Supernatural’s Brotherly Moments Part 3: Brothers In Unison
When starting this series of articles, I tried to make this a Top Ten list but picking out just ten “Broments” was simply not possible. Then I also had to ponder what justifies a Brotherly Moment. To me it was more than just the heart to heart, hugging, emotional moments. I also felt the pranks, the way they work together on a case and even their disagreements could be considered Brotherly moments.
So I created several categories and will be submitting them as a Four Part Series. Since this is obviously Part 3, you may wish to catch up on:
Part 1: The Family Business
Part 2: No Chick-Flick Moments!
Broment: When dudes share a special moment with each other.
Brother: A person whom you are related to. Sometimes a role model. Sometimes an ass. Sometimes a friend. A person who you are stuck being related to until the day you die through good or bad.
(Note: Both definitions found in the online Urban Dictionary)
Part Three – ‘Brothers in Unison’
Unison: Simultaneous performance of action or utterance of speech
This section is dedicated to the various times the brothers have been uniquely in sync with each other, whether it be doing things simultaneously, such as….
Getting in the impala and shutting the door
Displaying their badges
Jumping through glass windows
Busting into a room with guns a blazing
Putting on sunglasses
Expressing their thoughts on a performance
Passing out from an African Dream Root potion
Waking up from an African Dream Root potion
Waking from the dead
Peaking around bushes
Displaying their tattoos
Reacting the same to their motel room or…
their new hide out or home
Sitting down to ponder the strange events
Leaning in to check something out….
possibly to watch a pretty waitress
Clutching each other in a very intense moment
or even walking in the same stride!
The brothers have been known to be on the same wave length, where they are thinking the same thing or being able to read each other just by their facial expressions….
Jumping into a game of ‘Rock, Paper, Scissors’ when a specific task is required.
Who gets to stay with Madison
Who has to crawl through the vents
Who gets to talk to Bobby about his drinking
Who gets the bedroom
Saying the same thing at the same time: “Dude, I gotta talk to you’…
…However sometimes it can happen when one has relived the same moment a hundred times or more
Both referring to their lawyer as ‘Matlock’ even when in separate rooms: ‘You two really are brothers’.
Being able to decipher a cryptic note because you have a special code
Being able to communicate through a Ouiji board
Being ok when one of the brothers needs to warm their hands over a burning corps
and Tagging and killing the enemy.
However, there have been times when one brother has been a little off and not able to sync up with the other.
One tossing a beer
and the other completely missing the catch.
While chasing after a suspect ….
one trips and needs a helping hand up
or by stepping in gum and losing a shoe in the process.
Being constantly around each other they do have their moments when they get on each other’s nerves or simply don’t agree with each other.
They’ve been known to argue
Give one a little smack on the back of the head
or even get a little rough
and sadly sometimes they have thrown some punches,
but they always manage to work things out.
The majority of the time they are able to read and understand one another just by a certain look.
Especially the famous Puppy Dog look. This usually results in one brother caving into the other ones wants or needs. After all, could you say no to ….
or this…. I know I couldn’t.
I hope you enjoyed this section of the Brotherly Moments!
Are there any moments that you would add to the list? Please share!
Next up is Brotherly Moments Part Four – ‘Chick Flick Moments’
Karen, this is fantastic! You have captured perfectly why, for me, the show is all about the brothers. I don’t know how you do it, but you choose perfect pics for each of your articles. I look forward to the next one.
Hi samandean10
It’s all about the brothers for me too. 🙂
Thank you for your comments.
Thanks. These articles are an enjoyable reminder of what is so good about the show and why I watch. I love having the opportunity to see these pics. Nice job!
Hi spnlit
There is so much to love with this show isn’t there. 🙂
Thank you for your comments.
I’m watching the Pilot on TNT right now. I love all of your picks for brotherly moments.
[img][/img] singing because they are sad
[img][/img] singing because they are happy
Hi cheryl42
The Pilot is one of my favourites, it’s one of my ‘comfort’ episodes.
I love your singing pics. 🙂 Thank you for sharing.
Nothing makes me happier than a brotherly moment. I wuv hugs!! Nothing makes me sadder than when Sam and Dean are mad at each other. My favorite moments are when Sam is in trouble and Dean is worried about him. Good thing that happens a lot! Love your articles, keep them coming.
Hi Mallena
My favourite moments are their heart to hearts and when they tease each other. 🙂
Thank you for sharing your thoughts.