Memorable Moments: Supernatural 12.19 “The Future”
Welcome back to the Memorable Moments series! For Supernatural episode 12.19 “The Future”, I have once again put together a list of what I felt were the best and most memorable moments from the show. The list varies from episode to episode depending on what has transpired. I hope you enjoy it and share what your picks would be!
Best Broment
Sam informing Dean of the possible birth date of Lucifer Jr. “Whoa, what’s up beautiful mind?”
Best Sam Moment
Sam figuring out how to save both Kelly and the baby.
Best Dean Moment
After Castiel returns Dean his tape…Dean tells him that it was a gift and that it’s his.
Dean informs Castiel that they work better as a team.
Best One Liners/Comment
Dean: Well I say we find him and we kick his feathered ass!
Castiel’s Wisdom
Castiel: I am not someone that you should put your faith in.
Best Castiel Moment
Castiel informs Kelvin that he’s doing all this for the Winchesters, so that they won’t have to be the ones to kill Kelly and the baby.
Best Castiel and Kelly Moment
Castiel telling Kelly that having this baby could ‘bring the Universe to its knees’
And Kelly responding ‘Or lift it to its feet’
Best Kelly Moment
Kelly realising that she needs to go to the ‘Sandpit’ with Castiel…
…grabs the Impala’s keys……
… and takes off with Castiel helpless in the back seat.
Saddest Moment
For the safety of mankind…..
Kelly realizes she can’t let Lucifer’s child be born…..
and decides to end her life.
Most Touching Moment
Castiel feeling the baby kick.
Most Moving/Powerful Moment
After a battle with Dagon, Castiel walks over to Kelly to protect her….
Kelly takes Castiel hand…..
… his hand starts to glow…
The glowing moves up into his face and into his eyes. It appears the baby has passed some of his grace onto Castiel.
Castiel is now able to defeat Dagon.
Best CGI/VFX scene
Dagon in flames.
The sand and a glowing light coming from the sandbox.
Most Shocking Moment
The destruction of the COLT!
Best Make Up
Castiel’s battered face.
Best Camera Shot
The out of focus shot, that slowly….
… focuses in on the brothers.
Best Angle Shot
The view of Dean and Castiel through the wall partition of the motel room.
Best Editing
The montage of Sam working.
I hope you enjoyed this “Memorable Moments” review! Please share what your picks would be for these categories, or offer categories of your own!
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