to break down the material we were given and analyze where it all…

Alice’s Review: Supernatural 10.14, “The Executioner’s Song” aka The Best of S10 So Far

Alice’s Review: Supernatural 10.14, “The Executioner’s Song” aka The Best of S10 So Far

Yep, I’m still trying to process this one.  Don’t take that as a negative though.  This is a good thing.  I haven’t been this stunned in a while.  Not even last season’s finale left me as shaken as “The Executioner’s Song”.  It was an emotional script, but they put so much more into this episode…

Thoughts on Supernatural 10.14: “The Executioner’s Song”

Thoughts on Supernatural 10.14: “The Executioner’s Song”

From the title alone, there was no doubt this was going to be a powerful episode. Throw in an appearance by Cain and everything is fully primed for one of those emotionally overwhelming game-changers that will be talked about for months to come. For the most part, this did the job – with just few,…