Come be part of the WFB CBOX!
I’m not sure how many of you know this, but we have a chat room. We have for years. It is called the CBOX, and you can find a link to it on our vertical menu on every page. Or, here’s the link:
We’ve had a little turmoil in the CBOX. A lot of the faithful have left recently. Leah has been given the keys to the CBOX and she wants to extend an invitation to all off you to join her. Here’s her personal message:
“Hi everyone! I just wanted to extend an invitation to anyone who loves the show and the Winchester brothers to come on over to the WFB CBOX and visit with us. It is a place where we can chat live. It’s fun! We can discuss the show or just get to know each other. We have had people visit there from all over the world. If you are interested, just click on CBOX – upper left on the home page. When you get there, put in your name (email not necessary) and a comment, hit “go”. If no one seems to be there just say “hi” and if anyone is around they will respond. It is important to hit “refresh” OFTEN as sometimes the posts don’t instantly pop up and someone might have responded. You won’t see the reply until you refresh. The more people that come by, the better. People come and go. Sometimes we have conversations involving several people and sometimes we just come and ramble on by ourselves. 🙂 Please feel free to jump in on any conversation, you will be welcomed. It is kind of quiet at the moment so I hope some of you will come by! “

Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
Oh good, like live twitter for Supernatural 😮