Happy Birthday Jensen Ackles! Tweets (and Instagrams) of Celebration
March 1st was Jensen Ackles’ birthday and many took to Twitter to send their well wishes. Well, one big guy we know and love took to Instagram…
Aww, aren’t they adorable? There’s plenty of Twitter messages as well…
It’s the day the stars aligned and perfect Mandroid @JensenAckles was manufactured in Texas. Happy birthday best bot. Hope you have a fantastic year ahead taking over Hollywood once you’ve hung up the sleeveless plaid for the last time… lots of love Rx ❤️ pic.twitter.com/sd9NzlQZyV
— Ruth Connell ♛ (@RuthieConnell) March 1, 2020
Happy Birthday, Jensen! So grateful to know ya, Bud! This one’s on the house. #HappyBirthdayJensenAckles #SPNFamily pic.twitter.com/Mz4E5qVi4Q
— Billy Moran (@Billy_Moran) March 2, 2020
Happiest of birthdays to the one and only @JensenAckles . Happy to be your biggest cheerleader. And campaign manager.
Love, Napoleon Dynamite ?? (vote for Pedro) pic.twitter.com/V7KdmeXaNj— B R I A N A B U C K M A S T E R (@OfficialBrianaB) March 2, 2020
Happy Birthday Jensen! #SPNFamilyForever @FangasmSPN @WinchesterBros @WinFamBusiness @JensenAckles @SuperWiki pic.twitter.com/Yaak9zAoMf
— SD (@shr2da1) March 1, 2020
@JensenAckles HBD, sir! pic.twitter.com/PVakCEmOKt
— Robbie Thompson (@rthompson1138) March 1, 2020
After 12 yrs of working with him, I can genuinely say I’ve become a superfan of his. Happy birthday, @JensenAckles. pic.twitter.com/0PrWbF6Kd8
— Misha Collins (@mishacollins) March 2, 2020
Take some pie or a sandwich for the road. Happy Birthday, @JensenAckles! pic.twitter.com/AR6gLwu0t9
— Supernatural (@cw_spn) March 1, 2020
Oh, remember the big guy’s photo? Someone noticed…
Happy (Belated) Birthday Jensen! We hope it was a great one.

Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
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