New Trailer for End of Supernatural Season Eleven
From Shaving People, Punting Things.
Poor Crowley! What do you think? Share your thoughts in the comments or in the spoiler discussion thread.
From Shaving People, Punting Things.
Poor Crowley! What do you think? Share your thoughts in the comments or in the spoiler discussion thread.
TV Guide has some spoilery info in this week’s edition, as well as a brief interview with Bob Singer. Some of this is already known. “Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) are on the run, but is there any place left to hide? The brothers learn that the conspiracy of the Leviathans, the jaw-snapping…
Here are the promo pics from 8.07 “A Little Slice of Kevin”! Poor Kevin looks a bit worse for wear…as does Castiel! Looks action packed though! {AG thumbWidth=”160″ thumbHeight=”120″ thumbAutoSize=”width” arrange=”name” backgroundColor=”ffffff” foregroundColor=”808080″ highliteColor=”fea804″ frame_width=”500″ frame_height=”365″ newImageTag=”0″ newImageTag_days=”7″ paginUse=”1″ paginImagesPerGallery=”30″ albumUse=”1″ showSignature=”0″ plainTextCaptions=”0″ template=”classic” popupEngine=”pirobox”}SeasonEight/ALittleSliceOfKevin{/AG} Share on FacebookTweetFollow usSave
Here are the promotional pictures for the next episode. Share on FacebookTweetFollow usSave
Well, I’m still skeptical about the story, but anything that has a tied up Winchester works for me! Especially when the other brother is waving a gun. There’s definitely some eye candy. Enjoy! {AG thumbWidth=”200″ thumbHeight=”120″ thumbAutoSize=”none” arrange=”priority” backgroundColor=”ffffff” foregroundColor=”808080″ highliteColor=”fea804″ frame_width=”500″ frame_height=”300″ newImageTag=”0″ newImageTag_days=”7″ paginUse=”1″ paginImagesPerGallery=”100″ albumUse=”1″ showSignature=”0″ plainTextCaptions=”0″ template=”classic” popupEngine=”pirobox”}SeasonEight/FreeksandGeeks{/AG} Share on FacebookTweetFollow…
There’s been a few developments this week, including an update of episode titles up to episode 10. Episode 10? Can you imagine that? We haven’t even seen episode 1 yet! But first, here’s the official episode description from The CW of Episode 8.02, “What’s New Tiger Mommy?” MRS. TRAN JOINS SAM AND DEAN ON THE…
We have the promo for next week. Share on FacebookTweetFollow usSave
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