The WFB Spoilery Lite/Speculative Preview: Supernatural 9.22 “Stairway to Heaven”
It’s the penultimate episode of the season. Here’s what we know.
“Stairway to Heaven”
TESSA THE REAPER RETURNS — After a massive attack on the angels, Castiel (Misha Collins) calls Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) for help. As they leave, Dean’s eagerness to bring the First Blade doesn’t go unnoticed by Sam who is worried about the cost to his brother whenever he uses the Blade. Meanwhile, Castiel is shocked when he learns the angel that caused the attack was one of his followers and did it in his name. Dean discovers there is a conspiracy amongst Castiel’s angel followers and at the heart of it is Tessa, the Reaper. Guy Bee directed the episode written by Andrew Dabb (#922)
CW Preview
And the sneak peek
And the pictures
Tessa is back! I love Tessa. I hope she gives us a down and dirty explanation of why and how Reapers went rogue. I hope she tells us where Death stands on this whole Rouge Reaper thing. Cas’s followers seem to be becoming a bit cult like. This isn’t a huge surprise to me. Angels were made to follow God, the Archangels, then Godstiel, Naomi now that Cas has taken charge of the rebellion his followers finally have someone to actually follow. Sam’s concern is amping up and Dean is coming more and more under the sway of The First Blade. This should be a tense and exciting lead up to the finale.
I am seriously in love with that sneak peek. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve watched it.
Yes bedhead Sam much better.
Oh Sam really, Dean is so bringing that with…
I totally love this clip and the discussion Sam has with dean but yeah, as soon as Sam’s back is turned, that Blade is going into that bag, the big liar.:D
I did not like both the clips….I fear that unless Sam gets an apology I will not like many things about SPN.The thing is I think Sam will never get it from Dean or Cas.
anonymous…. Sam willo never get an apology from anyone. Especially since I suspect the writers will retcon the story and have the whoole Mark of Caine think be the most perfect and wonderful thing to happen to Dean. Sam will owe Dean an apology for doubting about the Blade.
I don’t think that Sam wants an apology from Dean. I think what Sam wants is for Dean to quit lying to him. I think that he wants Dean to stop making decisions for him. He wants Dean to change his behavior. Unfortunately Dean isn’t going to be in a place where he can do any of the above for awhile. I do think that this is where this storyline is going. Each has to see where the other is coming from especially Dean.
[quote]I don’t think that Sam wants an apology from Dean.[/quote]I don’t know whether Sam wants one but Dean has to apologize to Sam.[quote] Unfortunately Dean isn’t going to be in a place where he can do any of the above for awhile.[/quote]I am sorry to say this but I don’t give a d@mn if Dean is going to be in a place to apologize or not.He had that chance and did not to anything about it.[quote] Each has to see where the other is coming from especially Dean.[/quote]I don’t want Sam to be seeing anything from Dean’s perspective until Dean apologizes.
Sorry if I sounded antagonistic I was looking at the situation from the characters POV also what I think the writers, et al are going for. Not saying it is what I want just what I think the character of Sam is wanting. I think there will be apologizing at some point (probably next year) when Dean recovers from his MOC adventures. I just think this is where JC is trying to take Sam and Dean. He is trying to set up a greater understanding between them as to how they feel about each other and what lengths they should go to save each other. They each need to see the other from the others POV. That doesn’t mean that Sam doesn’t have every right to be furious with Dean but I think where the story is going Sam will have to make that very same choice. Anyway just making an observation.
[quote]Sorry if I sounded antagonistic[/quote]You were not antagonistic.[quote]where the story is going Sam will have to make that very same choice. [/quote]I hope not.because if he does Sam is not going to get an apology…because Sam will be doing the same thing.Over that Sam will get flak for being angry now.So yeah as far as I go that will be the absolute worst case scenario.So I fervently wish that this does not happen.
Also after I commented here I read a fic which was like the embodiment of my fears i,e the second part i quoted .I am cursing myself for reading 4 chapters and the last chapter of it.
“…but I think where the story is going Sam will have to make that very same choice.”
To me, it’s impossible for Sam to be put in a position where he’s tempted to make the same choice that Dean did. For example, if Dean is dying in the finale, it won’t be a normal, human death where he would presumably go on to Heaven (once it’s open again); it would be a supernatural death and he would be going to Hell. Sam would probably do things to save Dean in those circumstances that he would never do if Dean was going to Heaven.
Sam never blamed Dean for putting him in the panic room so he would die “human”. He never blamed him for getting his soul back from the Cage. Those two cases were to save him from going to Hell. Sam’s problem with Dean is basically when he won’t let Sam die normally (human) and go on to Heaven.
“…but I think where the story is going Sam will have to make that very same choice.”
To me, it’s impossible for Sam to be put in a position where he’s tempted to make the same choice that Dean did. For example, if Dean is dying in the finale, it won’t be a normal, human death where he would presumably go on to Heaven (once it’s open again); it would be a supernatural death and he would be going to Hell. Sam would probably do things to save Dean in those circumstances that he would never do if Dean was going to Heaven.
Sam never blamed Dean for putting him in the panic room so he would die “human”. He never blamed him for getting his soul back from the Cage. Those two cases were to save him from going to Hell. Sam’s problem with Dean is basically when he won’t let Sam die normally (human) and go on to Heaven.
Your right the way the situation is set up it won’t be exactly the same. There might be a scenario where Sam could save Dean but it will mean an innocent will die or Sam will have to sacrifice his own life both of which Dean would be just as furious as Sam was. I don’t know, it is all just speculation and I feel the big cliffhanger is going to be something we never saw coming. If they want symmetry in the brothers stories I would think that Sam will understand why Dean did what he did but more importantly Dean will understand there are just some bridges that shouldn’t be crossed. And Dean has crossed some pretty extreme bridges this season.
I completely agree. Sam isn’t looking for an apology. An apology without a consequent change in Dean’s behavior means absolutely squat.I’m not looking for an apology either. An apology doesn’t automatically make everything alright, when someone has done something so wrong to someone. What Sam needs and wants is for Dean to understand where Sam is coming from, what he did wrong in negating Sam’s autonomy (and all the lying afterwards – at the very least dean should have taken precautions against this unknown angel inhabiting his brother, if he felt that worried about his decision) and a promise not to do that in the future. And yeah, treat him like a grown man and stop lying to him to protect him. They’re like 30+ years old. At what point does that start to feel ridiculous? To be treating a grown man like he’s still 8?
He still hasn’t learned his lesson about informing grown, decision making, adults of events and situations that they might be able to protect themselves from if they had more information. That is an attitude didn’t work with Kevin (What if Kevin had known about Gadreel, for example?),it only occasionally works with Sam (like sending him to the basement in KotD). I thought he was getting some idea of it with Jodi Mills in4A, but nah!, he’s still doing it to Sam. It’s some sort of horrible reflex. He can’t seem to see it or stop it. I wonder if there’s anything that can jar him out of this almost reflexive action of lying to Sam(not protecting him because that’s what partners do but all the automatic deception that goes along with it?).
[quote] What Sam needs and wants is for Dean to understand where Sam is coming from, what he did wrong in negating Sam’s autonomy[/quote]An apology will convey this to Sam.[quote] And yeah, treat him like a grown man and stop lying to him to protect him.[/quote]This will help in building trust after that.Whether Sam is looking for an apology or not is immaterial to Dean apologizing..It will show Dean’s maturity (if he does mature that is).
[quote]anonymous…. Sam willo never get an apology from anyone. [b]Especially since I suspect the writers will retcon the story and have the whoole Mark of Caine think be the most perfect and wonderful thing to happen to Dean. Sam will owe Dean an apology for doubting about the Blade.[/b][/quote]I agree especially the bolded part
I guess there is no point in worrying about something that hasn’t happened yet. These two are brothers that love each other and even though Dean has done something that seems unforgivable Sam will either forgive him or not, Dean will apologize or he won’t. Since guys don’t really communicate the way we would like them to I expect the resolution will be what it is going to be. I can accept that and continue to enjoy the show or I can not accept it and not watch anymore. Since option B is not acceptable to me I will go with option A. I have to know how this all ends.
[quote]Since guys don’t really communicate the way we would like them to[/quote]I do know a little bit about how we communicate and that is why I do not want Sam to even start looking at Dean’s side till Dean apologizes.[quote]I can accept that and continue to enjoy the show or I can not accept it and not watch anymore.[/quote]I cannot accept it and still watch the show because there are other things in the show that I do accept.
Again don’t mean to be antagonistic. All I am saying is that the show is going to go the way it is going to go. Some will be able to accept it and some won’t. I can’t speak for anyone but me and my own experiences. I think we have beat this about as far as we can. So I will let it go.
I know you are not being antagonistic and if we were talking face to face you would see I have no animosity towards you or Dean.For me Dean’s position in Sam’s possession is squicky.You can say i am highly uncomfortable regarding the matter. and that is making me want Dean to apologize as early as possible.
Seconded Cheryl.
I’m just here today to ask – can we have BE back now, since Revolution is a gonner? Please?
Yay! Someone should let BE know we’d love for him to come back.
Hi guys there is a poll here for favorite tv trio and we are losing to Arrow. Can’t let that happen! Unless you are an Arrow fan in which case go for it! Also the CHCH promo.
(I hope that is OK Percysowner, I know you will be putting it up soon!)
well sam asked dean to leave the blade behind in the preview and dean drops the blade on the table seemingly agreeing with sam. but let’s say that dean brings the blade anyway and uses it. wouldn’t another way to go be that at the end of the eppy, sam is so worried that he hides the blade from dean, or maybe perhaps gives the blade to cas for him to hide. next week dean is looking for the blade and he can’t find it. so he confronts sam who is honest with dean and tells him he got rid of it. let’s say this angers dean to the point where he attacks his brother, to the point of practically killing him so that sam tells him where the blade is. of course sam does not.
so there are two ways this could go down:
either sam can reach dean through his words….or cas comes and takes dean out and sam and cas proceed to lock dean down in the dungeon.
now if it’s option a, I look forward to hearing what sam says to dean that gets him to stop.
if it’s option b, I still look forward to what sam says to dean to get him to stop. see I can see where sam would tell dean that no matter what he did to him he loves him and that won’t ever change. dean would be a captive audience and sam would be able to go to town. I can see sam reaching dean with his words. this all could happen during next week’s eppy and then I can see sam letting dean go, showing him that he has total trust and faith in him, and I can see the boys working together and the shocking consequence of which they speak of could concern heaven/angels/metatron. maybe metatron is trying to open the cage or something? who knows…i’m just curious to see what goes down.
anyway….with a half hr to this is just one of those thinky thoughts I came up with on the drive home tonite.
guess we’ll find out soon enough …
Half and hour!!! I have to wait 3 1/2 hours. Stupid west coast.
And we still might see it before the NY people! Sorry guys!
Looks like…I actually love baseball but I am so thankful that the show will not be pre-empted in my area this week or next.
I love baseball too Cheryl but it better not get between me and my Supernatural. 🙂
Dean brought the blade with him its shown in one of the pictures if sam actually thought he would leave it behind he most likely doesn’t remember when he told dean to leave the colt behind and he didn’t. Dean will not go anywhere without that blade and I doubt very much sam will have a say so what he does with the blade. I am curious the route they are going to go with dean not sure if panic room scene is due soon??? But they can’t keep their weapon and dean out of the action he is the wild card what happens if they open heaven will have to be seen will cas run heaven and try to make a better heaven???
It will be interesting if that is a decision that Sam has to make because Dean refused to use Sam that way when they were facing the apocalypse. I can’t imagine that Sam will sacrifice his brother that way.
I just saw a tweet about that on WFB. That sucks! You must be near NY.
I live in ny and the damn yankee game is on right now. will we get it here at all or do I have to watch tomorrow on the cw site?
Are the ratings for baseball really that high? Or do the Yankees (I have to deal with the Giants) really pay that much for air time.
BOTH!!! It’s practically a religion here and the Yankees are the gods. ggrrrrrrrrrr.
Hi nappi and Leah,
Yeah…. Manhattan girl here. Damned subway series, it think there may be another game next week too. 🙁 I hate the Yankees.
Hi nappi and Leah,
Yeah…. Manhattan girl here. Damned subway series. I think there may be another game next week too. 🙁 I hate the Yankees.
I guess I can watch tomorrow online, but if you want to tape it like I do….I just scoured the ny listings and it says it’s on this sunday at 9pm.
Yeah!! Thanks nappi. Sunday’s good, although I’ll never be able to stay away from the site until Sunday. I’ll just have to spoil myself I guess. And the best news? The Yankees are getting creamed. Heh. 😀