The Boys Are Back in Town: Supernatural Episode Fifteen
The Boys Are Back in Town
(Probably Time To Flee)
Back and forth between faith and doubt, questions and answers, partnerships and betrayals; the fifteenth episode has a long tradition of teetertottering between which brother is most confident in the momentum of our heroes, be it their personal relationships, their trials and tribulations or the grand scheme of the universe, such as it is. Over the course of fifteen years, the pendulum of doubt has swung far and wide, every which way.
Season: 1 “The Benders”
Local de Hunt: Hibbing, Minnesota Featured Creature: Cannibal Humans
Season: 2 “Tall Tales”
Local de Hunt: Springfield, Ohio Featured Creature: “The Trickster”
REVEAL/TWIST? The Trickster isn’t so dead afterall.
Season: 3 “Time is On My Side”
Local de Hunt: Erie, Pennsylvania; Canaan, Vermont Featured Creature: Doc Benton
REVEAL/TWIST? Lilith holds Dean’s contract, Bela says goodnight.
Season: 4 “Death Takes a Holiday”
Local de Hunt: Greybull, Wyoming Featured Creature: Demons
REVEAL/TWIST? A warning from a dying Pamela to a deceitful Sam.
Season: 5 “Dead Men Don’t Wear Plaid”
Local de Hunt: Sioux Falls, South Dakota Featured Creature: Zombies
REVEAL/TWIST? Death is watching.
Season: 6 “The French Mistake”
Local de Hunt: Vancouver, Canada Featured Creature: Angels & Demons
REVEAL/TWIST? At least they’re talking.
Season: 7 “Repo Man”
Local de Hunt: Cour d’Alene, Idaho Featured Creature: Demons
REVEAL/TWIST? Hallucifer is back in control.
Season: 8 “Man’s Best Friend with Benefits”
Local de Hunt: St. Louis, Missouri Featured Creature: Witch
REVEAL/TWIST? Better together – always.
Season: 9 “#thinman”
Local de Hunt: Springdale, Washington Featured Creature: Thinman
REVEAL/TWIST? Ghostfacers won’t grow old together.
Season: 10 “The Things They Carried”
Local de Hunt: Fayetteville, North Carolina Featured Creature: Khan Worm
REVEAL/TWIST? No matter how hard you try, you might not be able to save everyone.
Season: 11 “Beyond the Mat”
Local de Hunt: Brimson, Missouri Featured Creature: Crossroads Demon
REVEAL/TWIST? The Winchesters will win against the Devil & the Darkness – more determined than ever.
Season: 12 “Somewhere Between Heaven & Hell”
Local de Hunt: Sheridan County, Nebraska Featured Creature: Hellhound
REVEAL/TWIST? Lucifer is under Crowley’s control & The Winchesters accept a job proposal from the BMoL.
Season: 13 “A Most Holy Man”
Local de Hunt: San Francisco, California; Malta Featured Creature: Humans
REVEAL/TWIST? Dean has faith, Sam wants long term solutions.
Questions, faith, fear and confidence: no matter where Sam or Dean are, the other one is always there to hold the line until his brother finds his footing again. Episode fifteen has a rich history to establish that even when they aren’t talking about it as much as we wish they would or think they should, our boys know each other. Which moment of insight surprised you the most from Sam? How about from Dean? Which season was your favourite for brotherly support?
Reflect, reminisce and share below!
Catch up on the entire “Boys R Back” series to get a perspective of #Supernatural episodes in order, from the beginning! You’re just two clicks away! Start with episode 1 with the links on my Writers Page!
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