Jared Padalecki of Supernatural Nominated for Teen Choice Award
Jared has been nominated as Choice TV Actor: Sci/Fantasy for the First Wave at the Teen Choice Awards.
This is not the first time Jared has been nominated for a TCA. In 2007 Jared was nominated as Choice TV Actor: Drama. He was then nominated as Choice TV Actor: Fantasy/Sci-Fi in 2011. In 2012 and 2013 both Jared and Jensen were nominated as Choice TV Actor: Fantasy/Sci-Fi.
You can vote at the Teen Choice Awards website. From the FAQ
How can I vote?
You can vote on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook! Twitter: Tweet #category + @nominee or #nominee if they don’t have a Twitter account! Instagram: Post #category + @nominee or #nominee if they don’t have an Instagram page! Facebook: Update your Facebook status with #category + nominee name or visit TeenChoice.com!
How often can I vote?
You can vote once per category per day per platform.
So Vote every day!
Twitter users, tweet => #ChoiceSciFiTVActor #Jared Padalecki. We’ve been adding #VoteJaredTCA to see if it will trend!
Facebook users, post => #ChoiceSciFiTVActor JaredPadalecki
In spite of being called the TEEN Choice Awards, there are no age restrictions on voting.
Voting on the Teen Choice 2015 Site is only open to permanent legal residents of the fifty (50) United States and the District of Columbia, who are physically located and residing therein (including residents of Puerto Rico the U.S. Virgin Islands)
Voting runs between June 10 and August 16. It ends August 16 at 6:00pm PDT. However, the voting FAQ notes
How long do I have to vote?
Voting waves don’t last long – make sure to get your votes in ASAP!
The awards will be presented on August 16, 2015 on FOX.
The Teen Choice Awards have a special meaning for Jared. In 1999 he handled the boards for the show. It was there that he met his agent and that started his career. Here’s Jared handling the boards. He’s just silently in the background.
Congratulations and good luck, Jared!
Percy I have seen a couple more things about this:
1) If you vote too often ALL of your votes can end up being disqualified (so stick to one vote per platform per day).
2) If you are outside the US you CAN vote – just not on the site – you can vote on Twitter and Facebook and Instagram.
3) A retweet counts the same as a tweet, so it only counts once.
I haven’t voted in these types of competitions since the time I saw one person had voted for one actor 300,000 times (she showed the proof) for the PCA’s. In a competition which ended up with that actor getting a million or so votes over all, ie one person gave 1/3 of the votes. I don’t see the point in it.
Encouraging this TYPE of voting system though seems like a good idea …. It may be a teen choice award but it is actually a more sane system than the PCAs …
[quote]I saw one person had voted for one actor 300,000 times[/quote] Obsessed much? 😀
300,000 times?!?!? ONE PERSON!?!? Holy smokes…. that person needs therapy. Congrats to Jared! I’m happy to hear of him getting some much needed and well deserved recognition. And it’s also nice to hear that there is a measure in place to keep literally one person from influencing the outcome of these types of contests to such a degree. I agree, if one person can literally vote hundreds of thousands of times then what is the point? It becomes the will of that one person and not an indication of what the general voting public think. Unfortunately, I think that it is this type of over the top, hysterical fanaticism that TPTB and the writers are listening to most of the time on this show these days.
Honestly there have always been people willing to do that sort of thing, in every fandom and every type of fandom. She thought she was doing him a favor. I saw another group discussing how they had each voted 50+ thousand times for a different actor. I don’t think that the companies should encourage them is all. Clickbait is what it is about.
It is true that the smaller shows on the smaller networks would never get a look – in and get much needed pulicity – if voting were restricted in competitions like the PCAs so I don’t know how it could be fixed.
I hate click-bait, I almost never click on those stupid inflammatory type articles, it’s all junk anyway, and I can’t help feeling like they lead to junkie virus infected websites so I tend to steer clear. I’m glad to see that Facebook is trying to eliminate that kind of thing from their feed. Fine with me, I only want to talk with family and friends anyway.
I wonder how much time it would take to vote 300,000 times? Even just sitting there clicking away it must have taken that person (girl? something about this says obsessed young girl) weeks to enter that many votes. Unhealthy is an understatement.
https://41.media.tumblr.com/aefc6cb0e1ebb1b36b329f0e4444d965/tumblr_nq5xxe4f831u8thg1o1_540.jpg how could you not vote for this guy. Posted today. Yay. Notice what is missing?
No scruff, of course. I have to say, I wish he’d ditch the beanie. What’s the point of that nice mane if you’re going to hide it? But I’m glad he’s back into tweeting. He looked happy in the pic.