More videos and articles on Supernatural Episode 200
As we get closer to Tuesday, we are getting more interviews, articles and videos with the cast and writers about episode 200 and how the show has affected those involved. Anything with Spoilers is labeled.
From KSite we have 2 interviews with Jared from the LA party to celebrate the 200th episode. Spoiler free.
KSite also issued two interviews with Jensen from the same event. Both of Jensen’s are spoiler free
KSite has also published an interview with Eric Kripke on Supernatural reaching 200 episodes.
Buddy TV posted its interview with Jared from the LA celebration on who would win in a fight between Soulless!Sam and Demon!Dean. This does contain mild spoilers.
TV Guide has published a spoilery article with Jared and Jensen.
The Examiner published a non-spoilery interview with Vivien Elizabeth Armour one of the guest stars on the 200th episode
Uh…does anyone have a clue do we know why the character on the right is there?
No idea!
Huh… no idea. Maybe there’s danger Will Robinson.
Hmmm….you know Robbie Thompson has a thing for Robocop. This is going to be a very strange episode. I hope it comes off well because it is getting a ton of buzz.