CW Official Promo for Supernatural 10.14 and Promotional Pictures
We have a double release tonight. We get not only the promo for the next episode, but also promotional pictures.
Here’s the promo
And the pictures
Cain returns and he and Dean have a throw down. Cain even gets The Blade back. It also looks like we get lots of Crowley and Rowena. Maybe we will find out what The Great Coven wants with Rowena and what exactly Rowena wants from Crowley. What do you think? Are you looking forward to the return or Cain? Will Dean use The First Blade again? Or will Cain take it back? If Dean uses The Blade what will it do to him? Are you excited to see more of Rowena and Crowley? Let us know in the comments.
*SPOILER* I’m really surprised that they showed a picture of Dean with the Blade. That is a pretty big spoiler.
So just watched the promo and it was all about the Blade and looks like Cain has a major craving going on. Dean’s in trouble?
OK, wait a minute… I thought Cain wanted Dean to return and kill him so that after millennia he could be done? Humph, well I guess he’s changed his mind. How artificially convenient. So I guess this is where they take an interesting character like Cain and ruin him buy turning him into a villain for no reason? (Martin Creasser, Garth). So I see Dean’s proclamation to just ignore everything and live as normally as possible has lasted one episode. My guess is that the two people with the Mark will feel compelled to fight for dominance or some such nonsense; and I say nonsense because a set up like that can only have one outcome and we all know what it is resulting in zero tension or drama. It’s also quite telling that Sam is seemingly not present for any of it. Maybe Dean sent him on errands in the next town so that he could “keep him safe,” Cain might use him for leverage after all. At this point I’ll take damsel in distress Sam over Sam in the MoL bunker ironing shirts while Dean and Cain have their epic battle. Maybe Sam will have a nice dinner prepared for when Dean comes home all sweaty and tired after a difficult day of defeating the father of murder.
I was convinced that Dean would go back to Cain and ask him to kill Dean since this appears to be the only ‘win’ possible with the mark at the moment. This would of course involve Sam being locked in the panic room for the episode so he can’t stop Dean from making HIS own decisions about his own life, but it sort of looks like they did that anyway – the only bit of my theory that is likely to happen.
Cain would not agree to kill Dean because only someone with the mark is capable of killing Cain. I think that would have been an entertainingly complex twist – Dean and this week’s big bad trying to get the other one to kill them, instead of trying to kill each other.
We could have a live-cam in the bottom corner of the screen of Jared refusing to play Sam for the episode and just sitting in a corner of the dungeon set being filmed ‘being Jared’ and playing Words with Friends on his phone (which survived the phonemageddon from last week I noticed).
Huh.. that would be a conundrum if the big show down was Cain and Dean trying to get the OTHER one to kill him…..heh. Weird. Anyway if there IS an epic showdown between them and Dean wins, which I know he will, then I am going to call foul….. there is NO WAY a human with the mark should be able to defeat a 2000+ year old demon, the father of murder, who also has the mark; I don’t care how ‘good’ a hunter/fighter Dean supposedly is. That would be lame in the extreme.
But Sam did the same thing with Lucifer? I mean he defeated this season’s big bad’s BOSS …
Of course he had Dean supporting him and if the show decides to not to include Sam here in a similar way then … yeah foul!
Hi Eilf,
Sam also drank GALLONS of demon blood to prepare and even then it almost didn’t’ work. And it isn’t like Sam killed Lucifer, he only got control of him for mere seconds, just long enough to throw himself into the pit, that’s it. It was a victory of epic proportions and of self control and it took everything both Sam and Dean had in that moment for Sam to gain just those few brief moments. Not the same as taking on the father of murder and a millennia old demon and killing him.
If Dean does kill Cain and Sam isn’t in some way necessary to Dean in that, I am going to be pissed.
I’m with ya girl!
At some point we will have to start addressing strongly worded missives to the show. Pointing out the error of their ways regarding the lack of usage of Sam for plot related activities …. and our general viewing delight 😉
Having said that, the next episode sort of looks like it has an actual SPN vibe if the clip is anything to go by. I mean it possibly has the entirety of Sam’s input to the episode included right there but there is always hope …
And the SPN sign now says:
Number of episodes since Sam was knocked out, ineffectual, and/or tied up: 1
This is a miracle in and of itself!
Well, it certainly does look like something has happened to Cain since we last saw him; he does not seem like the mild neatly groomed bee- keeper living the life of self- controlled calmness. He also seems like he changed his mind about Dean killing him. Someone or something got to him. Dean is quite menacing; looks like his re-connection with the blade turned on the mega- heat. I have been waiting for and look forward to this re-union. No, I am not excited to see Rowena and Crowley but I would like to be. I do not recognize Crowley’s character anymore; moping around about losing his bff Dean, letting his mother kill off his best servants; and fetching the blade for Sam and Dean as if he was their unswerving man servant. Crowley needs an infusion of the place he supposedly reigns over and to lose the mommy issues. Re- intro of his son would be a nice addition to the storyline. Rowena seems like she is in a campy version of a Shakespeare play.
Lots of Crowley and Rowena pictures. Not really interested in that story. Could Cain have nabbed Sam to get Dean to bring the blade back? Dean seems totally outmatched by Cain. I’m excited to see this episode.
Dean’s in over his head; not a big surprise that Cain’s attitude might change once he touched the First Blade again; he is the Father of Murder after all. Could he end up being this season’s big bad? Given the lack of availability of the actor, probably not. Was hoping we’d see Abel this episode to either corroborate or refute Cain’s version of events. All that Rowena is missing is a pointy hat and a bubbling cauldron. Wonder what Sam and Castiel are up to? Maybe Castiel is braiding Sam’s hair 🙂
So just counting here. we want ADAM, ABEL, JOHN, LUCIFER, DEATH &
CHUCK back, correct ?
I was referring to Abel, as in Cain and Abel, not the actor that played Adam 🙂
I knew. 😉
After you’ve enjoyed him here as Cain, go watch Galavant. Watching Timothy play that bad king will make you laugh. After. Not before. Unless you want to be giggling during Supernatural.
So what now? If Dean kills Cain with the Blade, then he’s gonna die?
That’s from Do You Believe In Miracles, so I don’t think it tells us anything about what will happen if Dean kills Cain.
What I mean is that in this episode Crowley said that once Dean uses the blade he is not strong enough to carry the mark, because he’s not a demon.
In Crowley’s own words: “The more you kill, the better you feel; the less you kill, the less better you feel”.
So, I unterstand that once Dean uses the First Blade again (this time with Cain), he is going to throw up blood like in this episode or something like this.
What do you think about it?