Share Your Reactions – “Point of No Return”
Okay, here it is, the big 100!!! I’ve already seen the episode, but I haven’t seen it in full HD glory. Given the LOADS of drama and strife in this episode, not to mention those non-verbal glares that kill us in about eighty different ways, HD is required.
So, when its all done, or when you have to do the rewatch (which you will), come here and tell me what you think! Do you agree with my preview? Happy episode day everyone and enjoy this gem.

Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
I have no words….Oh wait, I thought of some….
…just to name a few.
This is the episode I’ve been waiting for all season – the end was just perfect! I was so glad to hear what Dean said, and this time I think he means it! I have so much more relief than I thought I would after watching that episode. However, Cas better be okay. I love that “nerdy” angel dude!
The scene 20 minutes in that I eluded to in the spoilers was the first panic room scene. When Dean tore into Sam, telling him no matter what, he’ll be taken over by Lucifer and he’ll have to stop him. When a teary eyed Sam tells him “Don’t say that to me,” I lost it. I lost it the four times I’ve seen that scene. I’m still so…oh…dazzled, amazed, impressed that Sam still stuck with Dean after that and put his total faith in him to do the right thing, even when Dean didn’t believe in himself. It’s the stuff epics are made of.
I love how the power of the puppy eyes got him to not say yes. No one can resist those.
Finally brothers vs evil in a mytharc episode. LONG OVER DUE!!!!
Two words from Sam work on Dean as well as Sam’s ‘puppy dog’ eyes work on us, “big brother”. Family is too ingrained in Dean to have that not move him. Sam knew how to reach his bro same way he’s done all his life. Sorry, but I never thought Dean was going to really go through with it, even through Sam wasn’t sure, but that wink was wonderful to see. But Sam was right, if Dean wasn’t with him, it was all over anyway, so Sam had to hope for the best.
Cass was great and so was Adam. I half way hoped Adam would stay with the boys, but know that wasn’t goong to happen. Dean would always help Sam first. Good to see Dean’s protective brotherly instinct resurface. Been waiting for that all season
SOOOOOO glad Zach got his dues! Kurt Fuller is a wonderful actor, but Zach HAD to go!
Good episode. Now maybe we can finsih the apocolypse in style!!!!
Interesting how the real Adam was just like Dean, huh? Considering the fake Adam in “Jump The Shark” was more like Sam. I’m sure that was done on purpose.
Yes, Adam showed traits of both boys. Nice touch to the story. Maybe he will come back sometime.
I’m known for being long-winded, but I have just one word right now: YES!
Freaking brilliant! I’m a total Dean girl, but I was soooo proud of Sammy! He finally stepped up! They’re ready to take on the apocalypse! “Screw destiny!”
Adam made me laugh because he was Dean 2.0 – it was awesome. I loved Dean’s wink (for a minute, I totally thought that it wasn’t Dean, but that maybe the Trickster had hijacked his form or something outrageous like that – but it was even better!) and the way he manipulated Zach – I fist-pumped and yelled HA! at the TV when Dean pulled that sneak attack off. Now that Sam and Dean are on the mend, I need Dean and Cas to be too!!
We have been promised that Sam would get redemption this year, and you don’t know how thrilled I am to see him finally get it. I’ve been going through the past seasons and after he went through revenge mode in season one (with daddy issues), totally worrying and complaining about his destiny in season two, desperately trying in unsuccessful (and sometimes hair brained) ways to save Dean, and over course his total downward spiral in season four, Sam finally comes through in a way we all can be proud. In a way Dean can be proud. Honest, I’m a blubbering mess just thinking about it. It’s just a TV show, right?
I’m with you Elle. I jumped up and shouted when Dean pulled off his trick of Zach. Really good to see the real Dean back!
And the new Sam is awesome!
Okay… I’m done. Just so glad they made the 100th episode so worth while for the brothers.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m SUPER thrilled with Dean too. However, what he did, while VERY exciting, is so within his strong character. I guess the story though isn’t that Dean snapped out of it, but he did so because he didn’t want to disappoint Sam. That’s so long overdue. I guess he again got to kill a whore.
Here’s a mystery though. How did Dean kill Zachariah? I thought only an angel could kill other angels. Plus did you see how there was the closeup on his eyes as he watched the burst of light with Zachariah? So he doesn’t have to look away or get his eyes burned out. What’s happened to Dean? Has he always been like that and is just finding out, or has something changed recently. I’m keeping all this in the back of my mind as we go into the final four episodes.
Good point, Alice. maybe that’s what being a ‘servant of the lord’ means. Dean can also kill angels. I thought the close up of his eyes was just to show his determination at killing Zach. Looked to me just like he looked when he killed Ruby.
Good episode!!!!
So what did everyone think of Cas? How about the way he took about those four angels? I think he was at his finest here, even though he’s lost his faith in Dean. Maybe he’ll change his mind once he comes back from wherever it is he went to. I wonder how they’re going to bring him back?
Team Free Will rocks!!!!!
I loved the look Dean gave Sam as he realized he couldn’t disappoint his baby brother, then the wink & smile as he made up his mind. Also loved that he got to gank Zach, although I too am wondering how Dean was able to kill an angel. Cas & Bobby were also made of awesome. Action Cas is back! I did want to smack Dean upside the head for his comments to Bobby about not being his dad & to Sam about having no faith in him. I get that it was still Dean’s depression talking, but those comments had to really hurt. He made up for it in the end, however. I scared my dogs when I jumped up from the couch & did a happy dance as the credits appeared.
I still need to rewatch, but at this point the only thing coming to mind was a verse from a song by Thin Lizzy.
Guess who just got back today?
Them wild-eyed boys that had been away
Haven’t changed, haven’t much to say
But man, I still think them cats are crazy
Karen, that’s so perfect! Your post made me laugh out loud.
Awesome, awesome episode!
Great performances all around.
And a big tip of the hat to Jeremy Carver, especially for how much he lovingly poked fun at the Wincest-ers out there in fandom – ‘erotically dependent,’ ‘last time someone looked at me like that, I got laid.’ 😆
Like Alice, I too wondered how Dean was able to look a dying Zach in the eyes. Given the opening scene, it has to be more than a cool special effect. Can’t wait to find out what!
And I’m sure we haven’t seen the last of our favourite nerdy angel dude.
I’m going to try and find out (although I’m sure unsuccessfully) but that opening teaser had Ben Edlund’s fingerprints all over it! I know Carver tried in his last episode to out gross Edlund, so I wonder if he’s going for his wicked and very dark humor too.
How about this line? Adam snarking on Sam about the “dewy-eyed bromance” stuff. He wasn’t buying the puppy dog eyes!
I just wanted to chime in briefly before heading to bed, but man, that was flipping insanely awesome. Soooo good! The part that really got me for some reason was seeing Dean pack up his entire life into that one little box. I don’t know why, but that was the saddest part of the whole episode to me.
And I was watching “It’s A Terrible Life” yesterday to prepare myself for the Ghostfacer webisodes, so when Dean killed Zach, all I could think was “Dean literally told Zach ‘Angel or not, I will stab you in the face’ and he did!”
Alice, I noticed that closeup of the light in Dean’s eyes, too, and I’m curious what that means. I don’t think it was there for nothing. Maybe he’s in some sort of strange grace period now that he’s said yes but hasn’t actually been possessed by Michael.
And I think Michael’s riding around in an Adam meat suit right now. That can’t be the last we’ve seen of him.
Yeah, that wasn’t very brief at all. But that was definitely an episode worthy of 100, and I can’t wait to watch it again!
I liked it, but I would’ve liked a little more from the 100th episode. It was pretty much par for the course, nothing shocking or unexpected in any of it. I figured Adam was a scapegoat, everyone would fight with each other, then make up at the end just in time to fight again before the season finale (which will obviously be set in Detroit).
I’m kind of disappointed on how this season has panned out. The execution of the mythology has fallen way short for me; the writers are great at beginnings and endings, but can’t seem to create a “middle.” It’s been a flaw from the start that’s only gotten worse the last few years. I wish this show would do something unexpected and/or new. The writers just don’t seem to have the creative juice for it anymore. I keep having this moments during episodes (“erotically co-dependent?”) where I swear they’re lifting crap from fanfiction!
WOW! I need to see this episode a couple more times before I can form some coherent thoughts but I just wanted to chime in and say
I am so very happy with the way this episode progressed. The beginning scene where Dean is packing up his favorite things (leather coat, keys to the Impala, along with a note) to send to Bobby had me in utter sobs. (I would love to see what Dean wrote to Bobby in that letter) And then Dean’s total resignation to saying Yes – man, can I cry anymore?!? Jensen totally rocked this (his facial expressions along with the dark circles under his eyes – everything was just breaking my heart). Man, I could barely see the TV screen through all the tears I was shedding. (Damn you Kripke!)
Can’t say enough good things about Jensen, Jared, Jim and Misha in this episode. Very, Very happy to finally see some brotherly love at the end. That has been missing for far too long. And it seems Dean has gotten some of his fighting spirit back. Finally! Thank goodness. Well, I’m gonna go watch this again. I so love this show. Thank you Kripke & Co. for everything you have given us these past 5 years.
Wow. Loved it. LOVED.IT. 😀
One of my faves abso-freaking-lutely 🙂
I have no words. I’m SO happy right now!!
*happy dance of the millenium*
Actually I’m drunk from all the happiness, I love you all 😉
‘If you’ve grown up enough to find faith in me, the least I can do is return the favor’ – 🙂 I’m so happy with this episode. I always believed in Sam, he would never do anything out of bad intentions and he would always be there for his brother, especially believing in him when Dean himself could not.
He lets him go from the panic room out of trustful instincts, even though Dean let him rot there (and would again,if their roles were reversed as he admitted). That’s my boy.
I loved this damn episode. I love it… We have something of the old brothers-vibe again (though I still think there will be a major ugly showdown we might not yet expect)but seeing them like this – this was great gift to us fans for their 100th episode Celebration.
If I could I would re-watch it immediately, however I need to go to work, my own personal hell house these days.
I’m babbling…. This episode was as awesome as it gets. I’m looking at the upsoming others with less trepidation now.
Aren’t we a lucky bunch to be blessed with such a great show, actors like this and this site to be able to babble on… Love! Jas
P.S. Dean’ little wink was a perfect Indiana Jones gesture…. He was so fantastic here, Dean, I guess it does some magic to you when someone else believes so much in you. Even more when that person believing in you is the one person that means the most to you on this planet.
OH, god, I don’t want to go to work. I wanna stay here and talk about it with you guys….
Sniff. Jas
Two words: Erotically co-dependent! 😎 Two weeks ago, it was soul-mates. What is Kripke up to and how is he able to read our minds? Or is he finally acknowledging what we’ve always known? 🙂
Yeah, that wink/smirk Dean flashed at Sam spitting blood took me back to the pilot and made him seem so youthful in that moment. It was strangely refreshing to see him that way. He normally seems so burnt-out looking that I kinda double-blinked when I saw him at that moment. Make of that what you will.
But I was happy Castiel knocked Dean around. All of Dean’s inappropiate words and gestures, plus the Angel-B-Gone thing… Dean asked for it. I kinda chuckled at how Castiel just tossed Dean on the couch afterwards. Castiel was good in this one, and not just for one-liners.
Oh and Alice, this panic room scene when Dean hurt Sam intentionally still doesn’t touch what Sam did to himself in WtLB. It was sad, but Dean wasn’t real in this one either, you know? It seemed like he was trying to force himself to hurt Sam, and really didn’t give me any indication that he actually meant what he was saying. He was just trying to Sam feel responsible for him accepting Michael, but Sam didn’t fall for it even though he was hurt. He was trying to twist his reason for accepting Michael on Sam by once again bringing up the past. Sam was a trooper and was so “season 2” Sammy. So sensitive and sweet, yet strangely tough in awful circumstances. He’s been fighting all season… I’m so proud of him.
Really liked Adam, really like that Zach’s dead, but someone will take his place I’m sure. A dead giveaway is if the next angel calls humans “hairless ape” or “pigs”… I will not trust him no matter who he’s fighting for or what side he’s on.
Just finished watching this ep for the second time. It is still awesome, epic and fantastic!
You nailed it on the head Jas, about Dean changing his mind. After Dean said Yes, he looked at Sam and the the utter look of despair and disappointment on Sam’s face as he turned his face away from Dean’s and then looked back at him with still a little bit of hope – yes, that faith is what helped turn Dean around. And as Dean said, he didn’t want to disappoint Sam – the one person that means the most to him – the one person that he DIED for to save. How could Dean possibly give up after seeing that look on Sam’s face – he had to keep going.
I am so happy with this outcome and am looking forward to what lies ahead for the boys and how they are going to resolve this situation. Although I am sure we are not done with the angst yet. From the sounds of it, (from comments made at LA Con) there is still a major fight between the boys in an upcoming epi………say it ain’t so. Until then, I am going to enjoy this renewed brotherly love.
OK, I have a few quibbles about the episode, but overall? Wow!
• Sam’s gamble – Sam, my friend? You are redeemed. Bravo.
• Dean throughout the whole beautiful room scene, but especially when he winked at Sam and KILLED Zachariah! Kudos to those who remembered the ‘stab you in the face’ line. HA!
• Adam’s explanation of John’s role in his life – well done, writers, well done.
• Zach’s death with wings askew – poetic.
• The first scene with Dean packing away his life. *sniff*
• Dean calling Cas on his smouldering. *snigger*
• Adam’s snark and then the first thing he says in the rescue is to try to protect Dean – he really is a Winchester.
• And the last scene in the car, man – perfection. Yes!
• And Dean’s eyes glowed!!! I had forgotten that only angels can kill angels – but…what…how can he…does this mean….I LOVE this show.
Seriously, how amazing is this show that in the first half of the episode they make the ‘power of love’ joke and then in the second half actually use it and we buy it!
Oh excellent, excellent show! Kurt Fuller, Jake Abel and Misha: stellar. And what can I say about Jensen and Jared? To make the 100th episode that compelling through such stripped-back emotional honesty?
Well obviously that they are psychotically, irrationally, erotically BRILLIANT!
Someone in other forum commented that Dean prayed for God’s help, and God gave him SAM… Could that be any more right?
De-lurking to say a great big “AWESOME TEAM!” to Jensen & Jared, and all the crew for making it to 100 episodes. How great was that!?! 😯 Loved, loved LOVED that little smirk & wink just before Dean came back to us from his personal version of hell. Gotta love that man. And Sammy, who’s all grown up now – atta boy!!! Love this show, thanks Alice too for your great comments and insights.
Love this episode. I feel like we are right back in the greatness that is Supernatural when the boys are running into the fight with guns blazing and full of hope. Love these guys.
I am so happy now!
Have I ever mentioned how much I LOVE THIS SHOW !!!!
I agree Enoel! I think the series has finally gotten back to the earlier years! I so hope so!
I haven’t had a chance at a rewatch yet, but my first impression of Dean’s glowing eyes was just a reflection of Zach’s light. But really Dean and Sam can’t be killed, so Dean not being killed by the light never seemed unusual to me. As for killing an angel….both boys are special, so I don’t see why they can’t. Maybe Dean just never had the anger to go-for-broke before. But he sure did with Zach!
First off, a big middle finger, Brit two-finger and fuck you very much to Cox Communications who decided to go all wonky digital not before, not after, but during the episode. Luckily, I only missed a few lines. Of course they had to happen during Zach at the bar, in the panic room and in the Impala at the end. Bloody fucking hell.
Now that that’s out of my system, what pretty much everyone else said. Despite Dean’s ‘this is the end of the road my friends,’ Sam kept the faith, Dean saw that, and yes, Jas, Indiana Jones! Brotherly love kicks doubt and ennui in the nuts.
Castiel: one hell of a way to get rid of the angels. Hope you ladies all enjoyed your extra squee. Where are the shirtless babes? Damn puritan nation.
Adam: even though his presence could be nothing but an angel deception, I still like the way he was used, a few more layers peeled off the family onion. Now, was that Mike or the head honcho with the light show?
Erotically co-dependent, muah!
Zachariah: so long and good riddance. Sniff, who doesn’t love a vile, disturbing major league jerk of a villain?
Alright, it’s been made pretty clear (via unspoken inference, ha) that even humans wielding angel weapons is probably going to be whole poking a bear gig. Michael is presumably on board the jackass angel train so Servant of Heaven means bonus powers and that means the big cheese has to be lurking around, or at least Dean, as one of these SoHs, can tap into heretofore unknown goody bags.
Jensen really sold the utter despair, nothing histrionic about it, pure unadulterated resignation and Jared had the “please, man” working overtime.
Wow. I loved this episode. It wasn’t flawless, but still easily in my top 10.
I’m really glad to see other people noticed the shot of Dean seeing Zach’s true form and not losing his eyeballs… I thought I was just reading too much into a cool effects shot at first. But pair this with the “True Servant of Heaven” bit from last week and Dean’s weird immunity to Lust, War, and Famine, and I think we’re in for an epic reveal about the eldest Winchester brother before the Apocalypse is done. Looking forward to it, Kripke.
I’m so happy with this episode that I could cry. Finally, finally!!! No more coldness between our boys, please. When Dean said “this stupid son of a bith” at the end, I thought well, it’s going to happen, he’ll call Sam BITCH. OK, not yet, but I’m still hopeful. And let’s not forget the Amulet either. I’m already salivating in anticipation for the moment it reappers. What a scene it promises to be!
I liked the character of Adam and his contribution to the brotherly dyamics. It was cool to see the two eldest joining forces to get him back. I’d like to see more of him.
Next, I hope we can see something of the Sam/Lucifer relationship.
After the beginning with Dean packing his meager possessions to send to Bobby, the utter despair and desolation on his face and the knowledge that he was after all really going to say yes, I was so very down and depressed.
But when he said yes to Zach (the Incredible Dick) and gave that cheeky wink to Sam I was filled with hope and happiness I haven’t felt for two or more years of this show. And for the first time in at least two years when it ended I was filled with relief and not utter despair.
So the tears shed were happy happy tears! 🙂
Really mixed feelings about the demise of so nasty Zach. Happy that Dean got to give him the gank but a little bit sad to lose such a magnificent bastard of a villain. Kurt Fuller was exceptional in the part!
I really liked Adam and hope he reappears. His attitude is so like Dean when we first met him. And he is a Winchester beyond a doubt, whether he likes it or not.
And Sam was beyond wonderful in his desperation to find a way to save his brother. He just refused to give up on him and finally found the words to get through. Loved the team up between him and Cas.
Please please bring poor Cas back and let him have a little bit of hope now that his human has regained his fighting spirit. At least for now. Am really worrying about what was said at the convention about a smack down fight between the brothers, especially after seeing this episode of hope. 🙁
hello, this is my first post here, I was always a lurker but now, I have to say something, this episode was so so cool.
First things first, I read all of you every day, and I want to say that I love to read you Alice, and Randal, and Jas, and … well all of you. It’s a hell of a cool place.
I was warned about this episode, so I saw it only on the afternoon (I’ve already have problem in my job after an episode of Supernatural, because I was a mess, so I take precaution now).
All in this episode was so intense, I feel a little KO by now. The scene with Dean in the hotel room, with the box made me cry. I was so glad to see “grown up Sam”, and Jared was perfect in this episode. Everybody was perfect, but we knows that acting is one of the good point of the show. Did I say already that I love Dean . Well, Dean I love you, and Jensen … you are great.
But on all the time, the scene at the end, before Dean killed Zach … the wink … I feel something in me, really, like a bubble of sweatness, the feeling I have when I come back home when I return from a travel. Something like that, it’s difficult to say. It’s like the show is coming back to his base.
I’m a pride obsessive fan of Supernatural, I watch every episode as soon as possible, I spent most of my time on the net to have news and read forums, and even if it’s not even aired in my country, because I love it with passion.
I’m a single mother who is struggle every day to make a decent life for her kid, and it’s the first time I’m fan of something. That’s worth the wait, isn’t it ? I’m the only one in my family to be in love with the show, well, I am probably the only one in my town but you know, it’s “my” show. Every week, I lock the door, turn off my phone, I sit in front of my computer, and this special something begin, and I feel good. And I’m proud to be a fan of Supernatural, even with the weird fans, I’m proud to be a part of something who allow me to read such a passionate, clever and funny people like you.
If only english was my native language, I could speak about it during hours, but well, I do my best and perhaps, in the future, I’ll do it again. Because, as a lonely fan in a little town, sometimes it’s good to share a feeling.
Thanks for all you’re doing for everybody in the fandom.
Thank you for how you have made your characters evolve, grow, and mature, thank you so much!!
I had been waiting for so long for Sam to finally show us his real mature side, and boy, was he awesome tonight!
And Dean, what can I say, I love him. And I also like the fact that writers stated that, yes, Dean will always be Sam’s big brother, but it doesn’t mean that belittles Sam.
Sure, that panic room scene was harsh, but Dean somewhat tore Sam out the way Sam tore him out last year choking him to go with Ruby. I don’t think they could respectively hurt themselves more than this.
Thanks for this last scene in the Impala: the boys are back on track, and this time they believe in their chances.
Finally, last but not least: Dean killing Zachariah with glowing eyes, I’m sure there is something there…
4 episodes remaining…Bring it on, Kripke!!
I don’t know about you all, but me, I’m in mourning. The death of Zachariah, a tragedy on par with the death of Uriel although I’m not quite as heartbroken as when Alistair was killed. Yep, I love me my wicked awesome SPN villains. Don’t get me wrong, it is satisfying to watch a bad guy get what’s coming to ’em, but Kurt Fuller was so awesome! Right on, Bevie– I’ll miss him for sure.
That being said, yeah, awesome episode–not much to say that hasn’t already been said in everyone’s wonderful comments. Can’t wait to find out what’s going on with Dean, I totally agree they seem to be working up to a big reveal there. Great song pick, Karen!
As for the codependence line, I actually cried out to my TV, “What are you doing?! Don’t encourage them!!!”
The “power of love” line was one of my favorites of the episode, that was awesome, totally agree with magichappening. Also loved the line from Dean about the beautiful room maybe being on Jupiter, which I’m assuming was a ref to 2001 :geek: :geek: :geek:
Next week apparently features cannibalism at the Hotel California. Well, human sacrifice anyway. I loved the teaser for this one–I hope we get preview clips! It definitely had an Edlundian feel to it, but I thought he was writing 5 x 20?
Took me years to scroll down through the comments! This was a lovely episode, I had to pause and get up and shake myself around and squeal a little bit every once in a while because I was so excited and it was so good.
Hee, Dean winked. I was like “whuuuh?”
Poor Adam though! I hope they get him back, I like this Adam a lot more than ghoul Adam for some reason.
And props to Sammy for holding everyone together even when he was getting an abundance of slaps to his pretty lil face.
OMG the episode was awesome!
Go team free will.
But, I have a question.
Dean said he was going to say yes when he was in the panic room, when do you think he decides not to say yes?, because when Sam and Dean got to the beautiful room Dean already had the “sword” to kill angels, When do you think he decided no to say yes to Michael? that little moment when Dean and Sam look at each other right before Dean’s smirk and wink to Sam?
It was so cool to see Castiel the Bad-Ass show up I loved his showdown with angels and Zach getting smoked by Dean… Awesome!
Kripke is God and I have faith.
We know the exact moment when Dean decided not to say YES. It was when he exchanged looks with Sam as Zachariah called Michael. At that moment his facial expression totally changed, from utter despair to self-confidence. It was then that he knew he couldn’t let Sam down.
Thanks, I just notice, I think I needed to watch the episode a second time.