Hey everyone! I decided to tackle an episode review, especially since I don’t think I’ve ever given my thoughts about this episode before. It was fun to go back and take a look. I have Robin’s review for “Heart” coming next, but in the meantime, I hope you don’t mind my ramblings for once.
I had to re-watch this episode just because I couldn’t remember if I liked it. I thought back and no scathing memories of a two minute bug showdown in an attic happened, so it couldn’t have been all bad. After the re-watch, I figured I like this one, except it did trigger one that scathing memory at the end. I must have blocked it out.
Sure, this episode is Supernatural meets Touched By An Angel, but it’s a pretty good ghost story. If this was season four or five, “Roadkill” would have earned the distinction of episode with the greatest hits by the TV brick. However, at this point in season two, it fits. I remember thinking at first that Sam was out of character, but if you compare this with “Houses of The Holy,” the end of “Born Under a Bad Sign,” and the next episode, “Heart,” Sam’s behavior makes perfect sense. He’s relating a little too well to the lost ghost that’s innocently killing people. She didn’t mean to do it. His words in explaining things to the lost spirit Molly said it all. “A lot of them were good. Something happened to them. Something they couldn’t control.” Projecting there a bit Sammy? Plus, the season two puppy dog eyes of empathy were in full groove and who couldn’t help but melt?
If anyone was out of character, it was Dean. I know he had this horrible mistrust for spirits in this part of the series, but he tried his best to be the polar opposite of Sam’s sympathetic approach. In other words, he was being a dick. Still, he came around in the end, telling Sam she wasn’t all that bad, but he didn’t have anywhere near the personal involvement Sam did. That isn’t necessarily bad since one of them had to stay grounded. I would classify both brothers’ behavior as extreme on both sides. The only difference is given what Sam has been struggling with, his reaction made a bit more sense.
The premise is pretty neat. A man and woman crash in the deep woods, the man disappears, and unless you’re looking at clues carefully like that really bad 90’s style black jacket she’s wearing, you couldn’t have imagined that this was 15 years later. After all spouses disappear all the time. Plus, old cars are driven on this show all the time. When the lead car is 40 some years old, 15 doesn’t seem like a stretch. Two ghosts turns out to be a nice twist.
I was actually sucked in by the mystery and I liked the slower pacing. It built the suspense and led up to a good reveal at the end. I loved the setting as the dark, snowy woods did add to spookiness of the whole thing. Since I never saw Tricia Helfer on Battlestar Galactica (still on my must watch on Netflix list) I didn’t suffer that same disappointment in her performance that many others did. Also, the classic rock here is really cool, but then again, aside from the fact that I really love the song I think “House of The Rising Sun” is both cool and creepy at the same time.
There were some great lines in this episode. Three stand out for me, all naturally coming from the “chip of his shoulder” Dean. When they find Greely’s house, he says what we’ve all been thinking in this series. “You know for once I’d like to round the corner and see a nice house.” Then there are Molly’s words when Dean rescues her. “Thank God.” Dean smiles. “Call me Dean.” Ha! My favorite line though is one of my favorites from the entire series and I honestly didn’t remember it coming from this episode. When Sam tells Dean about the country custom of using trees as grave markers, Dean delivers big time. “You’re like a walking encyclopedia of weirdness.”
Even the Impala had her dramatic moment, sputtering for dear life as the ghost Greely took her out. Damn you ghost! You injured the Impala! Looking back, Dean’s clues were really what gave the mystery away. Saying “Sammy’s always getting a little J. Love Hewitt when it comes to this” is a big glaring hint. Strangely though, Sammy was channeling his inner Roma Downey instead. Especially at the closing scene where the episode completely unravels. I was really digging this until Sam forgets which show he’s on and re-enacts Touched By An Angel, sweetly guiding this lost spirit into the glowing bright light. Huh? I was waiting for Kripke to jump out of the bushes and everyone taunt us with the “you’ve been punk’d” line.
My overall grade, a B+. I know many really hated this episode. I’m curious to know why other than the ending.
Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
I liked this episode a lot. I’d give it at least an A. I guess I’m into J. Love Hewitt, and thought this twist in the episode, and its ending was very moving. I have to say the concept of ghosts not realizing they are dead has always fascinated me. I was glad when SPN did this episode. Thanks for doing a recap!
I’m not sure why I like this episode as much as I do, but I just love it. It is also one of my husband’s favorites because he never the reveal that she was a ghost coming. So it worked for both of us.
I don’t understand why many “hated” this episode. I loved it and the second time around knowing Molly is a spirit just makes me love it more. Totally got both Sam and Dean’s reactions once I knew it. Felt so sorry for Molly.
I give it an A+ on my enjoyment meter. 😉
I also really like this one. I think it’s creepy and sad. I don’t think the ending is ‘that’ bad, I’ve seen so much much worse. I came to realize quite early on that SPN at its worst is still quite good comparing to many others.
I liked Tricia’s role, I didn’t really see the end reveal, even though Dean seemed out of character. But when the end came, it made sense to me. Dean hates all supernatural, he was taught that way. So, a ghost is not going to get his sympathies no matter what. And he did come around a little in the end. I love Sam saying, Hope’s kinda the whole point (even though it’s a cliché). Creepy and sad and a really good eppie.
I liked this episode, even if I did consider it a rip off of GHOST WHISPERER. I wasn’t annoyed, though, since it was inevitable that Sam and Dean would run across a ghost who didn’t know he/she was a spirit and would have to guide her into the afterlife. It was very sad, because poor Molly was so clueless. She had no idea she wasn’t dead, no idea her husband was alive, no idea why she was being pursued year after year by the same nasty farmer. I was glad for her that Sam and Dean came into her life and stopped the bad cycle she had gotten herself stuck in. I always cry whenever anyone is guided into the light on GH, so Molly’s, which I actually found more touching, was even better for me, and tearier. I felt Dean was kinda thoughtless and Sam more sensitive, but given what had happened to him, it fit. I just hope what lies in the afterlife is good, you know? Seriously!
I like this episode, but I don’t love it. But really I feel like the premise was cool, but it didn’t live up to its potential, like it could have been great but fell short.
Thanks for the recap, Alice!
Nice recap, and I share your sentiments. I think this episode is unfairly maligned, perhaps because of its slow pacing, almost a palate cleanser between the more epic/landmark works of the season. But there’s certainly some very important character exploration/contrast between the brothers, and it shows that their humanity doesn’t end at death. Helping a ghost? Why the hell not. Okay, the glowing light was a bit cheesy, but in small doses, it’s not fatal.
This episode is one of my all-time favorites (and one of the ones that hooked me on the show). It’s tie with Heart for my choice as the 2nd greatest episode of the series. In My Time of Dying takes first.