Promotional photos for Supernatural 10.09
Images from the mid-season finale are out.
We have Cas and Claire and Crowley and Rowena and Sam and Dean. It looks to be a full episode.
Claire looks like she is being very cute with Cas at some point, straightening his tie. Later Cas looks to be almost attacking a young, male fast food worker. Protecting Claire? Sadly it just makes me remember Samandriel. Apparently Crowley doesn’t care too much that Rowena is his mother, because she seems to be in a dungeon, although letting her live may be an indication of Crowley caring. She is with another woman, maybe another witch? Considering the very tense trailer from earlier, Sam and Dean look fairly normal. What do you get from these photos? Any clues as to what will happen? Please share as we wait for Tuesday.
Crowley caring for Rowena? May be, but here again – where do dead witches go? Purgatory or Hell? Because if it is Hell, then Rowena looks quite capable to transform very soon onto a very powerful, competitive demon, so probably, it’s wiser for Crowley to keep Mommy alive. And what happens to the demons after the boys kill them? Demons are ex-humans, so to say, they still have a human soul, though broken and corrupt. Human souls are immortal, right? Only “normal” soul (Sam’s soul for example) looks bright like a ball of fire, while a demonic one is like a colored smoke, so… I wish the writers paid more attention to mythology!
They have been paying attention to mythology because the demon smoke has been establish since season one.
What I recollect is that only supernatural beings go to purgatory but still angels might be different. Witches are still humans most of the time so their stop might be hell. Can’t remember the episode but on it they said that witches usually are turned to demons after they die because they are into the evil stuff. Purgatory is more monster land so angels go probably to somewhere else or vanish when they die. This is only guessing as it hasn’t been established what happens to them or shown/told. That is what I remember but not sure how well.
– Lilah
In reply
1) to Marlin Rosa. Sorry, I’m not always able to explain myself clearly. (My English, my age!) What I meant is that I’d like to have some solid pre-history to the current story, some basic mythology telling how things went, step by step. Something like, “Firstly God created Leviathans, then angels, then people…” But how about all those “gods” who feed on humans, where did they come from, at what stage? IMO, the SPN universe needs a system, a kind of a map that would be helpful both to the writers and the fans. Or maybe it’s just me. Wishful thinking…
2) to Lilah Kane. That’s why I think that Rowena is less harmful for Crowley while alive – she would be one hell of a mighty demon and sure would be able to attract to her side some of the King’s supporters.
Horrible to think that angels just vanish. I hope there is some chance of resurrection for them – didn’t Cas get back to life twice?! Really, I would pay for a book about all this! And I wish somebody would get inspired with the idea of such a book . ” How it happened that God made Purgatory and Eden, why are angels so mediocre soldiers, the real and true reason why Creator left the building” etc.