CW Official Press Release for Supernatural 10.21
We have the description for 10.21.
“Dark Dynasty” — (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET)
THE WINCHESTERS MEET THE STYNES — Dean (Jensen Ackles) and Sam (Jared Padalecki) investigate a bizarre murder and realize the killer bears the same tattoo as those from the Styne family. Eldon Styne (guest star David Hoflin) attacks Dean and a brutal fight ensues. Meanwhile, Castiel (Misha Collins) acts as referee when Charlie (guest star Felicia Day) and Rowena (guest star Ruth Connell) are forced to work together on the Book of the Damned. Crowley (Mark Sheppard) discovers his mother is missing and knows she’s up to something so he turns to an old enemy for help. Robert Singer directed this episode written by Eugenie Ross-Leming & Brad Buckner (#1021). Original airdate 5/6/2015.
The Stynes! Charlie! Written by Eugenie Ros-Lemming and Brad Buckner! What could go wrong? So now Charlie and Rowena team up with Cas in the mix. Sam and Dean are being drawn closer to the Stynes. Meanwhile Crowley fights back on Rowena. Are you excited for a Charlie, Cas, Rowena adventure? How do you feel about the Stynes? To me, it sounds like they may become a force in the show, at least this season. Do you think they will play a part going into the finale? Or are they going to be defeated? Will the Stynes find the Book of the Damned? Who will Crowley turn to for help? What do you think? Do you have any ideas about how this episode will go down? Let us know in the comments.
and Sam will be at the library. There, now the official release is complete.
No no knocked out somewhere. So Charlie has taken over Sam’s part in saving Dean using the book and working with Rowena. 20 and 21 read Sam light, 22 no doubt will be heavily Dean centric and it looks like Cas has the big Dean saving role in the finale going by Misha’s interview. We do know that Sam gets beaten up though as the set pics shows him with bruises on his face. My guess is Dean finds out about Sam not destroying the book and going to Rowena, goes all MOC/demon Dean on him and beats him to a pulp with Cas jumping in at the last moment with the big save that Charlie has discovered.
How about a compromise..Sam is knocked out at the library.;)[quote]So Charlie has taken over Sam’s part in saving Dean using the book [/quote]She is expert in hacking and she can do anything.Computer knowledge is the key factor in solving the mysteries of the book.She does not know sumerian..HAH she is expert in hacking and computers ..sumerian..smumerian.
Sounds right, Sam is made useless and unimportant.
Hi Percys..someone said that 21 and 22 are sam lite, is it true?…what about 23 and remaining episodes?
Why are a number of people here, after reading this synopsis, saying that Sam is not going to figure in it, going to be knocked out, going to be at the library, etc., etc.? It clearly states that Dean and Sam are investigating the murder. This happens often. It happened in particular before Inside Man and Book of the Damned and both episodes had lots of Sam time and some amazing Sam scenes (which Jared knocked out of the park). Can we please just watch the episode before we start complaining about it? It is getting really tiresome.
[quote]Why are a number of people here, after reading this synopsis, saying that Sam is not going to figure in it, [/quote]dont know.It is one of lifes amazing mysteries.[quote][quote]episodes had lots of Sam time and some amazing Sam scenes[/quote][/quote]if you think they were amazing and “lots” it does not mean I should.
Jared always knocks it out of the park .
well,I’m excited for this one,just as I’m so excited for the other following episodes!!!I really like to see Charlie and the Stynes back and as I liked Jacob Styne’s encounter with the Winchesters,I like too see what will happen between Dean and Eldon too!I don’t know how the writers are gonna write about Charlie-Rowena-Cas team,but I try to stay positive!and about Crowely,I’m curios to know who’s that old enemy?so all in all,I’m gonna be optimistic and wait for the excitement of the last episodes!
I’m with you Tara. All five episodes sound so interesting that I am hardly able to wait them to show that is actually forced as they don’t air faster even if I hoped they would be. And Stynes really did sound interesting already on the last episode so I am interested to learn more about them. Finally something else than angels, demons, vampires OH MY! 😉
– Lilah
Thanks Lilah!!!it’s really nice to see rays of hope and excitement here;)
I EXACTLY feel like you and can’t wait for this fresh story line to develop and YES I really wish we could see these last episodes faster!!!hope we all survive weekly waits:D
It will be tough but I am sure we will make it. 😉
– Lilah
Count me in both you guys! It is nice to see a turn away from the usual. I’m curious about this brutal fight that will ensue. How vicious can it be with MOCDean? Or is it brutal because of the MOC? Hmmm. So now both Charlie, Sam and Cas have all taken a bite out of the stupid appl – I mean, pill, and are cospiring with Rowena. No, the synopsis did say forced to work with. I’m wondering if ultimately Dean isn’t split in two because of all these shenanigans. You are so right, these last weeks are, heh, brutal.
Sam who? looking forward to resume adding this ep to Sam unconscious list
If I may ask..what other lists have you made.It is interesting the one tidbit you told earlier.
hi there, i am keeping track of Sam’s Unconscious Episodes, Sam disappearing in episodes so Dean talks to the guest star and vise versa of Dean, Dean leaving so Sam chats with guest star
Okay thanks ..let us see how this episode affects your lists.
there is another a big main list that ive been doing for years for all the episodes i count, and total each episode. words that are said more than 1x, i count them during each episode and put the total for each word for each episode put them together.
[b]Shante[/b] would you consider sharing your lists with WFB so we can use them to write an article after this season? They sound like something that would be really interesting for our followers. We’d use it over the hiatus, if you’re willing.
hi percy, that sounds great, just a couple of ?s, the main lists or the individual lists? would i have to post them here as i have them in my journal? i will continue with it in season 11.
post the 1st 10 seasons of my lists here?
Shante, you can be an official SPN historian! Have you been watching since Season 1?
hi samanddean10, i can? wow! yes i have
I think we would like to see the all lists, and then one of us will incorporate them into an article, if that’s okay with you. We would credit you for the work, of course. I’d like to see everything you have. i think it would be great to see how things have gone over the years.Then, depending on length and how much is there, we can decide if it would all be in one article, or maybe a series. I don’t make the final decisions on that on. I’ll let Alice know and we can coordinate. Thanks so much.
yes, just 1 last ?, would i post a week or month after the finale posting everything
As I said, I’m not the one who sets the schedule or even decides what gets posted. The mods will look at all this and decide. They have okayed the article, but timing and how it will be handled is still up in the air. I’ve asked the mods to contact you so we can work out logistics on posting. They will have more information than I do. I’m really just a worker bee.
okie 🙂 looking forward to it:)
……and Sam’s “darK” story arc is where? Oh, that’s right. Unconscious in the library, I forgot. Just a little reminder here folks. The MoC arc has been going on since episode 11 of season 9. That 35 episodes. Yep that’s right 35 epically boring episodes to get us from Dean taking on the Mark to where we are now, which is Dean very nicely and sucessfully controlling the mark and seemingly not affected at all other than to make him terminally petulant and morose. Why does he need saving again? He seems to be doing really, really well on his own as things stand now. If Sam kills himself Dean WON’T be able to become a demon. Get on that Sam and soon. Then Jared can be released from this hell to be an actor instead of a prop which is what he is now.
[quote]Then Jared can be released from this hell to be an actor instead of a prop which is what he is now. [/quote]
Agree E.Before I would I have been sad to see Jared exit from the show but for Sam’s sake I hope they do have Sam die pemanently. Dean can then blame Sam for every thing and let all the supporting characters nod along…If Sam is not there on the screen it would not matter to me at all.
Uber Ninja Charlie and her brother Dean or Dean and his better brother Benny ….Sam will be safe from Dean in Heaven.
I think he considers himself an actor E! He also seems to be very proud of his work on Supernatural and happy to be a part of it. Many of the fans issues are not the actors issues.
[quote] Many of the fans issues are not the actors issues.[/quote]E did not claim they were .
You know what anonymousN, I didn’t say she did! But if fans are unhappy they often want the actor’s character to die, or they want an actor to leave a show because of their own unhappiness. Jared in my opinion likes his job, is great at his job, and is proud of the work he does. I think we should respect that. I have a right to express my opinion on that as much as you do with your mean-spirited snide comment just above. These are the types of posts that will drive me away from here. And I am not alone. I am sure you will get 40 “likes” for that and that is sad.
or Leah the best yet, wants the show to end because they don’t like it. Not giving even a thought for other people who likes it of course and would like to discuss about it. I just wish the comments of promos, sneak peeks, or synopsis that really are not telling the whole story of the episode would be welcomed with something else than this. I know I am not alone in this because I know people who are not commenting for a reason and do it elsewhere. And for my part I have just hit and run commenting for these for months now, even if I would have had lot more to write and be exited about.
– Lilah
[quote]Leah the best yet, wants the show to end because they don’t like it.[/quote]I have not said this. at least there is no person on this site who has said that.All have expressed that they would like to stop watching the show which is another matter.[quote]Not giving even a thought for other people who likes it [/quote]I write my comments i.e my opinion are free to disagree.I find the treatment of Sam by the show bad.If you do not I have no problem.I realize that there are people who like the show..who love the show.In the same way.There are also people who agree with me.
Actually, didn’t say you have said it. But unfortunately I have seen that in this site and also other sites mentioned. As there is thousand of comments and articles (and also as I prefer not to read that kind of comments) I will not try to search it nor them. I agreed on Leah because I have felt the same way for a while. Hope that cleared it.
– Lilah
[quote]mean-spirited snide comment just above.[/quote]My comment was neither mean spirited or snide.We respect what jared feels and thinks at the same time we have our opinions too.It is sad that when my opinion is neither mean spirited or snide it is characterized as such.We were unhappy for a long time.I especially it is after the latest episode (after being unhappy for a long time)want either Sam to die or have spine and stand up to Dean .something which he had in the earlier seasons.
Your comment was addressed to E so I thought you were telling it to E.I thought wrong i.e my interpretation of your comment.
[quote]I am sure you will get 40 “likes” for that and that is sad.[/quote]And it is sad that you are sad that there are “40” people who agree with me.
LEAh,Let me clear about my reply to E if you think I was being snide I was not.This what I see happening on the show.It is Dean’s narrative which the show and the supporting characters further.I do not like it and i would like it be stopped .that was me being truthful about my hopes for the show.It was neither snide or mean spirited.
As far as Uber ninja and better brother thing it was the show which showed/told me that.that is how I see charlie and Benny.I was going for humorous not snide.
there is another thing im doing with all the episodes, putting them in Alphabetical Order which i wont be able to do until the show is over all the episodes are done. right now just putting them under all letters. now with 23 more episodes to do.
I will say this anonymousN and be done. I have no problem with people expressing their unhappiness as long as it doesn’t turn into rants that trashes other characters. And what I find sad is not that people are unhappy but that anyone who is unhappy would think that was funny. No matter how unhappy I have been sometimes or will ever get I will limit my posts to the subject at hand and always try and be respectful and cognizant of the feelings of others. And I guarantee you I would not stay on a website for years and bitterly complain about everything and everybody on that show except for the one character I like and challenge anyone who doesn’t agree with me.
OK E. (comment deleted)
anonymous and Leah could you please both stop. I am sorry I ever made any comment at all if this is the result.
Sorry E. I am done. Your comment had little to do with this.
Thats ok! I shouldn’t have made such a pessimistic comment to begin with.
I just noticed that the title of Episode 10.22 is the Prisoner; do you think maybe the brutal fight that Dean gets in to might involve Dean getting captured and held in exchange for the Book of the Damned?
Good question! It seems plausible. The Stynes certainly are unworldly strong and already know why the Winchester’s want the book. This whole description raises other interesting questions. How exactly does Cas and Charlie learn that Sam has the BOTD and enlisted the assistance of Rowena?
Oh yes and the other most intriguing question is Where’s SAM!!!!! And NO I am not suggesting that Sam is MIA… I think it points to some major action, pivotal role for Sam as he walks in Dean’s shoes…. making unilateral decisions to save his brother without thought of the cost.