Top 10 Clues to Supernatural Season 13 and Beyond
6. “I must say, when I first met you I didn’t see this coming. My thought at the time was “I’ll end up shooting this one.” – Mr. Ketch about Mary, 12.17 “British Invasion”
Ketch so coldly killed Mick Davies even though they had been allies and obviously had some history together. Do you think Mr. Ketch could do the same thing to Mary?
Positive Interpretation: Mr. Ketch will not “see coming” that he cannot bring himself to kill Mary in the end, thereby redeeming himself. He will either join Dean (kindred spirits) in his fight against the BMoL or ala Metatron, die in an attempt to save Mary and her family. Mary will join the Lady Hunting spin-off when she learns that her BMoL allies turned against her.
Negative Interpretation: Mr. Ketch actually kills Mary. That will be the horrible death that will tear us (me at least) apart at the end of S12.
Ketch had a scary look on his face in that last shot of 12.18 “The Memory Remains”. Even that title implies that all that will be left of Mary will be her memory. Will Ketch let his romantic feelings for her interfere with the kill order he is now supposed to obey? Do you think Mary will survive season 12 into 13? Is her death the Winchester debt owed to the universe for Billie’s deal?
7. “Don’t fail me Dagon, not again.” – Lucifer, 12.17 “The British Invasion”
I really don’t see any potential upsides to this plot grenade. Apparently Dagon failed Lucifer in some prior assignment. What might that have been? Did Lucifer try to produce an offspring before this? I could ask if you think Dagon and Kelly will survive into season 13 or be casualties of the Nephilim war that is clearly brewing, but the more important question is whether the Nephilim will survive the end of 12 and be a significant player in 13 either as an ally or enemy of his father. What say you?
8. “There is only one true ruler of Hell” – Lucifer, 12.17 “The British Invasion”
Positive Interpretation: Crowley in on a redemptive path. He never liked being King anyway. He was bored with administration and surrounded by fools. So far this season, he has been portrayed as a father genuinely grieving for the loss of his son, a friend who saved Castiel even though he could have easily let the supposed foe die, and has defended the intelligence and resourcefulness of the Winchesters. Lucifer is voicing the idea that Crowley isn’t evil enough to rule Hell, and that he doesn’t really belong in that position. This would free Crowley for a brand new plotline. A less radical implication would be that Crowley anticipated Lucifer’s double-cross and is ready to defend his kingdom.
Negative Interpretation: Crowley looked like a fool in his “court” when he paraded Lucifer as his dog. Is it possible that the show would kill Crowley??
My vote is for the former implication. It fits my positive series-ending scenarios. I will admit, though, that killing off Crowley may be the first step in winding down the series. His death fits in with the following two unspeakable options as well.
9. “Knowing you, it… it’s been the best part of my life. And the things that… the things we’ve shared together, they have changed me. You’re my family. I love you. I love all of you. Just please… please, don’t make my last moments be spent watching you die. Just run. Save yourselves.” – Castiel, 12.12 “Stuck in the Middle with You”
This was Castiel’s declaration of love for the entire Winchester family when he thought he was seconds away from death.
Positive Interpretation: This was a moment of real character growth for Cas. He was saved and this speech will be remembered as his emotional adoption into the Winchester family.
Negative Interpretation: Even though Crowley saved Cas’ life at the last moment, Castiel’s speech still echoes as the last words of a tragic hero who has a dying epiphany of self-awareness and emotional bonding just before he tearfully leaves a story.
Why, after 9 years, would the writers have Castiel express himself so openly? Do you think it’s even possible that Castiel will die? Is his death the marker required by breaking Billie’s deal? I have never before doubted that Castiel would remain with the Winchesters until the very end of the series, and frankly, I still don’t, but the next speech from the central characters of this saga make me wonder what exactly we’re hearing.
10. The immensely worrisome talk about legacy and being forgotten between Sam and Dean in 12.18 “The Memory Remains”
This emotionally poignant conversation has been discussed at length in terms of its implications for the story. Are Sam and Dean moving out of the bunker? Will the bunker be destroyed? Personally, I don’t feel either of those will happen (or just can’t fathom that the writers would do that!). Rather, when I heard this dialog, I heard a conversation between Jensen and Jared. Listen in as they talk about their work on Supernatural:
Jensen: What do you think our legacy will be? When we’re gone, after all the stuff we’ve done, think folks will remember us, you know like 100 years from now?
Jared: No
Jensen: Well that’s nice.
Jared: Guys like us, we’re not exactly the type of people they write about in history books, you know. But the people we saved – they’re our legacy and they’ll remember us, then I guess we’ll eventually fade away too. That’s fine because we left the world better than we found it, you know?
Jensen: Wonder what’s gonna happen to this place. After we’re gone, think some hunter will move in, keep fightin’ the fight?
Jared: Yeah, I hope so.
Jensen: Yeah, me too.
Jared and Jensen have often admitted that they talk about their roles on Supernatural. They don’t consider themselves A-list stars (“guys like us don’t make the history books”) but they know that Supernatural is important to people. In real life, separate from their Sam and Dean counterparts, they have also saved countless people with their messages of hope, courage, family, enduring, etc. After wondering if they or their work will be remembered and if they’ve made a mark on this world, I think it would be very natural for them to wonder what will happen to their sets – the space in this world that has belonged to them and Supernatural for at least 13 years – after they’ve quit the show. They’ve grown up on that stage in Vancouver. They have to wonder if the Supernatural legacy will die with them or continue with a spin-off show of new hunters who will keep the Supernatural franchise alive.
Positive Interpretation: This was another beautiful broment for the series. We shouldn’t read any more into it than that.
Negative Interpretation: There are, of course, the implications mentioned above for the end of the bunker. Personally, I am more disturbed by the meta interpretation of their talk. It truly felt like the first warning that there is an end in sight for them. The writers are slowly preparing us to let go of Sam and Dean, asking that we remember them for 100 years. What do you think the odds are that season 13 will be their last? I have never, ever wanted to talk about the end of the show! In fact, last year I wouldn’t let Alice write an article asking how and when the show should end because I told her it would upset me too much! This talk, though, cannot be ignored. This was about what will happen after season 13. I can’t even.
So there you have the top 10 most suspicious, foreboding comments that might be our crystal ball into the future. With the exception of number 10, I choose to believe all the positive scenarios. How about you? Use the numbers 1-10 to give your opinions! Are there other quotes that sounded to you like warnings or clues? As always, let’s figure this out together!
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- I’m the Co-Editor-in-Chief, Social Media Manager (Twitter, Facebook and Instagram), Live Tweet Moderator, reviewer and feature writer for The Winchester Family Business. Before joining the Supernatural Family, I worked for 22 years at a global consulting firm, but after years of long hours, high pressure and rigorous demands, I quit corporate life to raise my children. After my first Supernatural convention, I was driven to share my shock and awe in a two-part essay that The WFB was brave enough to post, and my second life calling, that of being a writer, began. My first published book, Fan Phenomena: The Twilight Saga was released in late 2016. Please share in my cross-fandom excitement by following its Facebook page @FanPhenomenaTwilight and my personal Twitter account @LSAngel2. You can read about this whole miraculous transition in my chapter in Family Don’t End With Blood, published in May 2017.
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