Promotional photos for Supernatural 9.18 “Meta Fiction”
As we wait for this last hiatus of the season to be over, the CW is giving us a taste of Meta Fiction with these promotional pictures.
Metatron, being attacked by Sam and Dean with angel blades! Ezekiel tied up, having been beaten with Dean nearby! Cas working with Sam and Dean again! This episode has everyone. It looks like an intense episode.
Is it only me that thinks Gadreel would want to be anyone else than him in the last shots. Dean looks pretty pissed…
Only one week to go and then it’s on. 🙂
I really hope Gadreel doesn’t get killed in this episode (or any time in the foreseeable future). He’s hugely intriguing, has a very relatable backstory and is not exactly a ‘bad guy’. (He, like the Winchesters many times, simply did what he ‘had to do’.) It’d be a shame to just off him that quickly considering his storyline potential.