Updated W/More Photos! Supernatural Episode 8.01 Promo Photos
Updated: I knew 4 photos wasn’t enough! Here’s the entire 10 photo set, and they are awesome.
Considering The Vampire Diaries ones were released yesterday, I figured Supernatural’s wouldn’t be far behind. The CW has released four promo photos for the Supernatural season eight premiere. They don’t tell you much, but they’re fine to look at. They at lease provide a glimmer of hope that the premiere will be here sooner than we know it. Enjoy!
(Click on a thumbnail pic to kick off the viewer. Hit the play button in the left hand corner to see them in slideshow format!)
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Awesome pics. I can hardly wait. Just requested the night off so I can watch the premiere live! Bought myself an antennae so I can watch the show! Now I can breathe again!
Man, can I just hop into the shallow pool for a moment and mention how gorgeous the guys look in these photos? I’m loving Sam’s hair, too!
Thanks so much for the gorgeous pics, now I can calm down a bit (just a little) for the day. The countdown is getting smaller and smaller.
Gosh I have missed these boys. 😛
Can it be October Now??
Oh wow. To paddle in the shallows for a minute…I flipping LOVE Sam’s Jared!Hair and scruff. The boys look gorgeous.
Thank you for posting these pics, they are fabulous.