WFB Preview for Supernatural Episode 13.17 – Behind the Scenes Added
What we know about Supernatural season 13 episode 14.
What we know about Supernatural season 13 episode 14.
Editor’s Note: Supernatural inspires each of its fans in different ways. I write. Others draw, create fan videos or write fan fiction. Bettina creates collages of Supernatural’s characters edited together with images that express her interpretation of the characters’ personalities or characteristics. I first saw Bettina’s “Animal” themed art on Twitter. I thought it was…
Four Days Later “I’m confused. Aren’t you Satan? Which would make you the evil monster?” I’m with Kevin! I’m so confused. Lucifer is back? Well that was easy. A rift that supposedly only a once-a-millennia super power can open is created just in time for Lucifer to use? On top of it, he’s changed and…
Welcome back to the “Memorable Moments” series! For 12.22 “Who We Are”, I have once again put together a list of what I felt were the best and most memorable moments from this episode. The list varies from episode to episode depending on what has transpired. I hope you enjoy it and share what your…
Welcome back to the Memorable Moments series! For 12.21 “There’s Something About Mary”, I once again put together a list of what I felt were the best and most memorable moments from the episode. The list varies from episode to episode depending on what has transpired. I hope you enjoy it and share what your…
Part 1 of “Defense of Supernatural Season 12” makes the case that the return of Sam and Dean’s loving relationship and the harmonious blending of the season’s arcs added up to one of the best years in the Supernatural series. In Part 2, Samandean addresses the other major characters and storylines, and how they contributed,…
A Thirst Quenching Gem!
Who We Are and All Along the Watchtower were excellent, both independent and united. Season twelve has had some decent episodes and has been sluggish about some key plots, no question. The payoff here makes the waiting worth it. Between character and story, 12.22 and 12.23 offer not only answers we’ve been looking for but…
The Morning After I am overwhelmed. Emotionally drained and intellectually stunned. THAT is the Supernatural we all know and love. The morning after watching the Supernatural season 12 two episode finale, 12.22 “Who We Are” and 12.23 “All Along the Watchtower”, my heart is aching with joy. Truly overflowing with happiness. I’m guessing those are…
This recap will address both 12.22 and 12.23. The first hour of the finale was written by Robert Berens and is called “Who We Are,” while the finale is “All Along the Watchtower” written by Andrew Dabb.
Aspects To Love & A Little Something About Eileen
While not at all what I expected from where we left off last week, There’s Something About Mary was, simply put, too short an episode that left me anxious and salivating for both karmic twists and conclusions. Typically by this point of the season there are so many things aligning and pieces being revealed to…