Today I’m kicking off what I’m calling “Con week,” as in Fan Convention, not ex. As many of you know, I’m getting ready to attend this weekend’s “Salute To Supernatural” convention in Chicago (at least Saturday and Sunday). Considering this week’s episode is a weird story that takes place at a Supernatural convention, I’m going to ride this theme as much as a I can!
Starting off, I’m sharing a piece from Jasminka about her thoughts as she plans to attend her first con in LA in March. Enjoy!
In Fear of Supernatural Fan Conventions – The Wicked At Rest?
In his day T.E. Lawrence once complained to George Bernard Shaw of press attention, who simply replied: ‘You always hide just in the middle of the limelight’. In a society somewhat obsessed with celebrities, conventions probably are symptoms of a strange mental condition one might want to call ‘being a fan’. A condition I am not free of.
In fact, I am going to attend my first Supernatural convention ever, although I had been determined to never do that for mixed reasons: The expenses are preposterous. The conventions manageable for me usually feature the actors, but not any other members of the team behind the whole operation. I would cherish the possibility of talking to Eric Kripke, Jeremy Carver or Sera Gamble, and I would have loved to ask Kim Manners, whose work I have admired for a long time, a question or two. However, the hugely creative, invisible minds of the show don’t show up. Furthermore, I’ve never felt completely at ease in a room with hundreds of in all likelihood screaming people after having almost been crushed once at a rock concert, and some fans just don’t know how to behave.
My resolution of not going, not ever, turned to jelly as soon as I discovered that arranging my vacation accordingly would be possible. I waited for months for the tickets to get on sale. I kept checking my e-mails for newsletters to make sure not to miss anything. I even managed to reserve one of the Gold tickets, and I’m going to sit in one of the first third’s rows (the others were already gone after having been on sale for merely ten hours, which I could hardly believe – did I get onto the wrong site and purchase Bon Jovi Tickets?).
When I got my credit card account I actually felt I was in serious need of medication. I’m insane.
For a few years now I have been a fan of this show. From episode one. Most people I know watch the various CSIs, Lost or Ghost Whisperer, but Supernatural actually seems to have ‘a underground cult following’. I’m a person who enjoys talking about the stuff I love. With my circle of friends we have a sweet tradition – we get together and share the latest books we’ve read or go to the movies or theatre or whatever and spend hours of rambling about it over dinner, which is incredibly creative and a source of bliss. With Supernatural, it was a lonely experience at first, as hardly anyone I know watches it. After a couple of friends discovered the show as well, I was suddenly able to share my love for Supernatural and talk about facets of the show, although they became not as hooked (I think addicted would be the better term) as I apparently am.
I’m not exactly an internet buff, and it took me a while to find out about other fans and fan sites. I visited some of them, and was appalled for the most part, because of the often arrogant and derogatory manner some fans voiced their opinions (we’ve seen some of it even here, on Alice’s fabulous site), not only bashing each other, but the characters and even some actors’ private persona. The latter, in particular, is a no go. I stayed away from those forums. That was not the language I expected. I was aghast at how people spend so much time and energy in taking offence to certain aspects of a tv show that places family and values connected to integrity, friendship, reliability and the simple being-there-for-each-other in its centre. It struck me as weird how people who loved such a show could behave so differently.
I also discovered transcripts of conventions. I read some of them, but there were so many that I couldn’t keep up. I did not notice at first, but slowly (although it defied common sense) a wish began to grow in my mind: I wanted to go to such an event, to see the actors in the flesh (even if I wouldn’t be able to shake Sera Gamble’s hand, gosh, I love that smart woman’s writing) and – hopefully – ask a question or two, since a few facets have been bugging me from the beginning.
I looked at the Creation site and found out about the prices. Now, that was something I could hardly justify. Pay a few hundred dollars to be herded up into a hall with hundreds of people like cattle, and get an autograph, perhaps a photo with one of the stars (and a split second of actual eye contact). Come on! Really? I put the idea away.
But, I wasn’t able to forget it. A part of my cortex devoted itself to that idea without my conscious consent, it began to think strategically: if this season is going to be the last one, then Jensen and Jared and all the others will move on to other projects. They will be making other shows or movies. If I wanted to go to a con, now would be the time… They might not be able to sign on for future cons.
Okay, what about the city, Vancouver? Parsipanny? Los Angeles? Chicago? Before I even resolved on going, I came to a decision concerning the city – L.A. This is the city major show business issues are settled. Most of the agents are there. Many friends and girlfriends/boyfriends probably live there. The actors involved with the show might want to come to Los Angeles for professional and private reasons which could improve the chances to see most of them on that convention stage and indulge in the stories they want to share.
I felt the temptation rise, but still I kept reprimanding myself for the mere thought. It all felt ludicrous. Furthermore, travelling to the States from Europe (where I live) for a convention alone still appeared to be the nuttiest idea possible. Planning my vacation so much in advance is always difficult, there’s a lot to be taken care of, a lot of preparations to be done. Did I want to ‘relish’ the long flight and jetlag for a weekend only? I’m not the kind of person who enjoys long hours on a plane.
But then my partner suggested that we could make a road trip along Highway One, something I have always wanted to do. I had no reasonable excuses anymore – so, I’ll be at the Los Angeles Convention March next.
When I bought my ticket, only Jared Padalecki was announced, Misha Collins followed, and then Jensen Ackles and Jim Beaver. I’m curious who else will be signed on, and I hope for Samantha Smith, Loretta Devine (I adored Missouri, and she did such an endearing job) and Lauren Cohen (I didn’t like the character of Bela much, but I loved the ambivalent and gutsy approach she took to the role, I’d love to ask her something about that), you know – get a few ladies up there.
Going to a Con like this will be the probably craziest thing I have done in a long time. I have not entirely justified it for me as of yet, since I don’t see why the organizers sell tickets for so huge a price (I needed to put money away for a while to be able to even think about going, and I can still imagine more useful ways to spend the sum. I have been known, though, to not always do what would appear practical).
I assume the actors get their fees from that money, and I hope their agents made good deals for them. Some actors involved with this show have yet to become stars, some are barely known outside of the Supernatural corona and will welcome the additional income.
One aspect of that pain in my neck that keeps annoying me is the idea of putting people on a pedestal and worship them (as Paris Hilton’s onscreen-persona so wonderfully pointed out in Fallen Idols). The whole celebrity hype is absurd, phoney and downright pathetic when it comes in the forms we have read about on venom-filled sites and discussed here – the strange behaviour of ‘fans’, their approach to actors as if they were circus horses, their disrespectful bashing of girlfriends, work or talent in general. And – what appears to be really creepy – some fans’ problems with discriminating between a fictional show’s characters and reality.
That’s an attitude I have never been able to comprehend, really. Most actors are ordinary people with sometimes very taxing jobs. There is no screen-magic involved in their real lives, and red-carpet-events might come easy to big calibre stars, but for the many not-so-well-known actors those are not every day experiences. Public appearances often are part of their contracts – advertising a show or movie, and many dislike that. Many actors are very private people that don’t enjoy discussing aspects of their personal lives with individuals not belonging there.
Their daily rhythms are not exactly uncomplicated, and when you work fifteen to eighteen hours a day, there’s not much time left to do anything else but sleep. I guess, being signed on to a con serves also as a nice change to their usual routines, but with all the drama going on within the fandom I wonder how long they will want to or be capable of getting in the midst of their fans…
Of course, in a business that depends heavily on box office numbers and/or ratings an actor’s ‘worth’ is often defined by external influences. You need a stable background to not let that mess with your head. John Updike once said ‘Celebrity is a mask that eats into the face’.
I don’t know what’s going on in the brains of some fans, actually. Perhaps the actors of Supernatural read some of the stuff posted on the web. Hopefully they don’t. I should not have done it, either. What I read there does mess with my head, and I’m not even a part of the show. It should not affect me. But it does nonetheless.
I was hoping to experience a weekend of fun and relaxed banter. I don’t feel intimidated by celebrity, which might be an advantage, because – hopefully – my nervousness will stay within reasonable bounds, hence my hope for fun instead of wobbling knees. I had been reduced to some sort of jelly, though, when I met some stars during my studies and being completely taken aback by their sweetness when I had expected arrogance so, I’m not entirely sure about not falling victim to the occasional adrenaline rush that will result in painful stuttering.
A while back I used to be a part of that particular world (this is for you, Sablegreen, dear, and crazyfan, as you specifically asked about it). I’m a trained actress and received a scholarship to study opera, and I used to be a ballet dancer before that. I’ve got to know the nicest people in that business, and some of the biggest egos. It’s all there, but – bottom line – they are all just people that live in a world of theatre or screen, acting, music. It is another planet when it comes to working conditions, but you find sweetness or meanness there just as anywhere else. It had been my world for a while.
Even so, I sustained a couple of serious injuries and had to put a stop to that life. I took another path and became a psychotherapist who works with patients suffering from severe trauma or terminal illness, cancer mostly, and – I have to admit – I love this job more than anything (imagine a person who suffered the worst possible treatment in a war telling you that he slept for the first time in months… it’s as rewarding as it gets), but some part of me still regards other actors as colleagues, which will probably serve me well when it comes to the not-wanting-to-get-nervous. I’m not sure whether I’ll succeed here. Because I’m a fan, too, and not immune to fan-girl-moments!
When I got my tickets, I was thrilled, although going to a Con still seems to be absolutely crazy. Truth be told, what I’ve read recently on the web and the ‘fan wars’ that came to this site dampened it all a bit, and I’m striving to get that joyful feeling back… I was hoping to meet other fans. You know, talk about the show, and find out whether someone will be able to explain to me what the breakfast special ‘pig in a poke’ exactly is, among other things.
Judging from what was to be read and seen on the www, some fans just misbehave, and they don’t even seem to care. Or do they think the amount of money they paid entitles them to conduct themselves in a manner that does their parents no credit? Do some people actually believe that the actors are theirs to toy with? Alice pointed it out in her amazing article ‘
“Fan Conventions – Absurd or Awesome” how Jared and Jensen get constantly asked to re-enact certain moments of the show, like from
Yellow Fever or
Bad Day At Black Rock, and I bet there are many more.
You read or hear of the strangest elements at Cons, and I’ve started to feel afraid that it will turn out to be the disappointment of the year in terms of meeting fans. But there is another voice in my head as well, trying to relax my mind: there will be the nicest people there, too. That’s what I hope for.
The guest stars will, fingers crossed, have a great time and not feel embarrassed by strange behaviour of the wicked. There will be fans that will come to the convention to have fun and enjoy talking to strangers about the show. Maybe some pennames will get faces.
Here on this site I have met a lot of sweetness, many intelligent minds and creativity beyond expectation. There have to be more of us out there – perhaps even at that particular convention that, hopefully, will be rich in fun-loving and respectful comments, genuine laughter and stimulating and imaginative conversations in the hotel bar, and the wicked voices of this fandom will be at rest.
Have fun at the convention Alice. I attended last year in Chicago and had a great time! I am starting to feel a little wistful as this weekend approaches. Guess I will just have to be satisfied watching all the video that will make its way onto you tube.
Hi Jasminka. I’ll be at the LA con, too – my 3rd one. I’m not sure if that’s something I should be proud of, or if it’s something that proves I’m crazy. Hmmm, both? The emotions you described about buying the tickets are exactly what went through my head, but it didn’t stop me either. My experience has been that the majority of fans are well behaved and fun to be around. I had a blast with the fans I sat with at the Saturday night dessert party last year. Just test that waters and find the fans with personalities you’re comfortable around. Eric Kripke was at the 2008 LA con, I’m keeping my fingers crossed that he’ll be back in 2010!
Hi Jas!
From Europe to the USA for a con, your so lucky! I wish… (but there’s no way I could afford it, so…)
From the little I’ve read about the conventions I ended with the impression that most of the fans there are level headed, I think those that say all that nasty things in the net they only say it because they remain anonymous and probably wouldn’t have the guts to say it in person, but what do I know?
Anyway, just 4 moths for you to go and I really hope you’ll had the time of your life! (hope you tell us how that go)
Hi, Jasminka,
Great article, thank you for sharing your private thoughts, hopes, fears, dreams.
I too have found out (although with a different show) that the nastiness of the online fandom can and in my case did severely affect one’s ability to enjoy the show. Fortunately, I learned from that experience and have mostly guarded myself against that in the SPN realm. With occasional exceptions, and only on certain threads, do I even venture to one — yes one — other site and read comments by so-called fans. I’ve learned the pen names of those that enjoy bashing for bashing’s sake and thus ignore their posts — or sometimes in my own wickedness I’ll skim it and wonder why they bother since everything the show does they have a negative opinion on. Interestingly, some of those posters will post how terrible one character is and his storyline and then on another thread when someone is bashing someone else they join in there in the bashing as then rave how good the other storyline is — you know, the one they were just bashing elsewhere. Either they have a doppelganger, a split personality or (what I truly think) they just like to spit and sputter and cause mayhem for the fun of spitting, sputtering and causing mayhem. Sad.
Unlike you I have only one thought about conventions that continues to permeate my brain — no freaking way, ever! — that doesn’t, however, stop me from wishing other well and scanning for reports now and again. I’m select in where I get them and no longer sit for hours watching You Tube videos…I admit, I do go to SPN Wiki though and scan the reports and video uploads and select a few here and there to view. I’ll be looking forward to Alice’s reports from this coming weekend and next spring, I’ll be looking forward to yours…no pressure or anything but it is absolutely expected that you’ll provide reports.
Thanks for this great piece.
Jas….If I had had to guess, I would have guessed you were in fines arts. Opera and ballet are also in my past, though I never made a profession of it.
Your article was right on. I have checked out the prices too for SPN conventions, and they are really a lot. Bit out of my budget right now. I’ll have to settle for You-Tube videos and your upcoming articles about your experience…and I’m sure you will have many to share.
I also don’t know how I’d handle the adrenaline rush of seeing the boys in person. I would hope maturity would kick in….and not the giggles. 🙂 But every time I open my mouth, I have to check were my foot is, so I would hate to imagine how tongue tied I’d be around any of the SPN actors!
I’m very glad for you, that you are going to have the experience. And I hope it’s everything you want it to be. Rude fans won’t be any problem for you. Your positivity will keep them at bay. 😉
I wish I could send over a hug right now, thanks so much. The mixed feelings I’ve described in that article will hopefully change to a cool thrill (and it’s starting to kick in slowly already… March next… only four months to go… Can hardly believe it)… meeting ‘the boys’ doesn’t scare me, right now, I guess having been in that profession some years back is helpful here. I’ve worked with some well-known people, and it had been a fine experience. I also hope for a nice hello during the photo ops, but, of course, we will see, and I’d be most happy to share some of my adventures in Convention land. I will keep my diary and write everything down (I usually do, and my partner luckily doesn’t mind sleeping when the light’s still on…), so I won’t forget any details…
Should you ever be able to go to a Con (budget is a problem, believe me, I know, too, it took me a while to put aside the money necessary, and it still bugs me that the company demand that big a sum!), I’m sure, you would do fine – what I’ve seen so far on YouTube of Jared and Jensen they are still down-to-earth guys. And people like that usually don’t respond to an artificial exterior but to naturalness. You’re honest. You’re sweet. You’d have no problem at all. Giggle? So what? I’m sure, they have their fan moments with stars they admire, too. They’re just people…
Elle2, thank you for your kind encouragement and acknowledgement of what I had to say regarding my Con-thriller, which means a lot to me, as I’ve come to respect your voice here and love to read what you share in your articles. I’ve learned by now, and I don’t visit forums anymore where bashing is the main attraction. I agree with you, some people just like to do that for bashing’s sake…Some people, it seems, have too much time on their hands.
I used to watch the occasional video on YouTube, but after once coming across a comment some woman made about Jared’s behind and described him like a piece of meat in a butcher’s store, I said goodbye to those videos. They are men, not cattle, good heavens.
Like you, I’m looking forward to read about Alice’s Adventures in Supernatural Land, and I’d love to share whatever I can come next spring…
Clarice, hi, thanks so much for your comment! I’m so happy for you being able to hop on a plane to Chicago! Wow! By the way, the city isn’t ‘half bad’ (aaah, Dean, always there to provide me with a fitting quote), either… You know, doing something out of character is great. I’ve had some of the best experiences of my life when I did that…(and I’ll be doing so again next March) Good luck, be safe, have fun!!
Dany, hi, big thanks for your comment and your sweet good wishes! I hope you’re right and there will be some level-headed fans in L.A. spring next… It’s a different thing saying something within the anonymity of the web or to an actor’s face. Though, in my time, I’ve had some weird encounters. Hence a part of my apprehension, I guess.
RedBird, hello and thanks so much! I’m glad to hear that you such a great time (or you wouldn’t be going again, right?). Kripke was there once???!!! Okay, I’m officially sending prayers up there…. Maybe we should meet up and have a drink in March…
May angels watch over you all, Jas
😆 😆 😆
Alice, I’d like to send a huge thank you over to Ohio – thanks for posting my thoughts on your fabulous site, how generous and kind and sweet of you… Take care, love jas
– and – the best of fun in Chicago!!! Hell, yes!!!
😆 😈 😀 😎
P.S.:sablegreen – my knees have been known to wobble occasionally,… so, let’s hope for the best 😮
I’ve never been to a fan con and I’m about half in favor, half against. I’d love to talk with other fans about the show/movie/world on a creative level, but having to sit through calls for actors reenacting scenes and over-the-top screeching and worship (and lest you think I’m being sexist, such behavior isn’t limited to the fairer sex; you should see some of my fellow Tolkien geeks, yikes) would be quite annoying.
That said, I can’t wait to hear your recap (and Alice’s of this year’s con). Just don’t make it sound too enjoyable, or I’ll have to start saving up some bucks!
What a great article Jasminka. And lovely responses.
I live in Europe too so live vicariously mostly through online Supernatural-ness, but over the past few weeks had begun to despair at the tone and level of maturity of most of the discussions. Tis so nice to find a site full of people who love all things Supernatural with so much respect, humour and appreciation. Hooray!
But on the point of fan conventions – I screwed up my courage and went to Asylum this year in the UK – my first and only convention. And although twas not perfect I am so glad I went. The sense of community was great – although the shrieking was ear-splitting and the applause at times did tend towards the sitcom in Changing Channels!
I was also lucky enough to go to a ‘coffee lounge’ with Jensen (and although there was definitely an element of ‘I carried a watermelon?’/Dean meeting Dr Sexy) I cannot say enough good things about that guy. Both then and in the photos (where he smiled and said hello to every single one of us) he was one of the most charming, down-to-earth, patient, well-mannered, lovely people that I have ever met.
I really hope you have a good experience at LA and Alice hope you enjoy Chicago this weekend. All hail Supernatural and non-crazy fans!
Hi Jaminka
I think you’ll be fine. You seem to have a good instinct about people.
So just go and enjoy and meet as many fellow fans as possible.
Don’t let the odd few nutcases take away from an experience of a life time.
I would love to go just once for the experience alone, but I just can’t justify the money. Plus crowds and I have a mutual understanding, we stay away from either as much as possible. I’m just a little bit claustrophobic.
hi and thanks a lot for your comment! I will love to share what I’ll experience at the con, but I can’t promise to not make it sound too enjoyable, sorry. Better start saving some money. I have a notion you’re going to need it.
thank you for your dear comment and welcome! How wonderful that you got to meet Jensen at that ‘coffee lounge’, what a great experience for you! There were a lot of other, rather negative comments to be found about Asylum, and I’m happy for you that you had such a great time. Please keep coming back to this site – we’re somewhat crazy here as well, I think, but in a nice way…
thank you for your sweet encouragement. You’re right – I won’t let anyone or anything ruin this experience for me. I sometimes forget about my instinct about people. I need to rely on it every day in my job, and that’s why I don’t think about it consciously, I guess.
Thanks so much, guys, love Jas
I did it last year (LA con March) and although I was really nervous – going to the con alone and my first time in the US – I still booked that ticket and got on the plane from London and I’ve never regretted it. Met some great friends, met some real crazy, had a great laugh and I was so glad I gave into the impluse to go. On the whole everyone is really friendly and welcoming! So go and just have fun and indulge in all things SPN!
ps avoid the purple nurples I don’t know what they put in them but they were just awful. 😯
Oh, I’m most definitely going – ten horses would have to drag and ten to shove to keep me from going to that con, Bethany, hi there.
I didn’t mean to sound as if I was contemplating not going. All I was apprehensive about were the weirdos we talked on this site a while back…
I guess I’m lucky to not be going alone, although my other half will be trying to catch up with friends in L.A., while I’ll hang out in the con hotel. We’ll be reunited at night in our room, and I probably won’t be able to stop rambling about the day…
Avoid purple nurples? Okay, I’ll keep that in mind… 😛
I’m glad to hear you had a blast, and I’m happy for you that you obviously still cherish the memories…
Thanks, Jas
Jas, thanks for another great article…like so many, including yourself, I’ve been wary of the idea of going to a con for fear of “vicarious embarrassment” (I think you came up with that one :D). But much as I love the people in my life, don’t have Supernatural in common with any of them. I’d love to meet and talk to other fans–who else would understand why I love plaid or harbor thoughts about wanting to hire Jerry Wanek to decorate my house? 😳 Just kidding, even for a fan that’s probably a bit much, hehe… Anyway, the Pacific Coast highway’s beautiful, and as redbird says, who knows–maybe EK’ll put in an appearance… Have a great time, and looking forward to hearing about it after!
elenaM, you’re sweet, thank you. I completely understand the wish to talk about this show with other ‘kindred spirits’ who know what you mean when you mention the sexy Impala (can a car actually be sexy? I guess it’s possible), your need for rock salt and holy water (call me crazy, for as long as I remember we’ve had holy water in the house, that just came to me – did my parents know something they never spoke of…? Oooooh, imagination spinning again) or – your wish for Jerry Wanek décor. 😆
I enjoy discussing this show here immensely. I’m sure it will be possible in one way or another at that con, and I’ll be happy to share… Thanks again,
Best wishes always, Jas
Can a car be sexy? YES, but not everyone thinks so or understands. GRIN.
Jas, I went to the Con in Vancouver by myself (and didn’t know a single soul there) and didn’t encounter more than one “weirdo” fan. Somewhere in the not so distant past, you’ll find the links to my blog with my account of the con here on Alice’s site. Really, everyone was so nice, I got chatting with folks about the show – really, I expect you will have a grand time.
I think you’ll have a great time ( the road trip sounds good too! ) Ignore/chuckle at the weirdos and relish everything else.
I’ve been to a few Cons with the stall ( I used to work in a comic shop ) but wouldn’t really fancy going as a fan as I’m far too English, I’d just go into cringe-overload and have to hide in the bar.
It’s a marvelous experience for a student of human nature though, so we’ll look forward to your thoughts!
hey jasminca, great article! Finally background info about you! Getting curios – what injury can make a actress stop being a actress??? Got messed up your face??? Not prety enough anymore to get roles??? Shame – you know much about acting and your sounding real nice. What happende?
Suze and Tigershire – thanks a lot for your kind encouragement! I’m really beginning to look forward to that adventure, Jasminka Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Convention…? 😆 Not… 😳
I wonder what human nature will have in store for me there, though I plan to leave my job at home. But, you’re right Suze, who knows what I will spot because of that…? I’m dying to find out. But most of all I’m dying to have a good time. – And, big bonus, I haven’t been to California for a long time and will love to drive up Highway One. Gosh, I wish I could travel more… there are so many beautiful spots I’d like to see before I die… (not anytime soon, I hope)
All my best, Jas
You really don’t mind asking personal questions, crazyfan, do you? Thanks for your comment. I shouldn’t wonder, though, I was pretty candid myself. Didn’t expect that kind of interest. Don’t worry, there’s nothing wrong with my face.
Due to an injury I lost my voice. My ability to speak at all was in the balance for a while, but speaking is okay now. I just can’t make a living relying entirely on my voice (as I don’t have utter control over it, it will sometimes slip into another key all of a sudden), opera is not possible, and to go through a two to three hour play, you need a lot of vocal stamina, which can be a problem.
Thanks, Jas