Supernatural 15.02 “Raising Hell”– A Bit of a Jumble

Supernatural 15.02 “Raising Hell”– A Bit of a Jumble

This episode has really stymied me. For some reason, I’m having a problem ordering my thoughts about what happened in the episode and how everyone behaved. Normally I don’t run into this problem because I try my best to pay attention to the characters and what they’re doing, but for some reason, this episode felt…

Let’s Speculate: Supernatural 15.02 “Raising Hell”

Let’s Speculate: Supernatural 15.02 “Raising Hell”

THEN:  Chuck says this isn’t how the story is supposed to end.  Dean yells that it’s not a story; it’s their lives.  “Story’s over; welcome to the end,” says Chuck.  Jack gets his eyes burned out.  Belphegor appears.  The ghosts chase Sam and Cas down a suburban street. NOW:  A white sign – Road Closed…

Threads: Supernatural 14.09 “The Spear”

Threads: Supernatural 14.09 “The Spear”

Several Days Later If you’re like me, your mind is consumed with holiday and year end lists right now – gift list, shopping list, grocery list, to-do lists (multiple) and the get-it-done-before-Dec.31 list. As much as you want to obsess over Supernatural’s mid-season cliffhanger, you run out of hours in the day before you run…

Alice’s Review: Supernatural 14.09, “The Spear” aka Return of the Pod People

Alice’s Review: Supernatural 14.09, “The Spear” aka Return of the Pod People

(Editor’s Note:  I’m going to send apologies up front.  I know that many of you come here for Nightsky’s “Threads” on Friday and expect a very upbeat spin on things.  Unfortunately, her review must be deferred to next week so you get my two cents first. I don’t like playing the curmudgeon, but “The Spear”…

Memorable Moments: Supernatural 13.07 “War of the Worlds”

Memorable Moments: Supernatural 13.07 “War of the Worlds”

Welcome back to the Supernatural “Memorable Moments” series! For 13.07, “War of the Worlds”, I once again put together a list of what I felt were the best and most memorable moments from the episode. The list varies from episode to episode depending on what transpired.  I hope you enjoy it and share what your…

The Boys Are Back in Town: Supernatural Episode Seven

The Boys Are Back in Town: Supernatural Episode Seven

The Boys Are Back in Town (Probably Time To Flee) EPISODE SEVEN: A breath pause and some brother time, or a serious plot development – Supernatural‘s seventh episode each season has an either/or approach on these moments. Regardless of which way it goes, episode seven has given us some truly great scenes through the series:

Threads: Supernatural 13.18 “Bring ’em Back Alive”

Threads: Supernatural 13.18 “Bring ’em Back Alive”

The Morning After Asmodeus is dead!! Hallelujah! Charlie is back! Hooray! Gabriel is alive and well again! Outstanding! Supernatural’s “Bring ‘em Back Alive” crammed at least three game changing events into one episode! It was a bit jolting, abruptly closing plot lines I expected would run for at least 2-3 more episodes, but that made…