Promo Pictures: Supernatural 9.14 – “Captives”
Supernatural’s return is still 11 days away, but in the meantime you have ambigious photos from the episode to keep you entertained! Ponder the burning questions like “Where did Castiel’s tie go?” and “Why in the world would Dean put on that fugly peacoat?” to observations like “Sam looks like an old man in that short tweed overcoat but it still gives him mad ninja skills.”
Care to throw in any other speculations as well.
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Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
They both seem to be dressed oddly in some of those scenes. Hmm. I don’t mind Dean’s coat so much but those slacks…..
So what sort of cover would require being dressed like that? Got me.
They both seem to be dressed oddly in some of those scenes. Hmm. I don’t mind Dean’s coat so much but those slacks…..
So what sort of cover would require being dressed like that? Got me.
Oh come on! That coat looks sexy on Dean. Something new. He looks like one of those Big Shot Detectives from Big Shot(as in ratings) Series. Cool :-*
Oh come on! That coat looks sexy on Dean. Something new. He looks like one of those Big Shot Detectives from Big Shot(as in ratings) Series. Cool :-*
looks like they are in the past the way they are dressed…you think they walked through a worm hole or something in the bunker?
looks like they are in the past the way they are dressed…you think they walked through a worm hole or something in the bunker?
I think Dean and Sam look good in pretty much anything, up to and including a hairnet or a tank top and shorts. I swear, I do believe they could manage to look good in a swan dress ala Bjork. On second thought, that may be a bit of a stretch but you get my drift. 😀
I think Dean and Sam look good in pretty much anything, up to and including a hairnet or a tank top and shorts. I swear, I do believe they could manage to look good in a swan dress ala Bjork. On second thought, that may be a bit of a stretch but you get my drift. 😀
It’s cold and they are wearing top coats over their suit coats?! I think Dean looks sexy too but I like pea coats.
It’s cold and they are wearing top coats over their suit coats?! I think Dean looks sexy too but I like pea coats.
I agree about Dean’s slack… weird… sort of like plaid wool slacks, not his usual attire. And isn’t that Sam’s “grad student” tweed jacket?
I agree about Dean’s slack… weird… sort of like plaid wool slacks, not his usual attire. And isn’t that Sam’s “grad student” tweed jacket?
Well, we finally get to meet the pizza man! 😉
Well, we finally get to meet the pizza man! 😉