The Boys Are Back in Town: Supernatural Episode Sixteen
The Boys Are Back in Town
(Probably Time To Flee)
Exciting, dramatic, sad or funny – episode sixteen has been everything over the years. And while it marks the two-thirds way through the season and has certainly served up some phenomenal and memorable episodes, it hasn’t been a particularly key episode in the plot over the thirteen years – with a few exceptions of course.
Season: 1 “Shadow”
Local de Hunt: Chicago, Illinois Featured Creature: Daeva, Meg
REVEAL/TWIST? John appears – but he can’t stay with his boys.
Season: 2 “Roadkill”
Local de Hunt: Hwy 41, Nevada Featured Creature: Vengeful Spirit
Season: 3 “No Rest For the Wicked”
Local de Hunt: New Harmony, Indiana Featured Creature: Lilith, Demons, Hellhounds
REVEAL/TWIST? Dean goes to Hell.
Season: 4 “On the Head of a Pin”
Local de Hunt: Cheyenne, Wyoming Featured Creature: Uriel, Alastair
REVEAL/TWIST? Dean broke the first seal. Only he can finish it – but is he strong enough?
Season: 5 “Dark Side of the Moon”
Local de Hunt: Heaven Featured Creature: Angels
REVEAL/TWIST? God isn’t going to help with this mess.
Season: 6 “…And Then There Were None”
Local de Hunt: Sandusky, Ohion Featured Creature: Eve; Khan Worm
REVEAL/TWIST? Goodbye Rufus.
Season: 7 “Out with the Old”
Local de Hunt: Portland, Oregon Featured Creature: Cursed Object, Leviathan
REVEAL/TWIST? What happened to Frank?
Season: 8 “Remember the Titans”
Local de Hunt: Great Falls, Montana Featured Creature: Zeus
REVEAL/TWIST? Prayers go unanswered.
Season: 9 “Blade Runners”
Local de Hunt: Kanas City, Missouri Featured Creature: Vampires, Shapeshifters
REVEAL/TWIST? Abaddon leaves a warning and Crowley takes preventative action.
Season: 10 “Paint it Black”
Local de Hunt: Worcester & Fall River, Massachusetts Featured Creature: Vengeful Spirit
REVEAL/TWIST? Sam remains hopeful for both of them, they will find a way to get rid of the Mark.
Season: 11 “Safe House”
Local de Hunt: Grand Rapids, Michigan Featured Creature: Soul Eater
Season: 12 “Ladies Drink Free”
Local de Hunt: Lawrence, Kansas Featured Creature: Werewolves
REVEAL/TWIST? Mick learns a lesson about humanity – and monsters.
Season: 13 “Scoobynatural”
Local de Hunt: Crystal Cove, Oregon Featured Creature: Ghost, Human
Cartoons to hellhounds to death and destruction, episode sixteen has ranged from humourous to deadly and dark. “On the Head of a Pin” stands as one of the darkest, most depressing episodes – a deep contrast to the latest “Scoobynatural” which certainly offers a higher note. What is your impression of episode sixteen? Which one stands out the most in your mind?
Reflect, reminisce and share below!
Catch up on the entire “Boys R Back” articles to get a perspective of #Supernatural episodes in order, from the beginning! You’re just two clicks away! Start with episode 1 with the links on my Writers Page!
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