Far Away Eyes’ Review: “Supernatural” 10.5 “Fan Fiction”

Far Away Eyes’ Review: “Supernatural” 10.5 “Fan Fiction”

On the road so far, we’ve had 200 Supernatural episodes. 200. It’s a monumental achievement for any television show. And what a strange trip it’s been. Those episodes have ranged from dramatic to comedic to tongue in cheek to downright bizarre. Some episodes have made us cry while others have left us in stitches—and some…

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Alice’s Review: Supernatural 10.05 – “Fan Fiction” aka My Version of the Story

CHUUUUUUUCCKKKKKK!!!!!  WE MISSED YOU!!!!!  I’m so freaking happy to see you!  It’s been way too long buddy.   Gee, did that ending give you a stir or what?  Back when I interviewed Jeremy Carver at Comic Con, he said that someone was coming back and he wouldn’t say who it was.  I know exactly what…

Supernatural at 200:  How a Show Manages to Succeed Beyond Wildest Expectations

Supernatural at 200: How a Show Manages to Succeed Beyond Wildest Expectations

My, my, how times have changed.  200 episodes.  Ten seasons.  Millions of super loyal fans.  “Supernatural” is going to down in infamy thanks to this milestone, joining a small list of prestigious shows to hit this mark.  The cast, crew, writers, producers, and just about anyone on the planet look at this feat and can…