Title for Supernatural Episode 10.08
The CW has released the title for episode 8.
Episode 10.08 will be called “Hibbing 911”. Suggestions include that this is a takeoff of Reno 911 and this is the Sheriffs Jodie and Donna episode. An observant viewer noted that The Benders took place in Hibbing, Minnesota, but who knows if they will refer back to that. How old would Missy Bender be? Any ideas as to what this could be about?
I thought girls girls girls was the Jodie mills /sheriff donna eppy…which I thought was eppy 6.
They were shooting episode 10.08 when Kim Rhodes (Jody) was on set with the actress who plays Donna.
10.07 “Girls, Girls, Girls” is most likely a mytharc episode. There are pictures of Travis Aaron Wade (Cole) shooting with Jensen on location.
who is donna…..
sorry I have not read the previous 7
Hibbing? Huh. Nola Donna was the Sheriff in that episode that took place in the spa! Sam in sweatpants, Dean in a hair net. The Purge. No idea, I also thought GirlsGirls Girls was the Donna and Jody episode too but maybe it was just an assumption.
thanks boo. 🙂
Reno 911! Clips ([url]”http://www.cc.com/video-clips/124rjn/reno-911–animal-attack-insurance”[/url])
Just for fun. From everything we’ve seen — a comedy episode.
I know many fans have been hoping Deputy Kathleen Hudak (Jessica Steen) from [i]The Benders[/i] would pop up again. Would be nice if the title referred to Kathleen making a 911 call to the Winchesters for help on a case – as long as they don’t bring her back to kill her off like they did with Tessa and Sarah. 🙁
[quote]How old would Missy Bender be?[/quote]
I’m guessing Missy was around 12 in [i]The Benders[/i], which was 2006, so that would make her around 20 now – plenty old enough to be causing trouble. Casting would be interesting; Alexia Fast who played Missy Bender also played Dean’s daughter Emma in Season 7’s [i]The Slice Girls[/i]. Maybe it’s too soon to bring her back again, although it would make for great flashback potential.
And if I remember correctly, at least one of Missy’s brothers is still breathing – the one the Winchesters left locked up in a cage. Maybe they’re causing trouble together. As Dean so wisely put it, “Monsters I get. People are crazy.” 🙂