The First Big Spoiler: Supernatural Season Ten Premiere Description
Spoilers are starting to leak out! Here’s the first BIG spoiler for Supernatural Season Ten. It’s a synopsis for the premiere, or even the beginning fo the season. For ALL of you that complained about the early part of season eight, your complaints seem to have been heard.
“Season 10 begins with Sam’s frantic search for his missing brother, who is gone without a trace. The road to recovering the wayward Dean takes Sam down dark paths, with consequences that will shake the boys to their core. Meanwhile, Castiel has to pick up the pieces in the aftermath of Metatron’s campaign. With his grace failing and rogue angels still on the loose, Cass will face the ticking clock of his own mortality as all-new threats emerge to once again push all of our heroes to their limits.”
Well, does this excite anybody?
No comments??? No one? Okay fine, I’ll start.
I know, it’s not much, but can you imagine what Sam finds out in his searches? Only two weeks until Comic Con. We’ll get more details. And yes, I care about the angel story. I still have fingers crossed they’ll do it right this time.
Normally I avoid spoilers but S9 soured me SO bad… I do need to see if they plan on recovering any of this mess.
So my thoughts…
[quote]Season 10 begins with Sam’s frantic search for his missing brother, who is gone without a trace.[/quote]
After S7? That makes sense. After S9… less so. I mean the Blade altered Dean some, but not on such a fundamental level that he would leave without even a note to Sam along the lines of, “I’m doomed. Don’t look for me. Please” IMHO.
[quote]The road to recovering the wayward Dean takes Sam down dark paths, with consequences that will shake the boys to their core.[/quote]
S4 flashbacks anyone? Anyone else getting a feeling this was also in the S9 pitch only with Dean & Sam swapped? I’m not quite convinced on this.
[quote]Meanwhile, Castiel has to pick up the pieces in the aftermath of Metatron’s campaign.[/quote]
So they’re going to try again the story they SHOULD have done in S9? Only right this time?
[quote]With his grace failing and rogue angels still on the loose, Cass will face the ticking clock of his own mortality as all-new threats emerge to once again push all of our heroes to their limits.[/quote]
So… yeah S9 again with some hints of S7 and the “new threats”. Eh, I don’t think they quite pulled off the “threats pushing to limits” last season and that was arguably what it was supposed to be about. Had they mentioned S10 was more “back to basics” of trying to rebuild family and the world I would be more hopeful.
On the flip side, looks like my remixes will get even easier to write. XD
[quote] The road to recovering the wayward Dean takes Sam down dark paths, with consequences that will shake the boys to their core.[/quote]
[quote]S4 flashbacks anyone? Anyone else getting a feeling this was also in the S9 pitch only with Dean & Sam swapped? I’m not quite convinced on this.[/quote]
Sadly I think we will get lots and lots of insight into Dean’s tragic demonhood that leaves him devastated and guilt ridden with ZERO insight into whatever dark path Sam takes. Sam will be killing virgins and so on while Dean rescues kittens because, hey we must never hate Dean and Sam must be despised. So a reverse of season four except Dean still gets the sympathetic edit.
Well I’m looking forward to your remixes in any case.
come on, guys! Let’s save some of this pessimism and unhappiness, at least till the season starts 😉
Hey, girl needs to sleep also! 😀
Anyway, sounds good. I imagined that Dean hit the road immediately after he woke up. The question is: Is he now good or bad?
1. He doesn’t want Sam to see him like this and he is not totally bad.
2. He is totally bad and just left with Crowley.
We will see if either is true. 🙂
PS. Could season 10 be here already?
– Lilah
I’m gonna guess “Little bit bad but not totally bad.” Maybe a liiiiittle worse than normal.:)
Man, 10 seasons already… not bad for a show that I wasn’t sure was going to make it past season 1.
I am excited to see what JA does with this demon storyline. JP did so well with the soulless Sam I am hoping JA can do something similar.
I think that Crowley was truly changed by Sam almost curing him in season 8. I think he really does have some sort of kinship with the brothers, who knows, maybe that is why he woke Dean up in the first place.
I can’t wait until season 10 and hopefully beyond but I do believe if the show went beyond, it would be the longest running show on the CW.
I wasn’t so sure I would be back for S10 but this sentence – “Season 10 begins with Sam’s frantic search for his missing brother, who is gone without a trace. The road to recovering the wayward Dean takes Sam down dark paths, with consequences that will shake the boys to their core.” has got me rather excited. Since S9 ended I have been wondering if we might get the S3 storyline we were denied in S3 because of the writers strike where Sam saved Dean. In that storyline Sam was supposed to have gone dark in his saving of Dean. Is that going to happen in S10 now? Are we going to get a S3 angst ridden and frantic to save his brother Sam? Are we going to be given the frantic, despairing, searching for Dean Sam we didn’t get to see in S8? Could it be possible?? I hardly dare think this but are we going to get Sam POV, Sam storyline??
I’m trying not to be excited…keeping expectations low, protecting against disappointment etc etc…but I can’t help myself right now. I am excited! 🙂
OK, so once again, Carver is telling us that Sam and Dean’s actions have consequences 😉 At least we know that Dean leaves before Sam finds him all black eyed and demony. I suppose if they really wanted to piss off the fans, the second scene in S10 would have Sam calling Amelia to try to hook up with her again since that went over so well in S8 🙂 I’m really hoping the don’t chicken out with this Demon Dean story line, and go “all in” on it.
Carver did a nice job of bringing the Metatron and angel story together in 9.23; can they keep up some momentum on that so it doesn’t become a drag on the show as it did during much of S9?
You trouble-making RASCAL 😀
Wow- thats makes me super excited- Brother all the way. Dont want fighting with each other but fighting for each other. Wish they have something new up in sleeves and dont just brush Dean being demon in few episodes just to bring some new Big Bad (I hope new big bad is Dean this season)
Well Cass is my one of my fav on SPN but Writers pls decide either to keep him Angel or Human not just spin around the already confusing grace stealing story-line. I can care less abt the Angel story and wud rather wish all the brooding angel factions to kill each other off in just 30 secs..thsi Heaven storylien si soo messy for me that i cant understand what does heaven mean me not interested.
Before i forget Thanks Alice and Carry on my Wayward Son…
one more Wish- why can they bring back Edlund and Kripke to write few episodes. would be fanfaretastic!!
[quote]”Season 10 begins with Sam’s frantic search for his missing brother, who is gone without a trace. The road to recovering the wayward Dean[b] takes Sam down dark paths, with consequences that will shake the boys to their core.[/b] Meanwhile, Castiel has to pick up the pieces in the aftermath of Metatron’s campaign. With his grace failing and rogue angels still on the loose, Cass will face the ticking clock of his own mortality as all-new threats emerge to once again push all of our heroes to their limits.”[/quote]Other than the bolded part i don’t mind the other things revealed.Hopefully the show will be able to keep my interest for more than the first episode.I kind of hate the bolded part because I don not trust the crop of writers now.
I wish I could say this spoiler has me excited and chomping at the bit for season 10. I want to be excited. And this teensy “spoiler” does sound more like the Sam I used to know… (I’m not even slightly interested in the angel saga, sorry)….but I do have my issues with the Carver years to date, and I would be surprised if they manage to keep to this plot for more than 2 episodes. So…. cautious hope?
I am REALLY hoping they can believably get the brothers back together, mend their relationship, make it all seem like everything that’s happened has been in character, AND do it without destroying any more canon…..but I won’t hold my breath. My current plan is to wait at least a few eps (maybe even ’til mid-season) to see where they’re going with this before I commit to tuning in again. If I like the reviews, I’ll binge to catch up. (But we’ll see how that goes. I’m finding it very difficult to just walk away from my boys!)
Still rooting for Carver et al to get it right. Might even call it begging….. 😉
Oh boy, Dean becomes a demon and Sam goes dark. I guess I shouldn’t be shocked. It sounds like Sam will appear on screen in his search for Dean, but I don’t trust the writers to do more than show Sam walking out of the bunker to look for Dean and then seeing the results of his dark actions. I’m over the entire angel storyline, so the aftermath of Metatron’s actions and rogue angels don’t do much for me, but I’m willing to be convinced. Cas dealing with his failing grace could be interesting if they deal with the emotional effect. Cas, like Sam and Dean, has died and been brought back so many times that I can’t work up a lot of concern that they won’t find a way out, although, again, I’m willing to be surprised.
I wish i weren’t so disillusioned by the writers. I hope others can come in here and convince me I’m wrong.
Super excited about the first half of that description! Frantic!Sam & Demon!Dean. Sounds so promising. I have finally have HOPE for the brothers’ storyline & relationship. I admit, Season 9 was a bitter pill for me to swallow & it was the first time I really questioned my devotion to SPN. It sucked. It just seemed that the show runners/writers didn’t hold or the consider the same things dear that I did.
I only hope that the brothers are not separated for too long. After the distance between them in Season 9, I’m ready for our two favorite hunters to get on being the best brothers ever together.
I’m really hesitant about the Cas/heaven blurb. I just don’t care about heaven or Metatron. And I’m not sure why the writers think we should care. It sounds like the brothers story line is going to be very much separate from Cas/heaven’s. And I don’t see that working. IMO, the Winchesters need to be connected & heavily involved in the myth arcs for them to work, and I have not bought the brothers’ involvement in the angel drama. I dunno. I have been bored with the angels for awhile now, so I don’t like that is seems like Season 10 will be at least half-angel heavy.
Angels aside….SO EXCITED FOR SEASON 10!
I hope that the dark roads that Sam has to travel leads him to Cain ’cause he has some splainin’ to do. Sounds like Sam is on his own on this one if Castiel is you know trying not to die and all. Mark Shepard’s comments in Australia were either very interesting or he was messing with us. I want Dean to go as dark as they can get away with and still have the character redeemable.
Can’t wait….absolutely cannot wait!!
I dont have much hope for season 10. Sure it sounds good but i have a feeling Sams frantic search will be off screen just like in the past seasons.
or maybe Sam can start a blog and document his exploits off screen while looking for Dean; pictures of Sam with the world’s largest ball of string, at the Grand Canyon, Disneyland, etc. 😀
This! The Sam Winchester travel log! He becomes a popular travel blogger! OMG, this just gave me a great idea for a fun article series. Or maybe just an article if the only person laughing is me. 🙂
Honestly I think Sam will have a strong presence this year but I have to admit this is funny!
Leah – I agree, that seems to be the way the story’s headed but look forward to Alice’s interpretation of this.
Hey, I’ve see a few people allude to this; based upon the spoiler, do people think Sam might also go dark side?
Also? I’m expecting Sam to go to all lengths and do dark terrible things to find Dean only to discover that demon Dean has been rescuing kittens from trees and helping little old ladies across the street. Basically I expect Dean to come out smelling like a rose and Sam to come out smelling like something disgusting.
Unfortunately, I expect that you are right about this.
Rescuing kittens, that’s funny.
I’ve been wondering about this since the end of S9. The look on Sam’s face while he was drinking in The Bunker at the end of 9.23 brought to mind Mystery Spot!Sam which then got me thinking about how Carver wrote Mystery Spot which would have kicked off Sam’s darkside journey in S3, eventually culminating in him saving Dean. But that was all scuppered by the writers strike so now I wonder if, maybe, Carver is going to give us the storyline we were supposed to have got back then. The “dark paths, with consequences that will shake the boys to their core” comment made me wonder all the more. Will The Boy King storyline be picked up again? Will the demon blood be referenced again?
Or maybe we won’t get a completely darkside Sam but more of a Mystery Spot!Sam.
I don’t know, I’m always hopeless at speculating. 🙂 I’m just happy that after spending S9 either annoyed or bored senseless I’m suddenly feeling the SPN love again. I love these spoilers for Sam and Dean. “[b]Sam’s frantic search[/b]” has made me all kinds of excited. I just hope is that this “frantic search” is shown on screen in all it’s Angsty!Sam POV glory. After being considered to have made the wrong choices in S4 and again in S8, as [b]E[/b] said below, I also hope Sam saves Dean in a way that is seen as positive by everyone; writers, fans, other characters alike.
I, for one, thinks this sounds promising and exciting. I look forward to Sam’s journey and hope that DD is the evilest demon that ever walked the earth. It is going to be a difficult line to walk for the writers. Making DD believably bad and yet not so bad that human Dean will never recover from the consequences. For the record Sam has never done anything or will do anything to be “despised” for. Dean hasn’t either. People who insist on hating the characters will always find reasons to do so instead of allowing them their human frailties and flaws.
It will be interesting to see what the writers do to walk the line with DD. You want him to be completely evil? You want him killing people, corrupting souls, creating a demon army to wipe out humanity? You want him to rule hell and be the master torturer? ( Dean tortured souls in hell because it relieved the relentless pain of his own torture.) I cannot see that working. I think that would be a decimation of our beloved character. Dean himself wanted to die because he knew what he was becoming.
I’m really interested in where they go with this. I hope they don’t chicken out and make Demon Dean all noble, but how far can they push this before they risk Dean becoming completely unsympathetic and irredeemable to the viewers?
in a similar case on a tv series Angel. He was the good guy. Doing good things. In his history though he was first bad. He was called Angelus then. And believe that Angelus was sadistic sob and he was total opposite of Angel. He turned also to Angelus when he had been a good guy. He mind tormented everyone Angel loved or cared and who loved and cared about him. He even killed innocents and also the loved ones but never once viewers saw Angel to have the blame. Because Angelus was the sob and not Angel.
So, I see Demon!Dean to fall on that category if they make him truly bad. If demons are evil and do nasty stuff it is not Dean that does it now is it? Like Angel was long gone when Angelus took over.
As I would say. I wouldn’t blame Dean like I didn’t blame Sam when Gadreel offed people. So I don’t see Dean going bad the bad thing. Worse would be butterflies, flowers and Dean dancing in a meadow as a demon… (Now I try to get that image out of my head… and the kittens).
Other possibility that I see that Dean is trying to fight against what his demon self wants to do and that is why he is running away from Sam. I can’t predict the future or what is in store for us so this is only speculation.
And yes, I watched Angel! 😉
– Lilah
What, you do not want to see DD saving kittens????? On the continuum between Saving kittens……….. Noble………….. Complex and struggling………….to full metal jacket demon……….. much room. Coming from the recent recovery of being horrified that Dean became a demon in the first place, I must admit that I am hoping for the redemptive arc and thus the complex and struggling. It was tough for me to see how Dean trusted a demon Crowley and took on the MOC in the first place to kill the big A, in light of Dean’s condemnation of Sam trusting a demon Ruby and using blood to power up to kill Lilith. But here we are….. Can lead to an interesting storyline….. return of Cain, Sam saving Dean, DD using his power to make some changes in hell (Adam out of the cage- too noble?) maybe another encounter with Death. And on a personal note, njspnfan, I frequently enjoy and agree with your comments.
I completely agree njspnfan! For those reasons alone nothing will keep me from watching the premiere!
I know it will be very tricky. I guess a lot depends on if there is any traces of Dean at all or if he is completely 100% demon with maybe remnants of Dean in the old memory bank. I don’t want to see the show wimp out but to have any impact I do feel he needs to be all-in evil. If he is some kind of DD/human Dean hybrid I am not sure how that would play.
It is tricky. On one hand I really do want Dean to suffer the consequences of taking the Mark without thinking about them. I want the idea that demons are evil no matter who they were before they became demons. AND I don’t want it to “not be Dean”. I have no issue with not totally Dean, the way Soulless Sam was not totally Sam. I have no problem with INFLUENCED by demondom the way Sam was influenced by the demon blood. I don’t want, once Dean is cured assuming he is cured, for Dean to be able to walk away from his actions or be excused by everyone for his actions by hearing it wasn’t really Dean. But it is hard if they take Dean too far. Even with the writers in season four, who I thought were much stronger writers than the current staff, when they had Sam drain the nurse they pushed it really far and for some Sam never recovered. On some level I want Dean to go that far, but it could make it hard to bring him back from it. So, very mixed feelings.
It is definitely going to be interesting how they choose to go about this. I know you are not optimistic about the Sam portion of the SL but I am very much looking forward to it.
I agree percys… it IS tricky, but like you, I want them pushing the envelope with Dean and his demonness. I think TPTB do need to go down the same basic road that they have sent Sam down several times before: draining the nurse while the demon lay dormant in her so that the poor vessel felt the pain and terror of her murder; killing the waitress when he was soulless just to get her out of the way so he could kill the bad guy; setting up the sheriff as bait to catch that spider thing simply because that was the easiest way for him to lure the monster out, trying to kill Bobby etc….. These are all very questionable acts, violent acts, acts for which many fans will never forgive Sam regardless of how bad he feels and how much he’s atoned. I for one, have no interest in seeing an introspective, guilt ridden Dean, angsting over every bad act he does, beating himself up endlessly over his own evilness. Its too boring and self indulgent an idea to contemplate and rewrites what we know of the way black eyed demons have always behaved. Yes, Cain was slightly different, more calm and controlled, but that was after millennia of some of the worst demonness that the demon world has ever seen, so please, please, PLEASE do not go there, show! We’ve seen Dean beat himself up in this fashion a thousand times over already as regular Dean, I don’t want to see it again, in amped up fashion with Demon Dean. Then again, I don’t want them to have Dean slaughter puppies or kittens or babies either! Its going to be tricky for sure. I think it might help if Demon Dean is demony, edgy, even violent but maybe just a little bit funny too.
What I’d like to see, what I think could be interesting and maybe even inject a little of the humor that’s been missing lately is for Crowley to kind of ‘mentor’ Dean in the ways of evilness Crowley style, and then for Dean to become Crowley’s Frankenstein’s Monster, his apt pupil, turning on his master and becoming something that he can’t control. I think it would be awesome if Dean went off the rails enough that Crowley was forced to turn to Sam and Cas for help. That would be all kinds of fun and ironic and would be a good way to incorporate all the major players together into the major storyline. I’d like to see Sam end up using something that he picked up from Gadreel, something instrumental (like that dropped plot point of the left over grace maybe) that he knows only from being possessed, to save Dean, tying in last season events and shinning some MUCH needed light on those events as they pertain to Sam.
Lastly, I don’t want to see Sam get flayed in retrospect for whatever he ends up doing to save Dean. In season 4 Sam went to the ends of the earth to get some vengeance for Dean by drinking demon blood and developing his powers. Sam was considered to be in the wrong at that time; going that far was a mistake, and the other characters on this show have never let him forget it. Then in season 8, Sam took a different track; he let Dean go, he didn’t fight or make shady deals, or develop questionable powers. Well, this too turned out to be wrong as well; another thing that none of the characters will let Sam forget or forgive him for. So, whatever Sam decides to do, whatever he sacrifices I want the writers take on it to be positive; I want the other characters perspective on what he does to be positive too. Because it seems like no matter what Sam does, weather to act or to not act, it ends up being the wrong thing.
I like your speculation on Dean and Crowley. I would love to see Dean become more than Crowley can handle. Is that why Crowley was always so interested in Sam being able to talk Dean down? Is Sam is his trump card? If Dean gets out of control he can always use Sam to bring him back. Interesting idea.
I like your idea/ speculative storyline for DD and Crowley especially the need to seek out Sam and Cas for assistance. Would love to see that played. Also I agree with your thoughts on Sam. Sam and Dean can both be redeemed. I would like to see Dean come away with a new respect for his brother and an understanding of Sam’s path taken.
I am excited about season 10….. we got the gift of another season, another 23 episodes of the Winchester brother story, J2 on screen, how awesome is that! The hope and speculation continue. First, I for one am grateful for the bones thrown….. ” Sam’s frantic search” and “the road to recovering the wayward Dean”- I need Dean recovered by Sam in a redemptive arc for the brothers individually and together. This Demon Dean line is Sam’s story too and I am hoping for equal Sam and Dean POV. Good to hear Sam is back in the game and searching frantically; what else could he do? I know I shared in the disbelief in season 8 that Sam did not look for Purgatory blasted Dean; but Sam was in a different place back then.. albeit, not explicitly stated. Sam was left with absolutely nothing at the end of season 7, no brother, Bobby, Kevin, friends, nothing. He was bereft, and ended up in the company of an equally depressed woman… Amelia. We have a different Sam now- trials, angel possession, and what seemed like the permanent death of his brother. We should see our intelligent, caring, determined Sam now. In regard to Dean, it makes sense he would take off without a trace or note. Dean was flying solo with the Mark of Cain repercussions so it seems normal that he would deal with his first awakening as a demon on his own. Just imagine that last scene of Season 9 ….. Dean opened his eyes … imagine Dean’s internal struggle, his realization. I hope to see some of Dean’s inner perspective on this. I do not want to see Dean as the big bad as some do, no disrespect. I hope Dean has an essence of his humanity and uses his power for awhile to fix a few things….. like to see Dean get Adam out of the cage. In regard to saving Dean, I want to see Cas’ POV and involvement. Also think this would be a great time to bring Death back (love the character) who seems to have a soft spot for Dean. Looking forward!!!!
Do we call this the season Sam will save his brother. Granted the dark spots is probobly how far he has to go to either get to Dean who is either playing king of hell or the new cain. Since he has the mark of Cain and we know how powerful Cain was who knows what Dean is up to at this point. I think Crowley can’t run hell that is how I took the conversation in the diner. When Dean asked how hell was and he said it was complicated. He never had a problem running hell. Also I think Crowley is not sure how powerful Dean is and I think if you listen to his speech in Deans room he is practically apologetic because when Dean wakes up he is not sure if he can control Dean. I think Dean will be more powerful then Crowley ever was. Now what Dean does with the power will be intresting to see. And I am curious how long it will take sam to realize that his brother is a demon? I mean he tries to summon crowley guessing Dean and crowley went to howl at the moon. And hopefully or have to wonder how long it will take Sam to notice the first blade is missing again. I think if they keep Dean a demon for a good portion of the season it will be intresting. I will miss that Cas will not be with the boys I was hopeing heaven would be fixed now that metatron is in jail. and hopefully heaven was opened up. I want to see more Dean, Cas and Sam when Dean is Dean and Cas is angel again. But I find it intresting that alot of fans went crazy like oh my god the dean demon story is gone. No Sam is looking for Dean and guessing to find dean will have to go to some dark places. Bring on S10!!!
Hmm I just saw a spoiler from that doesn’t sound much like mega evil Dean. Just sounds like, well, Dean. Not sure how to feel about that. 🙂
I just posted that spoiler on the spoiler page if you want to speculate about it. I can see ways it would go that might make it not Dean.
Demon Dean can still be evil and have sex. lAnn Marie the cocktail waitress could be a demon.
Or the sex could be non-consensual.
I hope not that is called something else and I would hate to see that.
IMO they would not go there, just as they didn’t when MegSam overpowered Jo in Born Under a Bad Sign. I don’t think a character can ever recover from that. Murder and mayhem, yes. This, no.
Yikes! Cannot recovery from that.
LOL true, I just don’t want him to be an exaggerated version of Dean. More womanizing, more drinking, more hedonism. That won’t be an interesting take on DemonDean to me but we’ll see.
LOL too. I see how my comment made you laugh. Obvious…. what I was thinking is that you can still have your bad ass, all in evil Dean and “the sex.” I see how the description does give you some concern since it is stated that Ann Marie is sympathetic … but maybe she has a soft spot for lost souls or really hot demons.
Or Demon Dean can channel swapped Sam in Swap Meat and say – yes, Ann Marie, I would love to have “the sex” with you 😀
LOL. Good one. Enjoyed that episode; loved Sam, and accepted Dean’s slow take on the situation as necessary or he was into the job and noticed when he was relaxed with actual face time with swapped Sam. Aside, You know they throw out these tidbits to the fans which of course is fun but sometimes they do not really pan out. The description of this episode could be misleading as was Carver’s statement about where he was going with the brother’s relationship in season 9.