CW Preview for Supernatural 9.19 “Alex, Annie, Alexis, Ann”
The promo for 9.19 Alex, Annie, Alexis, Ann is up. We have vampires! And Jody!
The promo for 9.19 Alex, Annie, Alexis, Ann is up. We have vampires! And Jody!
The new season is getting closer and the CW has released the promotional photos for episode 11.01! Plus EW tells us what they know about season 11! Share on FacebookTweetFollow usSave
- TVOvermind posted this accounting of 7.01 “Meet The New Bossâ€. “The premiere will pick up right where the season 6 finale left off. Castiel will refrain from killing Sam, Dean and Bobby but tells them they need to stay out of his business, despite the fact that they are obviously horrified by what he’s become. His…
We have pictures for next week’s episode. Share on FacebookTweetFollow usSave
From Entertainment Weekly The holidays (and Charlie!) visit Sam and Dean in exclusive Supernatural photos Photos below the cut. Share on FacebookTweetFollow usSave
As we approach season 10 spoilers are starting to trickle out Share on FacebookTweetFollow usSave
They talk about the filming on tonight’s episode 7.14 with the clowns, Sam’s future… And Jensen pretty much reveals the Castiel mystery. To read the entire article and see the video, click the link below. Share on FacebookTweetFollow usSave
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