Sneak Peek for Supernatural 10.11
The CW has posted the sneak peek for episode 11.
Charlie does look changed in this clip. Why do you think she is holding that woman hostage? What happened to her in Oz? What kind of adventure could have changed her so? Let us know in the comments.
Did she just call Sam an albatross around Dean’s neck? Dean’s body language was very interesting. Like he wanted to soothe or assure Sam after Charlie’s comment. I think that both of the brothers know that Dean has sometimes felt weighted down by Sam.
Or maybe Dean just wanted Sam to drop his gun. 😀
[quote]Did she just call Sam an albatross around Dean’s neck?[/quote]That whole thing where she refers to the “Sam’s problem” Is going to catalyse sam doing things which he would not have done otherwise.
That whole thing where she refers to the “Sam’s problem” Is going to catalyse sam doing things which he would not have done otherwise.
Well of course it is. Dean may be a ruthless killing machine and an ex-demon, but that’s only because there’s a little monster in everyone and he only kills bad people so he’s an upstanding guy. Sam is just basically an evil, immoral person and a bad brother. This year is going to be very trying for me.
I think that there is an interesting dichotomy between what Charlie said about Sam in the clip and what Dar said in the season 10 premiere.
[i] Charlie: All good guy code, no bite. What a waste. [/i]
[i] Dar: I heard the rumors, I said, ‘no that can’t be. A Winchester one of us?’ Whatever soul you had, whatever Boy Scout codes you cuddled up to at night. It’s all gone. Leaving what? Look at you. [/i]
Possessed? or maybe she realized the bad guys have more fun? Maybe the people she is targeting have been possessed or Oz villians. The munchkins always did look a bit shifty. lol Seriously…maybe she is hunting down bad guys who escaped Oz and are possessing innocent people. Though why she doesn’t just tell Sam and Dean… Curiouser and Curiouser
I’m guessing she’s a doppelganger or Charlie has been split in two, and the real/good Charlie is back in Oz. Just so long as she isn’t one of those flying monkeys; they skeeved me out as a kid 🙂
It’ll be interesting to see whether that version of Charlie could have revealed to a certain degree what regular Charlie has thought about Sam and Dean at some point.
Will someone please explain to me what Charlie represents….
Don’t say the lesbian baby sister they never wanted.
I don’t think she represents anything. I think she is just a fun character that is recurring on the show. Many fans love her, some don’t. And Dean did refer to her as the “little sister he never wanted” but I think that was just a way for Dean to express his admiration for her courage under an impossible situation. Which at the time was trying to help take down Dick Roman. I for one have really loved her episodes. They are usually a lot of fun but the promos for this one looks pretty dark.
Oh crap… I’ve been so pessimistic about the show lately and feel that it’s gone off the rails so much that I almost don’t want to be intrigued or dare I say, encouraged, optimistic or even just a teeny, tiny bit excited by an episode, but this clip had all kinds of awesome in it. Dean’s placating pet to Sam’s arm when Charlie started to unload all her painfully truthful comments on Sam, to Dean’s calling out for Sam after he’d been schooled by a girl 1/3 his size. It was kind of awesome this clip. I think Charlie is both right and wrong about Sam; he’s a good guy and does live by his good guy code, but if she were threatening Dean in any way, Sam would drop her like a bad date and not even blink an eye.
This is the Supernatural of yore; funny, snarky and painful at the same time. I LOVE it when guest stars dig into the brothers. We all know Sam ISN’T a millstone around Dean’s neck, but I am sure that at times, when Sam was at his most encumbered, that Dean felt that he was. And we all know that Sam has absolutely felt like he was as well, it’s one of his deepest fears. THIS is what Supernatural has been missing; guest starts who not only reflect back onto the boys through their own problems but speak hard, hurtful truths to them. Sam’s pain from her comments, Dean’s big brotherly defense of him; it’s delicious!
My guess is that Charlie has a doppelgänger. I think there is a section of the first promo that shows both Charlie’s at once; black leather, badass Charlie lying on the ground after a beat down by Dean and another Charlie being carried by Sam. I can’t tell if Charlie herself is split into her ego and alter ego or if someone has ‘cloned’ her and is running using her face and causing mayhem. I also like amyh’s theory that black leather, badass Charlie could be an OZ assassin of some kind. I wonder if that older woman whom Charlie was holding hostage was an awful baddie of some sort. Tentatively looking forward to this one.
[quote]Oh crap… I’ve been so pessimistic about the show lately and feel that it’s gone off the rails so much that I almost don’t want to be intrigued or dare I say, encouraged, optimistic or even just a teeny, tiny bit excited by an episode, but this clip had all kinds of awesome in it.[/quote]
I am the same. I’ve not been enjoying SPN at all lately, even got to the stage where I have been fast forwarding through the episodes but this trailer left me feeling rather interested and even excited. And I don’t even like Charlie all that much. :p I love Dean’s little pat on Sam’s arm as if to reassure him after Charlie’s comment and I love Dean calling out for Sam. Loved Charlie’s comments reflecting one of Sam’s deepest fear, poor Sam looked so upset and then there’s some big brother Dean to follow which always makes me happy. Great stuff.
I love Dean touching Sam’s arm like Dean was saying, “She didn’t mean it, Sam. You are not an albatross around my neck.” Dean’s hand gestures conveyed, “Hey, everyone take it easy.” After all, Sam was the one who got criticized, not Dean. Although Charlie did give Dean a backhanded compliment.
Charlie’s comment hit a nerve. Dean knows that that wouldn’t have been the case if he hadn’t had something to do with Sam’s insecurities. So he wanted to assure Sam that Charlie didn’t voice what he had been thinking privately.
I, too, love Dean yelling Sam’s name at the end. Like, “Sam, where are you? Help your big brother out.” Calling out for Sam used to be one of Dean’s trademarks. 😀
When Sam told “Charlie” to let her go Charlie responded with “who” and then she said you mean her? I think at first she thought that Sam meant let Charlie go. As in Charlie is being held hostage or possessed by something.
😀 rocket & groot omg funny wow That has got to be something cruising in a Charlie meat suit. I cannot wait for this episode to find out what happened and I don’t think Dean could really seriously hurt Charlie but it looks like He is gonna get his butt kicked by a girl.
Supernatural – I’m Back Trailer
I wonder what the dynamic between the brothers will be in episode 10.12 [i] About a Boy[/i]. If Dean’s line [i] “I’m back, baby” [/i] is from that episode then it could be pretty symbolic that he gets back in the driver’s seat especially if the episode ends with a shot of Dean driving away in Baby with amused Sam by his side.