Memorable Moments: Supernatural 13.10 “Wayward Sisters”
Welcome back to the Supernatural “Memorable Moments” series! For 13.10, ” Wayward Sisters”, I once again put together a list of what I felt were the best and most memorable moments from the episode. The list varies from episode to episode depending on what transpired. I hope you enjoy it and share what your picks would be!
Best Broment
Sam and Dean are sitting by an open fire cooking a lizard.
After a couple of seconds of hesitation, Dean takes a bite.
Sam looking on in disgust, asks “Don’t tell me it taste like chicken.”
“No Sam, it’s a lizard. It taste like lizard!”
Sam: You know, we really got to get moving. Keep looking for that door.
Dean: Yeah, if there is a door.
Sam: Well the last time we opened one, it stayed open.
Dean: Yeah, for a few hours. We’ve been here for what? Two days and change. Look man, I hope you’re right. I really do, but if you’re not and we’re stuck in this freaky monster land… I mean nobody from back home even knows where to start looking for us.
Sam: So what are you saying ?
Dean: I’m saying eat up. (a loud monster roar is heard) Did that sound closer to you?
Sam: Yeah. What do you think it is?
Dean: Let’s not find out.
The brothers get up to leave, however, Dean turns back to grab the last skewered lizard.
Best Jody Moment
When Claire goes to the Door to the other universe, Jody chases after her. However, Jody notices the door is smaller. “It’s getting smaller. It’s closing”
Claire attempts to go blindly through the door to the other universe, however, Jody stops her.
Claire: Jody, I know you’re trying to protect me, but I need to save Sam and Dean. You have to let me.
Jody: I know.
When hearing the others shooting and Donna calling on her, Jody turns to Claire and tells her to ‘Go’.
Best Donna Moment
After loading up the rifle, Donna turns to Patience.
Donna: have you ever shot a gun before?
Patience: No.
Donna: Okey doke, here you go. Aim in a general direction, relax and squeeze. Squeeze don’t pull.
Later Donna turns to Patience and tells her “You have this.’
Best Claire Moment
Claire realizing the importance of her family.
” I came back to Sioux Falls to save Sam and Dean Winchester and I did. No, we did. We saved Sam and Dean. All these amazing women. My family. They don’t know it yet. They think I’m staying because I’m broken, but I’m staying because I need them. My family, my army.
The thing that killed Kaia is still out there and I don’t care if I have to tear another hole in the universe. We’re gonna find it and I’m gonna kill it.
Best Alex Moment
Alex dissecting the creature. No hesitation at all…..
… even though it was pretty gross.
Best Patience Moment
Patience gets a vision of the monster attacking Jody’s home. She races into the house to warn everyone.
Patience: We have to go, now. Those monsters, they’re coming, lots of them.
Kaia: They’re after me.
Claire: Then we should stay and fight.
Patience: There’s too many, they will kill us.
Claire: Maybe, maybe not.
Patience: Look I gave up a lot to come here. To do what was right, to save you. You want to brush that off, you want to think I’m a fake. Fine! But I’m telling you right now, we are all in danger.
Best Kaia Moment
Just before they are to go back home through the door, they hear a noise.
It is the masked warrior, taking aim…
Kaia sees it coming at Claire and pushes her out of the way, sacrificing her life to save Claire.
Best CGI Moment
The creature without it’s mask.
The skeleton of the monster from the other universe.
Best One Liner
While Sam and Dean are tied to the trees, the Masked Warrior comes out and bangs on the huge skeleton head and then leaves.
Dean looks around and sees piles of bones. ” I think he just rang the dinner bell.”
Most Moving/Powerful Moment
As Kaia lays dying, she reaches out her hand to Claire….
Claire reaches out her hand….
…and clasps tightly to her friend….
…. and helplessly watches over Kaia….
…until Kaia takes her last breath.
With the help of the brothers, they return home without Kaia. Claire is grief stricken.
Jody comes to her aid and comforts her.
Best Landscape View
The night view overseeing Sioux Falls….
…..and a day view of another part of the town.
Best Angle Shot
A view of Claire in the side mirror of the car.
I hope you enjoyed this “Memorable Moments” review! Please share what your picks would be for these categories, or offer categories of your own! You can see all of Supernatural‘s Memorable Moments from my author’s page!
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