TV Line on Supernatural season 10
TV Line has posted it’s summary of upcoming shows for this season. It’s take on Supernatural
is here
As a newly turned supernatural creature, Dean will have to decide “how dark and what kind of demon he’s going to be,” executive producer Jeremy Carver previews. So what’s the verdict? Per star Jensen Ackles, “[He’s] an ultra version of a womanizing party animal.” Considering how wild and fun his new life is – he even becomes too much for Crowley to handle! – it’s no wonder then that Dean doesn’t want to be found. But Sam, unaware of what’s happened to his brother, will try his darnedest, leading the younger Winchester “to do some questionable things that will make him, and certainly the audience, wonder which one of these guys is the true monster,” Carver notes. Meanwhile, Castiel is back on Earth and struggling with the moral dilemma of how to get his angelic grace back without being a burden. BONUS SPOILER | Cas will be the harsh “voice of reason” when it comes to Dean’s situation, says Ackles. “Even though it might be hard to hear, it might be hard to say, he tells Sam, ‘Listen, you know what you have to do if things don’t go right.’” RETURN DATE | Tuesday, Oct. 7 at 9/8c (The CW)
Not much new, although a little more on Cas’s role in the season.
Well, I must say, I do worry a bit about people who think being a womanizing party animal is demonic, especially since it’s not that far off from Dean’s bucket list in season three. But I guess that we have to be shown that Sam has absolutely no right to even consider changing Dean back and that Sam is a monster to do so. Oh, sigh!
P.S. Since absolutely no one criticized Dean for Sam’s possession in the show proper, only telling him that he trusted the wrong person and that Sam was willing to die, not that it was horrific that Dean took away Sam’s control of his own body, I’m not going with Sam is the worst monster ever to exist, no matter what he does. Although I do think the show is going to push that narrative, just so Dean can be let off the hook for any and all actions he will take now and in the future.
Agreed… Sam is looking more and more like a scapegoat with every interview and comment.
I’m pretty sure a certain segment of fans are pissed about that. I mean they got angry when it was announced Dean would have an “intense fling” with a waitress.
I think news at least should not be written this biased to a one character and shaming the other. I have counted at least three news put up this way and I don’t know about others that comment but it is starting to bother at least me. It should be Supernatural news in general and not jumping on the blame wagon of a character immediately when it is put up at least as the news are watched by everyone who like Supernatural and different parts of it. It is not a very good example to people who visit the site.
On topic of the news. Glad to hear something new about what Cas will do and finally after a month to see where all the story is going.
– Lilah
Agreed. I’ve no issue with people expressing their views in the comments section (or in editorial pieces), but it is starting to grate a little when the news articles are presented so negatively.
Personally I can’t WAIT until October!
Before I say this, I want to say I like the brothers equally… never been a Sam or Dean girl. Actually, I would have considered myself a Bobby girl.
Anyway, SPN has always been a little Sam skewed anyway. Sam with demon blood, Sam is Soulless, Sam is Satan, Sam does the trials… ect. I am not surprised he will be going down a “dark path”.
LOL.. I just realized I have dedicated a whole decade of my life to this show. My kids were in Grade School when it started and now they are all grown.
I have to disagree that the show has been Sam skewed. IMO it’s been the other way with Dean getting the most POV for the last 8 seasons.
I understand what you mean. The show seems to be centered around what is wrong with Sam and what Dean needs to do about it. It is a formula that has been the template for 9 years. This season it seems that we are going to get what is wrong with Dean and what is Sam going to do about it. Dean has made some pretty extreme decisions to save Sam’s life. Now it is Sam’s turn. It seems like the demon story may not last very long but the MOC story may last throughout the season. Hopefully that will be the story that the brothers are going to work on together.
And yes 10 years and hopefully counting. I am so looking forward to the new season.
Dean’s extremes and Sam’s extremes are two different things that get treated polar opposite by the writers last season is a shining example of that. Do I want Sam to save Dean certainly but did I want them have Sam do dubious things, that we get Sam doing what he thought was wrong last year , not on your nelly . I am not looking forward to the bone picking over Sam next season from both the show and fandom which will inevitably happen.
Unfortunately there isn’t much we can do about the un-Sam fans. No matter what extremes or not extremes that Sam goes to Sam is going to be skewered by a portion of the fandom. It seems to be the nature of the show. We don’t know yet what dubious things Sam does but it at least sounds like a different road for Sam than we have seen in the past. No matter what the storyline is for Sam Jared always rises to the occasion. So I am looking forward to Jared’s (and Jensen’s) performances this season.
You are right, of course, that no one will change the minds of fans. My issue is with the official presentation of the next season. I went back to look at the interviews and spoilers given last year before the start of season 9. I couldn’t find any quote on how Dean saved Sam (obviously the big point of season 9) but here is what was said about the relationship On the boys’ relationship this year: “That has left them stronger than ever but also created an tremendous amount of fallout for them, particularly this season, because the brothers are walking into a world where the normal constructs of heaven and hell aren’t the same anymore,” Carver says. Padalecki adds: “We did chose each other and to continue fighting the fight together. We’ll keep fighting the fight together and you’ll be seeing Sam and Dean — in this free-for-all world — we’re really going to need each other more than ever.” and Dean Ackles on Dean’s seemingly unbreakable spirit. “Dean has been through a lot…and I think what keeps him motivated and pushing on is his sense of duty to fight the good fight. It’s his duty to his brother, his family; it’s what he signed on to do,” he says No “Dean has to deal with the outcome of his choices” no hint that Dean might even make a morally questionable decision or even a difficult decision about Sam. No telling the audience that one brother will be EVIL and it won’t be the one who’s a demon. NOTHING, except how wonderful and loving Dean is. This year, they are already downplaying Demon Dean as doing anything even close to bad and flat out stating that Sam will do more monstrous things than Dean. That’s NOT a segment of fandom that will only see Sam as being in the wrong. That is a deliberate slant on the character of Sam and Dean BY the PTB telling us we can continue to view Dean as pure and good and Sam as bad. They can’t even say Sam will go to remarkable lengths to save Dean. They have to label him as being the monster. And I HATE it with the passion of a thousand burning suns.
I agree that may be how some will view the coming season. But I just can’t ever see Sam as all bad and Dean as all pure and good. That wasn’t my interpretation of last season at all although many felt that way. And I do agree that the interviews for the coming season aren’t really giving us very much on what Sam is going to do or how demony Dean is going to be. The J’s and Carver give very different interpretations of their characters and stories (DYBIM comes to mind. Carver wrote it but the J’s interpretation evidently was completely different than intended?). As I said above we haven’t seen how this all going to play out yet. Who saw angel possession or the MOC coming last year? I think there are going to be some surprises in store for us. Anyway I’m going to watch with an open mind and not let spoilers skew my anticipation to dread. But that’s just me….
I do not care about those fans..It is show’s portrayal or lack of portrayal that is the problem.They refuse to show what is happening to Sam when the events are happening.I still cannot fathom any reason for them to hide or more aptly to not show that Sam was tortured by dreams of him killing Kevin.The imbalance was so great that we got Kevin’s get over it before we got know what and how Sam was hurting.The same Kevin who saw Dean whining and commented on it could not even comment on Sam’s agony.This leads me to believe that the dialogue of Sam having dreams was an end moment tacked on bit of dialogue.Maybe they remembered Sam was a character who …surprise surprise!!! Can be affected by the events that have transpired …maybe they just thought of him as a plot know to get dean where he had to get to till then.
Those are all plot points… not POV or emotional insight which has always been Dean’s. It’s pretty hard for the fans to connect with a walking, talking plot (though some of us do try) so IMO, when it comes to things that the fans can connect to, POV, insight, emotional arc.. well, that is ALL Dean and these last two seasons especially skewed.
I see it’s already posted.
again already posted.
ok…so the very top of the article says that it’s tvline’s take on supernatural. that alone is a single opinion, at least to me, of the writer of this article based on what little snippets were given to them. keeping that in mind, I hardly take seriously any interview given especially at this time of year. Now I’ve heard the interviews from jared, Jensen and carver himself and if you noticed, ea. of them had their own opinion based on what they know…you put it all together, and you get a basic idea of what we can expect…..
but here’s the thing…here’s what I noticed from a lot of interviews. they’re never really detailed about the overall season….most of these interviews, that I notice, stem from the scenes we are privileged to see. all of these interviews, the information we have been given, our spoilers….seem to be based on the episode clip shown at comic con. episode 4 and what we learn in the three prior eps. now considering the fact that more is usually made from spoilers…teases,.. because they are after all…a tease to get everyone excited and in an emotional upheaval….we are not privy to all that the writers and actors know. we are given crumbs.
so based on these crumbs….i’m pretty excited to see what’s on the entrée. now as far as the comment about sam doing questionable things….and him questioning who might be the real monster? well, first off for this fan girl, unless sam is drowing puppies and babies, he will never, under any circumstance be seen as a monster by these eyes. secondly, it’s not a new concept with sam….as I recall, dean not too long ago called sam a monster because sam was drinking demon blood…so sam doing something questionable for the right reasons….nothing new and never really made sam a monster….but I think he was made to consider the notion by dean….to question it…part of the story ….but never who sam was.
I don’t see it being any different in this case. sam going to lengths that dean believes, due to his misguided belief that his brother doesn’t love him, sam would never go to, but does. things that might seemingly go against sam’s nature as dean sees it, because dean doesn’t think sam loves him the way dean loves sam. Truth is, we’ve seen sam in a dark space before, willing to do whatever it took to save his brother. remember ikwydls or mystery spot or tisms….sam was willing to do anything for dean and I never saw anything sam was willing to do as monstrous. I saw it as someone who loved his brother very much….not unlike dean and his choices he makes because of his love for his brother. two peas….same pod.
I don’t think the point carver is trying to make is that either brother is a monster. I think the point is that despite the flaws they have regarding themselves, despite the constant misconceptions they have regarding ea. other because of it….the real truth is that both boys love ea. other no matter what they do to ea. other. under any and all circumstances the other comes first….it’s about their unbreakable brotherhood hood. it’s not about demon dean pointing out to sam that he knows what he’s done and posing who’s the real monster…. it’s what lies beneath that question that’s the heart of the story here….
its’ about dean, when he’s cured, finally coming to understand that his brother always has and always will love him….for dean I guess he needed to see that sam would go to great lengths to save him. dean will not see sam as a monster….that was just demon dean baiting sam….sam will not see dean as a monster. they will see ea. other as brothers who love ea. other…which I believe was also talked about in the interviews…how the boys will not only heal themselves but heal ea. other…..
i’m excited for the s10 and the seasons to follow. 😉
This is how I see it playing out as well. I just can’t see them going down the same old tired road of Dean being pissed at Sam yet again, for his choices. If they are ultimately heading in a healing direction then they have to learn to not fall back into old kneejerk reactions. I can see Dean being upset with Sam if he risked his life for him. I don’t know if Dean will ever believe he is worth Sam risking his life to save him. I am hoping he will just be grateful to Sam for whatever choices he makes.
Even JC points out that the clip from the ep. Jensen directed is not shown in proper context. I don’t really expect to find out that what Sam has to do to find Dean is going to be monstrous to me. Whatever it takes I’m good with it. These spoilers are always misleading at best.
I agree Prix!:)
It doesn’t matter what Sam does because Dean will think it’s wrong. When Dean thought Sam had made a deal to get him out of hell, he was pissed and reamed Sam. When Dean found out that Sam thought he had died and didn’t try to get him out of purgatory he was pissed and reamed Sam. At this point, how does Sam even know what Dean wants him to do? Dean keeps goal-post shifting every time Sam thinks he knows what Dean wants. So at this point, Sam should do whatever he thinks is right and to hell with what Dean thinks. I just want Sam to not go back on his morals to please Dean.
I don’t think that Sam is going to care what Dean thinks. I think that Sam wants to save Dean not please him.