The Boys Are Back in Town: Supernatural Episode Fourteen
The Boys Are Back in Town
(Probably Time To Flee)
Brother to brother in the beginning and later, with the expanding Supernatural universe, episode fourteen continues to remind us what the Winchester world is all about: family.
Season: 1 “Nightmare”
Local de Hunt: Saginaw, Michigan Featured Creature: Max Miller
REVEAL/TWIST? Sam isn’t the only special child.
Season: 2 “Born Under a Bad Sign”
Local de Hunt: Twin Lakes, Wisconsin; Otter Creek, Iowa; Duluth, Minnesota Featured Creature: Demon/Meg
REVEAL/TWIST? Dean will save Sam – not kill him.
Season: 3 “Long Distance Call”
Local de Hunt: Milan, Ohio Featured Creature: Crocotta
REVEAL/TWIST? The only one who can save Dean from Hell is Dean. And Sam.
Season: 4 “Sex & Violence”
Local de Hunt: Bedford, Iowa Featured Creature: Siren
REVEAL/TWIST? Words hurt.
Season: 5 “My Bloody Valentine”
Local de Hunt:Sioux Falls, South Dakota Featured Creature: Famine
REVEAL/TWIST? Dean prays.
Season: 6 “Mannequin 3: The Reckoning”
Local de Hunt: Patterson, New Jersey Featured Creature: Vengeful Spirit; Rose Brown
REVEAL/TWIST? Their luck isn’t all bad – the boys have each other’s backs.
Season: 7 “Plucky Pennywhistle’s Magic Menagerie”
Local de Hunt: Wichita, Kansas Featured Creature: Howard
REVEAL/TWIST? Sam overcomes his fears.
Season: 8 “Trial & Error”
Local de Hunt: Lebanon, Kansas; Warsaw, Missouri; Shoshone, Idaho Featured Creature: Hellhounds
REVEAL/TWIST? Trials begin in a bath of Hellhound blood.
Season: 9 “Captives”
Local de Hunt: Lebanon & Wichita, Kansas Featured Creature: Bartholomew
REVEAL/TWIST? Kevin says goodbye – and reminds the brothers their fighting is stupid.
Season: 10 “The Executioner’s Song”
Local de Hunt: Fall River, Massachusetts Featured Creature: Cain
REVEAL/TWIST? Dean kills Cain.
Season: 11 “The Vessel”
Local de Hunt: France 1943; Fall River, Massachusets Featured Creature: Lucifer, The Thule Society
REVEAL/TWIST? Castiel is Lucifer.
Season: 12 “The Raid”
Local de Hunt: Wichita, Kansas Featured Creature: Vampires, Alpha
REVEAL/TWIST? Sam is ready to work with the British MoL. He’ll bring Dean too, in time.
Season: 13 “Good Intentions”
Local de Hunt: Bunker; Apocalypse World Featured Creature: Donatello; Angels
REVEAL/TWIST? Cas won’t let anyone hurt his family again.
If they aren’t trying to save each other, fighting against the wishes of the other – you know, to do what they think is best to save the other in spite of the other’s wishes – or being saved by each other then the brothers are still focusing on their family in one way or another in episode fourteen. Or someone in the “doesn’t end with blood” extended realm of Winchester is, whatever those consequences might be. And really, don’t those moments make us love the show all the more? Which is your top family moment? What is your most frustrating know-why-they’re-doing-it-but-don’t-agree moments? I thought Cas was pretty bad ass in slaying Donatello this season – and his speech to the brothers. Agree?
Reflect, reminisce and share below!
Catch up on the entire “Boys R Back” series to get a perspective of #Supernatural episodes in order, from the beginning! You’re just two clicks away! Start with episode 1 with the links on my Writers Page!
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