Jody closeup2

Reviews That I Missed: Supernatural 9.19 – “Alex, Annie, Alexis, Ann”

This is a surprising episode.  We were so dragged down by all the season nine crap at this point that when “Alex, Annie, Alexis, Ann” came along, I was stunned to see an actual great, emotional story play out, especially with a vampire story.  Where did this come from?  It finally brought some long overdue…

Supernatural Finale: With or Without You – Part 9

Supernatural Finale: With or Without You – Part 9

Welcome Back to my vision of the end of Sam and Dean’s fight to save the world! “With or Without You” is a multi-part, complex tale that brings the Supernatural saga to a close in a way that’s quite different than the “Unity”/”Despair”/”Inherit the Earth” finale that was presented  in season 15. Yes, there’s mystery, danger, old friends…

Supernatural Finale: With or Without You – Part 6

Supernatural Finale: With or Without You – Part 6

Welcome Back to my vision of the end of Sam and Dean’s fight to save the world! “With or Without You” is a multi-part, complex tale that brings the Supernatural saga to a close in a way that’s quite different than the “Unity”/”Despair”/”Inherit the Earth” finale that was presented  in season 15. Yes, there’s mystery, danger, old friends…

Supernatural Finale: With or Without You – Part 5

Supernatural Finale: With or Without You – Part 5

Welcome Back to my vision of the end of Sam and Dean’s fight to save the world! “With or Without You” is a multi-part, complex tale that brings the Supernatural saga to a close in a way that’s quite different than the “Unity”/”Despair”/”Inherit the Earth” finale that was presented  in season 15. Yes, there’s mystery, danger, old friends…

Supernatural Characters Send Messages to Team Free Will and Wayward Sisters

Supernatural Characters Send Messages to Team Free Will and Wayward Sisters

We all need a little pick me up as the series is coming to a close, right?   A while back, we shared Cameo video messages gifted by a member of the SPNFamily, Kas (Capt_FrightNite on Twitter).  She reached out to cast members of Supernatural during COVID lockdown to request messages from their characters to Team…

Memorable Moments: Supernatural 13.10 “Wayward Sisters”

Memorable Moments: Supernatural 13.10 “Wayward Sisters”

Welcome back to the Supernatural “Memorable Moments” series! For 13.10, ” Wayward Sisters”, I once again put together a list of what I felt were the best and most memorable moments from the episode. The list varies from episode to episode depending on what transpired.  I hope you enjoy it and share what your picks…

Fan Video of the Week: Supernatural Reflections 13.10 “Wayward Sisters”

Fan Video of the Week: Supernatural Reflections 13.10 “Wayward Sisters”

  “I was a wayward child, very passionate and very determined. If I made up my mind to do something, there was no stopping me.” ― Kate Winslet   This was it. The last push to get the spinoff to go forward as a picked up show. There have been pretty passionate fans promoting WS…

Far Away Eyes’ Deeper Look Supernatural 11.12 “Don’t You Forget About Me”

Far Away Eyes’ Deeper Look Supernatural 11.12 “Don’t You Forget About Me”

The Supernatural episode “Don’t You Forget About Me” is aptly named. Taken from the closing song from the 1980s movie The Breakfast Club, we can take the closing letter of that movie and apply the same concept to the story presented here. In it, we see a group of misfits or outsiders defined by others….

Threads Supernatural 11.12: The “Don’t You Forget About Me” Mid-Season Recap

Threads Supernatural 11.12: The “Don’t You Forget About Me” Mid-Season Recap

Episode 12 crossed the mid-season point in season 11’s 23 episode series. Curiously named “Don’t You Forget About Me”, I have to wonder what else in season 11 are we being told not to forget? So after a quick review of this stand-alone story, let’s revisit some of the season’s earlier threads to see if…

Alice’s Review: Supernatural 11.12, “Don’t You Forget About Me” aka Wayward Episode

Alice’s Review: Supernatural 11.12, “Don’t You Forget About Me” aka Wayward Episode

Supernatural has been struggling for a while with the idea of how to carry on their legacy.  Other shows have been successful at spinoff concepts, but this is exactly where “Supernatural” has failed.  After all, the show itself is based on a very loose concept, but one that succeeded because the chemistry of the two…

Let’s Speculate: Supernatural 11.12 “Don’t You Forget About Me”

Let’s Speculate: Supernatural 11.12 “Don’t You Forget About Me”

“Don’t You Forget About Me” is the second episode written by Nancy Won. The episode begins with a classic cold opening set in Sioux Fall, South Dakota. Two teenagers are drinking in a car and start to make out. Claire Novak comes out of the wood and grabs the boy from the truck. She holds…