Two more interviews about Supernatural Season 10
Zap2It has put up two more interviews with season 10 spoilers
They published their interview with Jeremy Carver. He talks about Sam and Dean including Sam’s search for Dean
I loved the moment in the Season 9 finale when Dean told Sam, “I’m proud of us,” and the brothers finally got back to a good place with each other after a season of fighting and uncomfortable friction. Are we going to be back in square one now that Dean’s a demon, or is there a chance for that goodwill to carry over regardless of Dean being a demon?
No. Absolutely, everything that happened at the end of Season 9 will carry over into Sam’s relentless pursuit of his brother and to save his brother, as opposed to Season 8 when he didn’t even look for him, you know? It’s all built off that moment in the Season 9 finale, that reconciliation that happened. We’re going back to the basics. There’s always some friction among the brothers but I would say the relationship is in a good place.
The person who is also looking for Dean
Good to hear! What can you tell me about this mysterious other character that is also on the hunt for Dean in addition to Sam hunting his brother?
Well, I can tell you that he’s kind of cool and his name is Cole. He is someone from Dean’s past who is looking for Dean for reasons totally unrelated to what’s going on with the demon/Mark of Cain story. He’s a guy that has a terrific amount of hunting skills but he’s not a hunter in our sense of the word. He has no idea that the monster world exists so imagine his surprise when he comes across the man he’s been hunting and he is something other than human. He’s a pretty cool character.
And the mytharc
When we last saw Castiel, he was up in heaven with a fading grace, and Metatron was in jail, so what can you tell me about the situation in heaven when we come back for Season 10?
The situation in heaven is relatively stable. And the situation in hell is also relatively stable. I think that’s going to give a false sense of calm to, certainly, Sam and Dean, as well as some of our other players. So the mythology this year will sneak up on you a little bit more than it has in previous years. We’re building up the season-long mythology right from the jump but we don’t necessarily come right out and announce it like we have in seasons past, like how Season 8 was about the tablets. It’s a bit of a slower build this year. I think that potentially will give it a bigger impact.
Jensen’s article talks more about his return to directing without many spoilers.
So, some interesting new tidbits. I’m curious about this Cole person. I wonder if the actor is someone we know.
[quote]Well, I can tell you that he’s kind of cool and his name is Cole. He is someone from Dean’s past who is looking for Dean for reasons totally unrelated to what’s going on with the demon/Mark of Cain story. He’s a guy that has a terrific amount of hunting skills but he’s not a hunter in our sense of the word. He has no idea that the monster world exists so imagine his surprise when he comes across the man he’s been hunting and he is something other than human. He’s a pretty cool character.[/quote]
I’ll say it: I’m kind of sad this isn’t a girl from Dean’s past like Cassie. Keep almost everything else the same and we’d have someone the poor guy could actually “settle down” with that isn’t either of his brothers.
[quote]We’re building up the season-long mythology right from the jump but we don’t necessarily come right out and announce it like we have in seasons past, like how Season 8 was about the tablets. It’s a bit of a slower build this year. I think that potentially will give it a bigger impact.[/quote]
…So it’s season 6 again? It’s like Carver’s doing the Gamble years in reverse. lol
As possibly the only person in the universe who actually LIKED season six, I could live with that. However, Dean didn’t do anything to make you question if he was a monster instead of Soulless!Sam, so I doubt that we are doing a total redo. Or maybe we are. Sam is bad, Demon Dean is good and tells him to squeeze his hand a lot.
I dunno…. according to the survey S7 was hated more than S6 (and I find that backwards lol).
Actually at first I thought S9 was a combo of S6 & 4 (or rather, bookdal called it S4 redeux and I found her point solid) but rewatching through S7 now and spotting a few things I had forgotten, S9 really did have a LOT in common with S7.
And well by “redo” I don’t mean a straight copy. This time Sam & Dean seem to have their roles switched from S6 but otherwise the set up is very similar.
except Dean still has the POV, has the love interests, all the interaction with guest stars and adds another brother to his growing list.
Looks like J2 may have some time off.
Interview question: This is the first time both Misha Collins (Castiel) and Mark Sheppard (Crowley) have been series regulars at the same time, so it that going to change the show in any way?
Carver also stated : “I think it will change it for the good. We’ve got them each for a few more episodes than we have before so now we have the opportunity to give them a few more stories of their own. The show has always orbited around Sam and Dean but one of the secrets of our show is that the supporting characters generally bounce around whatever the brothers are doing. But Misha and Mark have both come into their own in ways that we saw last year that really support standalone stories of their own. So we’ll be seeing some more of that coming up.”
[quote]It’s all built off that moment in the Season 9 finale, that reconciliation that happened. We’re going back to the basics. There’s always some friction among the brothers but I would say the relationship is in a good place.[/quote]
Resolved?! A good place???!!!! REALLY!??! …. Carver gave the brothers exactly two lines; “I’m proud of us” and “I lied.” Six words total in which supposedly all of the strife of the past 2 years has been magically resolved without them having to do something bothersome like discuss it? Is he kidding? Is he watching the same show that we’re watching? What was ‘resolved’ exactly? The fact that Sam didn’t look for Dean? No, he still didn’t look and we still don’t really know why. How about the fact that Dean shoved an angel into his brother and then lied about it? Resolved? Uh, not by a long shot. How about all the nasty things Sam said to his brother? Nope, still unresolved, The MoC? Not resolved either. Are the brother’s getting along now? Well, for those six little words they were at least, so I guess in Carver’s world that means that the bothers are “in a good place.” It concerns me that Carver thinks that anything between the brothers is even remotely resolved when absolutely NONE of it has been addressed; there has been no discussion, and no trading of POV’s so that each brother can learn a little about the other. You can’t have a resolution without understanding, and since there’s been no discussion, then there can BE no understanding and hence no resolution. This seems to be the way that these writers have been going lately; forget about creative dialog, that’s just too dang HARD! Just have one of the boys spout off a nifty and inconsequential little one-liner and move on. The boys should have just gone ahead and put a couple of “W’s” in the win column for all that what’s gone on between them has been addressed or resolved in any meaningful way in the past two seasons. Hell, it’s just easier to have one of the boys utter a trite and condescending little one liner that means nothing and everything is all hunky-dory between them as far as Carver is concerned. That’s FAR better then say, writing a whole scene in which they actually TALK to one another in a meaningful and heartfelt way so that maybe each one might learn a little bit about where the other one is coming from. That’s just too hard to do apparently, so better to drop the whole thing and have them resolve everything in one quickie little line that addresses nothing. 🙁
May I recommend my genfanfic ([url]””[/url])?
Although I didn’t intend to, Nightsky and I were laughing about how much talking I ended up having between the boys. I like to think I was subconsciously channelling all the pain of the fans recently, and I hoped you’re all soothed by it in the end. 🙂
Yeah, Nate, I’ll give it a try…. then at least maybe my head canon can be satisfied. :p
You’ve nailed my frustrations, E. Perfectly.
They used to talk – albeit mostly in a “no chick flick moments” way (and even a few of those used to sneak in).
The lines from the season 8 finale were only a starting point towards resolving that seasons issues, and the lines from season 9 finale weren’t even that, imo.
I totally disagree with Carver and the interviewer. It’s not possible that they are “in a good place”. Although I know they both WANT to be.
Hi st50.. this was my fear all along and part of the reason that ultimately I hated the finale (not Taxi Driver or MBFWB level hate, but it was totally unsatisfying to me). Carver actually thinks that the issues of season 8 and 9 are somehow resolved. How exactly? In what why do they understand one another? Does Dean understand, really understand why Sam didn’t look for him? Has he forgiven Sam for that? Does Sam really, truly understand WHY Dean pushed a angel into him? Does Dean understand why Sam might have a problem with that? Does Sam understand why Dean wanted him to stop the trials? Does Sam understand how his words in TP and ST hurt his brother? The answer to all of these questions is a resounding NO. The only thing that Dean understands is that Sam lied… what he lied about is totally not clear, but it IS clear, at least to me, that Sam never actually lied about anything, so why his claiming he lied in the finale should fix anything is beyond me. And now, based on Carver’s words, we probably won’t be getting any more resolution to any of these issues from seasons 8 and 9, because they are “resolved” and the brothers are “in a good place.”
I agree with E and st50. The brothers in a good place is a phrase to placate fans and by watching the show only- a complete facade. All these issues will never be fully resolved but they have to be addressed or touched upon and the brothers have to have some real articulated on screen understanding to get to that “good place”. I also agree with E’s position in regard to the “I lied” line. I’m with Dean- it’s a bitch. E wrote: “The only thing that Dean understands is that Sam lied… what he lied about is totally not clear, but it IS clear, at least to me, that Sam never actually lied about anything, so why his claiming he lied in the finale should fix anything is beyond me.” I do not think anything was fixed either. Lied about what? – that he would not do the same for his brother? I thought that was true, Sam had legitimately felt he was violated and stated he would not cross that line to save Dean. If Sam did lie then he was just being a bratty jerk…. (stomp off to your room). Yikes!
Many fans did not like season 6 or 7 but you know what, Ill take those seasons over 9. The brothers were at least talking to each other and fighting for each other: Dean was on the soul mission and Sam did his best to fight his way through a fractured mind for the stated reason he was not leaving Dean alone.