Supernatural Weekly World News November 9, 2019
#GratitudeTuesday and I’m so grateful that I got to sit down with the nicest woman in show business, @kellyclarkson and chat about stroke awareness & #recovery @KellyClarksonTV
— Timothy Omundson (@Omundson) November 5, 2019
I said things I probably shouldn’t have in this interview.
— Misha Collins-Preorder The Adventurous Eaters Club (@mishacollins) November 4, 2019
.@mishacollins aims to give back with his new cookbook #TheAdventurousEatersClub, donating its proceeds to non-profit organizations. #CheddarNews
— Cheddar News (@CheddarNews) November 5, 2019

WE HAVE A TRAILER!!#MerryHappyWhatever on @netflix drops November 28th!!!
— Adam Rose (@RealAdamRose) November 4, 2019
What a blast 2 be a part of #Season2 & #Season3 of #Goliath!Being given the opportunity 2 rehearse & improv. w/ this amazing troupe of actors led by the incomparable #billybobthornton & directed by the fantastic @ldtrilling was a gift that took me back2 my theater days.#Applebees
— Lauren Tom (@LaurenTom9000) November 4, 2019
#TheAdventurousEatersClub shop is open! We have books signed by me & Vicki, tools, & even “oven mitts” (which are a GREAT invention). 100% of our profits go to charity. I’m not telling you what to get for the holidays, but I am telling you where to get it.
— Misha Collins-Preorder The Adventurous Eaters Club (@mishacollins) November 5, 2019
Get “Adventurous” with me — #TheAdventurousEatersClub hits bookstores today! This is exciting! (Do me a favor? Go to a bookstore & take your pic with it & post it tagged #TheAdventurousEatersClub & your location. I’ll follow/RT/praise some of you.) Thanks!
— Misha Collins-Preorder The Adventurous Eaters Club (@mishacollins) November 5, 2019

To get things rolling for @DavidHaydnJones #LTTU fundraising campaign (kicking off Monday 11/11) let’s play a game!
— LTTU Fundraising (@LTTUFundraising) November 7, 2019

Not as honored as I am! I’ve been lucky enough to be a presenter and a recipient at the @MediaAccessAwards in the past. Never dreamed I’d ever be the actual host! Hope to see you all there. ?
— Shoshannah Stern (@Shoshannah7) November 5, 2019
NASCAR #RaceHub Fans’ Choice Awards: Best Command. Vote with:#HubJJWatt#HubHOF#HubJensenAckles#HubLarryMac@JJWatt | @NASCARHall | @JensenAckles | @LarryMac28
— FOX: NASCAR (@NASCARONFOX) November 5, 2019
Our condolences to Jim Beaver (Bobby Singer) on the death of his mother.

My beautiful mom died tonight. She was 91. She had a sweet and loving soul. Her name was Dorothy Adell Crawford Beaver and I will be always grateful for the honor of being her only son.
— Jim Beaver (@jumblejim) November 3, 2019

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