Sofia’s Review: Supernatural 9.13 “The Purge”
I don’t know about you, but I needed this light episode after all the heart-crushing drama of last week. Sure, this wasn’t all laughs, but it certainly provided some much needed comic relief.
I love any time we get to see Sam and Dean undercover working normal jobs. Besides law enforcement, of course. We get to see that every week. It’s fun to think about how they might have made a living if they hadn’t have become hunters. One thing is for sure, I would love to have Sam as my yoga instructor. Even if I have to hold the downward dog for 10 minutes. Another thing I know for sure; Dean Winchester was not meant for food service.
I was also surprised by how much I enjoyed the monster of the week. It actually kind of reminded me of a season one episode of Smallville. Anyone know the one I’m talking about? I thought Maritza and her husband found an interesting way to get by and actually do a little bit of good in the process. I thought it was such a clever move on the writer’s part to use cupping as a way of explaining the suction marks. But above all that, what impressed me most was that I sympathized with Maritza which is not something that happens with every monster of the week storyline. She was really trying to keep her nose clean. And she was succeeding in doing so. But she still lost her husband and had to give her brother up to hunters. (Which she did willingly.) At the end of the day I wanted Sam and Dean to let her go and I’m glad they did.

I also really liked the actress that played the sheriff. It is not often that the small town sheriff makes much of an impression on me, but in this episode sheriff Donna certainly did. There was something so sweet and funny about the way she and Dean talked through powdered sugar covered mouths. And her friendly Minnesota accent would lead you to believe that there is nothing in the world that could get her down. So when Sam and Dean encounter her at the wellness spa it was interesting to learn that her past isn’t all sunshine and rainbows. It was a nice change of pace to give a little dimension to a character that could have easily been a write-off.
As I said before, this episode wasn’t all laughs. And to be honest, thinking about delving into the more serious conversations in this episode has me feeling a bit exhausted emotionally. The conversation was pretty much a rehashing of what we already know. Sam is upset with Dean for making decisions he didn’t have the right to make. Dean feels bad that Sam is upset, but would make the same call again if he had to. And I’m no closer to siding with one of them than I was before. I agree with both of them.

But one thing has changed for Dean, I think he’s getting a better picture of what Sam meant about keeping it strictly business between them. It seems he was in denial about what Sam meant, or maybe hoping he wouldn’t follow through with it. But Sam is sticking to his guns about their new dynamic as hunting partners rather than brothers. I have to be honest, I’m not sure how well that is going to work out for them. No matter how mad Sam may be, he still loves Dean. We all heard the panic in his voice when Dean got roofied. Just because Sam says they can’t have a brotherly relationship anymore doesn’t mean that it won’t happen naturally. And we know that nothing will stop Dean from protecting Sam the way he always has. I’m just not sure what Sam expects from this new dynamic. Is it more that Dean has lost the right to have any say over Sam’s decisions? Somehow, I don’t see Dean complying very well with that. He’s already made it clear that knowing what he knows, he would have made the same call with Gadreel.
If there was one thing that was different about their conversation in this episode, it was that Sam finally said a couple of things that we’ve all been thinking. He asked Dean to just admit that he saved Sam for himself, not for Sam. I’ve argued this point over and over in my head. Yes, Dean loves Sam very much and wants him safe at all costs. But at the end of the day, I agree that it’s because he, Dean, can’t imagine living without Sam. Not because he thinks it’s what Sam wants. It is incredibly selfish and incredibly human. And I’m with Dean on that. I get it. If I was in his position, I would do the same thing. And when Dean dares Sam to say he’d do things differently if the roles were reversed, he does. Man, that hurt to watch, didn’t it? Believe me, I understand that Sam is probably taking the healthy approach to this. If a loved one is dying and has made peace with it, the healthy thing to do is to let them go. But that’s asking a lot of someone, especially when there is a chance of survival.
Now, I don’t doubt that Sam meant what he said. We all remember that he didn’t look for Dean when he went to Purgatory. He made the choice to let Dean go and try to move on with his life. That is a decision I still wrestle with to this day. But I think hearing Sam come out and say he’d do it again if he had to was very painful for Dean. Whether or not he’d admit it, I think Dean would prefer it if Sam was as dependent on Dean as Dean is on Sam. I’m guessing that it would be a source of comfort for Dean to know there is always someone trying to save him. He even admitted that it was the only thing getting him through Purgatory. But now he knows that’s not necessarily the case.
Ok, enough about that. Like I said, emotionally exhausted. All in all I really liked this episode. It was a nice little break from some of the larger storylines this season. But now I’m ready to get back into it. I am particularly interested in finding out more about this Mark of Cain and what it will mean for Dean. I would also like to see what Metatron and Gadreel have been up to since we last saw them. And I am in serious need of some Cass and Crowley screen time.
What did you guys think of the episode? Were you satisfied with the monster of the week? Are you also feeling exhausted by all the feelings? Anyone have any fresh perspective to offer? I’d love to hear it!
Now a few quotes and moments worth mentioning.
So Dean is drinking again. This is never a good sign.
Sam: “This isn’t about what I said the other day, is it?”
Dean: “Oh, about that we’re not supposed to be brothers? Don’t flatter yourself, I don’t break that easy.”
Sam: “Oh, good. Because I was just being honest.”
Dean: “Oh yeah. No, I got that loud and clear.”
Tensions are running high.
Sam: “You told that waitress the other day that you were 29.”
So it’s not only women who lie about their age.
How funny was it that Sam wanted to question the staff after the pretty blonde walked in? Sorry, Sam. You’re awkward around girls.
Dean: “Kind of like Hans and Franz, but less German.”
Dean: ‘Kicking ass, taking names. It’s how we do!”
Sam: “You’re not the only one that’s ever dated someone bendy.”
Dean: “Sweet potatoes.”
This made me laugh out loud.
Dean: “No, no, I’m gonna come with you… Go ahead man, I’ll catch up.”
See what happens when you go through a Winchester’s glove box? You die.
Maritza: “I’m a pishtaco”
Dean: “A fish taco?”
I might have snorted at this line.
The more Maritza deprived her brother of fat, the hungrier he got. Maybe I’m reaching (a lot), but this seemed like a loose metaphor (or analogy, I never understood the difference) for Sam and Dean’s relationship. The more Sam deprives Dean of that emotional bond, the more Dean is going to want it back.
And just for fun, let’s re-live this painful interaction:
Dean: “About what you said the other day.”
Sam: “I thought it didn’t bother you.”
Dean: “You know Sam, I saved your hide back there. And I saved your hide at that church, and the hospital. I may not think things all the way through, but what I do, I do because it’s the right thing. I’d do it again.”
Sam: “And that is the problem. You think you’re my savior. My brother, the hero. You swoop in and even when you mess up you think what you’re doing is important because you convinced yourself you’re doing more good than bad. But you’re not. Kevin’s dead, Crowley’s in the wind, we’re no closer to beating this angel thing. Please tell me, what is the up side of me being alive?”
Dean: “You kidding me? You and me, fighting the good fight together.”
Sam: “Ok. Just once, be honest with me. You didn’t save me for me. You did it for you.”
Dean: “What are you talking about?”
Sam: “I was ready to die. I was ready. I should have died. But you, you didn’t want to be alone. That’s what all this boils down to. You can’t stand the thought of being alone.”
Dean: “Alright.”
Sam: “I’ll give you this much, you are certainly willing to do the sacrificing. As long as you’re not the one being hurt.”
Dean: “Alright, you wanna be honest? If the situation were reversed and I was dying, you’d do the same thing.”
Sam: “No, Dean. I wouldn’t. Same circumstances, I wouldn’t.”
Come on, February 25!
Kevin is dead, but Charlie, Cas and Sam are alive. It doesn’t make Kevin’s death ok, but it certainly is being glossed over that all three of them would be gone if Dean hadn’t done what he did.
Kevin is dead, but Charlie, Cas and Sam are alive. It doesn’t make Kevin’s death ok, but it certainly is being glossed over that all three of them would be gone if Dean hadn’t done what he did.
I really enjoyed this episode. I felt like we were getting back to basics. So many “old school” moments.. Dean’s inappropriate sexual comments, Sam’s bitch face, an actual scary MOTW. I was supper happy as I watched it and I laughed more than I have in a while over the show.
Of course, I cried more than I have in a while too… I really have nothing new to say either about the boys conversation. They both are viewing things very differently and I am tired of thinking about it. It hurts. i agree with you about picking sides.. I can’t. I love Sam. I love Dean. Dean’s soulful eyes break my heart. Sam’s puckered brow and puppy eyes break it even further.
I really wish Bobby was here…… He would know what to do. Smack ’em around a few times, wake them up. call them idgits… yeah.
I can’t wait to see what Cas thinks and why Crowley is lying in bed crying. Is he as upset as we are over the boys split? And was that Mrs. Tran?! If so… omg, more angst and dean feeling like crap to tell her about Kevin. 😥
I really enjoyed this episode. I felt like we were getting back to basics. So many “old school” moments.. Dean’s inappropriate sexual comments, Sam’s bitch face, an actual scary MOTW. I was supper happy as I watched it and I laughed more than I have in a while over the show.
Of course, I cried more than I have in a while too… I really have nothing new to say either about the boys conversation. They both are viewing things very differently and I am tired of thinking about it. It hurts. i agree with you about picking sides.. I can’t. I love Sam. I love Dean. Dean’s soulful eyes break my heart. Sam’s puckered brow and puppy eyes break it even further.
I really wish Bobby was here…… He would know what to do. Smack ’em around a few times, wake them up. call them idgits… yeah.
I can’t wait to see what Cas thinks and why Crowley is lying in bed crying. Is he as upset as we are over the boys split? And was that Mrs. Tran?! If so… omg, more angst and dean feeling like crap to tell her about Kevin. 😥
Charlie came to look at the computer that Sam and Dean were working on. You can’t predict what would happen, but Charlie might never have come to the MOL bunker if Sam had died and Dorothy and the Witch might not have been released. Dean was virtually catatonic for weeks after Bobby died. I doubt he would have been different after Sam had died. Cas is another issue since I think April found him on her own, however that doesn’t make it better for me. Charlie is iffy as she might never have gotten to the bunker. Is Cas more important than Kevin? If so why? Because Dean likes Cas better? Dean gets to feel guilty about whatever he wants, but Sam’s feelings don’t matter? Sam has to live watching his hands kill Kevin. If he wants to think about that, then he gets to.
Charlie came to look at the computer that Sam and Dean were working on. You can’t predict what would happen, but Charlie might never have come to the MOL bunker if Sam had died and Dorothy and the Witch might not have been released. Dean was virtually catatonic for weeks after Bobby died. I doubt he would have been different after Sam had died. Cas is another issue since I think April found him on her own, however that doesn’t make it better for me. Charlie is iffy as she might never have gotten to the bunker. Is Cas more important than Kevin? If so why? Because Dean likes Cas better? Dean gets to feel guilty about whatever he wants, but Sam’s feelings don’t matter? Sam has to live watching his hands kill Kevin. If he wants to think about that, then he gets to.
I enjoyed this episode as well. It was a good balance between monster of the week, comic relief, and examining how Sam and Dean’s relationship is evolving.
I’m with Dean on this one. I thought she said fish taco too and I was trying to figure what the heck that was until she explained it was pishtaco. I do think it is interesting that we have had “good monsters” two weeks in a row. Are we going somewhere with this, I wonder?
I was impressed with how the writers handled the subject matter sympathy and sensitivity. They managed to resist the the temptation to take cheap shots and crack mean spirited fat jokes. That is a rare thing nowadays, especially since the only people you can make jokes about anymore are the overweight, the ugly, or the old,so writers and comics try to make up for the lack of abundant targets by increasing the level of nastiness.
So Sam and Dean are on the outs again. It happens almost every season and it happens between siblings in real life. They are both changing. They aren’t youngsters any more. They are grown men going into their thirties and that changes people and it changes relationships. They are struggling through past and present hurts on their way to a new equilibrium so it’s no surprise that there are going to be some bumps in the road and hurt feelings along the way. They will work it, out since when it comes down to it, they have always been the only ones who are always there for each other no matter what.
To end this on a happy note, lets all contemplate getting bendy with Sam. Mmmmm yoga good.
I enjoyed this episode as well. It was a good balance between monster of the week, comic relief, and examining how Sam and Dean’s relationship is evolving.
I’m with Dean on this one. I thought she said fish taco too and I was trying to figure what the heck that was until she explained it was pishtaco. I do think it is interesting that we have had “good monsters” two weeks in a row. Are we going somewhere with this, I wonder?
I was impressed with how the writers handled the subject matter sympathy and sensitivity. They managed to resist the the temptation to take cheap shots and crack mean spirited fat jokes. That is a rare thing nowadays, especially since the only people you can make jokes about anymore are the overweight, the ugly, or the old,so writers and comics try to make up for the lack of abundant targets by increasing the level of nastiness.
So Sam and Dean are on the outs again. It happens almost every season and it happens between siblings in real life. They are both changing. They aren’t youngsters any more. They are grown men going into their thirties and that changes people and it changes relationships. They are struggling through past and present hurts on their way to a new equilibrium so it’s no surprise that there are going to be some bumps in the road and hurt feelings along the way. They will work it, out since when it comes down to it, they have always been the only ones who are always there for each other no matter what.
To end this on a happy note, lets all contemplate getting bendy with Sam. Mmmmm yoga good.
Did anyone else notice the monster reverences being bandied about this episode? Sam calling the Maritzas brother a monster -taunting Jim with it. Dean referring to Maritza as a monster. Sam, once again deciding to save another monster (Bitten, Sharp Teeth). Cain starting out as a monster then becoming a good guy.
Does anyone else think this them of good monsters we let live and bad monsters we kill is going to play out personally with the brothers? And will the Mark of Cain have anything to do with that?
Did anyone else notice the monster reverences being bandied about this episode? Sam calling the Maritzas brother a monster -taunting Jim with it. Dean referring to Maritza as a monster. Sam, once again deciding to save another monster (Bitten, Sharp Teeth). Cain starting out as a monster then becoming a good guy.
Does anyone else think this them of good monsters we let live and bad monsters we kill is going to play out personally with the brothers? And will the Mark of Cain have anything to do with that?
Bendy with Sam… 😀
That tracksuit made him look like a glorious present to unwrap! Oh yeah.
Yes, the boys need a friendly yet firm outside POV. What Dean did in 9.01 was wrong, but Sam needs to explain himself better. Jody should come along and sort them out with her Mum-voice.
Bendy with Sam… 😀
That tracksuit made him look like a glorious present to unwrap! Oh yeah.
Yes, the boys need a friendly yet firm outside POV. What Dean did in 9.01 was wrong, but Sam needs to explain himself better. Jody should come along and sort them out with her Mum-voice.
Oh dear, how much of a dirty old woman did I sound there?
True though 🙂
Oh dear, how much of a dirty old woman did I sound there?
True though 🙂
Thank you Sofia, especially for these quotes:
“But at the end of the day, I agree that it’s because he, Dean, can’t imagine living without Sam. Not because he thinks it’s what Sam wants. It is incredibly selfish and incredibly human. And I’m with Dean on that. I get it. If I was in his position, I would do the same thing.”
“Believe me, I understand that Sam is probably taking the healthy approach to this. If a loved one is dying and has made peace with it, the healthy thing to do is to let them go. But that’s asking a lot of someone, especially when there is a chance of survival.”
I think you can completely disagree with Dean’s action and still sympathize with him. Likewise you can complete agree with Dean’s action and feel awful for Sam. An interesting question is how much worse is it to have your choice taken away (Sam) than to have to face making a choice (Dean)? Both are pretty bad in my book.
Thank you Sofia, especially for these quotes:
“But at the end of the day, I agree that it’s because he, Dean, can’t imagine living without Sam. Not because he thinks it’s what Sam wants. It is incredibly selfish and incredibly human. And I’m with Dean on that. I get it. If I was in his position, I would do the same thing.”
“Believe me, I understand that Sam is probably taking the healthy approach to this. If a loved one is dying and has made peace with it, the healthy thing to do is to let them go. But that’s asking a lot of someone, especially when there is a chance of survival.”
I think you can completely disagree with Dean’s action and still sympathize with him. Likewise you can complete agree with Dean’s action and feel awful for Sam. An interesting question is how much worse is it to have your choice taken away (Sam) than to have to face making a choice (Dean)? Both are pretty bad in my book.
[quote name=”AnnieE”]I enjoyed this episode as well. It was a good balance between monster of the week, comic relief, and examining how Sam and Dean’s relationship is evolving.
I’m with Dean on this one. I thought she said fish taco too and I was trying to figure what the heck that was until she explained it was pishtaco. I do think it is interesting that we have had “good monsters” two weeks in a row. Are we going somewhere with this, I wonder?
I was impressed with how the writers handled the subject matter sympathy and sensitivity. They managed to resist the the temptation to take cheap shots and crack mean spirited fat jokes. That is a rare thing nowadays, especially since the only people you can make jokes about anymore are the overweight, the ugly, or the old,so writers and comics try to make up for the lack of abundant targets by increasing the level of nastiness.
So Sam and Dean are on the outs again. It happens almost every season and it happens between siblings in real life. They are both changing. They aren’t youngsters any more. They are grown men going into their thirties and that changes people and it changes relationships. They are struggling through past and present hurts on their way to a new equilibrium so it’s no surprise that there are going to be some bumps in the road and hurt feelings along the way. They will work it, out since when it comes down to it, they have always been the only ones who are always there for each other no matter what.
To end this on a happy note, lets all contemplate getting bendy with Sam. Mmmmm yoga good.[/quote]
I was also very impressed that the writers resisted the fat jokes. And I didn’t feel like any of the overweight characters were being made to look foolish either. That’s a win in my book.
[quote]I enjoyed this episode as well. It was a good balance between monster of the week, comic relief, and examining how Sam and Dean’s relationship is evolving.
I’m with Dean on this one. I thought she said fish taco too and I was trying to figure what the heck that was until she explained it was pishtaco. I do think it is interesting that we have had “good monsters” two weeks in a row. Are we going somewhere with this, I wonder?
I was impressed with how the writers handled the subject matter sympathy and sensitivity. They managed to resist the the temptation to take cheap shots and crack mean spirited fat jokes. That is a rare thing nowadays, especially since the only people you can make jokes about anymore are the overweight, the ugly, or the old,so writers and comics try to make up for the lack of abundant targets by increasing the level of nastiness.
So Sam and Dean are on the outs again. It happens almost every season and it happens between siblings in real life. They are both changing. They aren’t youngsters any more. They are grown men going into their thirties and that changes people and it changes relationships. They are struggling through past and present hurts on their way to a new equilibrium so it’s no surprise that there are going to be some bumps in the road and hurt feelings along the way. They will work it, out since when it comes down to it, they have always been the only ones who are always there for each other no matter what.
To end this on a happy note, lets all contemplate getting bendy with Sam. Mmmmm yoga good.[/quote]
I was also very impressed that the writers resisted the fat jokes. And I didn’t feel like any of the overweight characters were being made to look foolish either. That’s a win in my book.
Thanks for the review Sofia. I also really enjoyed this episode, I love it when they have friendly monsters, and am really glad they let Maritza go. Sam sure did look yummy in that black tracksuit! I’m with you Manzanita Crow, he looked like a nice wrapped up present. 😳 And Dean in a hairnet! Too funny. 😆
Now for the ouchy part. That conversation at the end broke my heart all over again. But I understand both guys in this, because I kind of lived it…in a less huntery way. My mother had cancer, she would get the treatment, but the cancer kept coming back over and over. I would not let her go in peace, she kept going back for treatment knowing full well it would always come back, but she did it for me. I was selfish, could not think of a life without her until I realized what it was doing to her and I knew I has to let her go. Yes, it’s the hardest thing in life to let the person you love more than yourself die, but sometimes it’s the right thing to do. Not saying I want Sam [u]or[/u] Dean dying anytime soon, but I understand Sam’s speech to Dean, and I understand why Dean would save Sam time and again.
Thanks for the review Sofia. I also really enjoyed this episode, I love it when they have friendly monsters, and am really glad they let Maritza go. Sam sure did look yummy in that black tracksuit! I’m with you Manzanita Crow, he looked like a nice wrapped up present. 😳 And Dean in a hairnet! Too funny. 😆
Now for the ouchy part. That conversation at the end broke my heart all over again. But I understand both guys in this, because I kind of lived it…in a less huntery way. My mother had cancer, she would get the treatment, but the cancer kept coming back over and over. I would not let her go in peace, she kept going back for treatment knowing full well it would always come back, but she did it for me. I was selfish, could not think of a life without her until I realized what it was doing to her and I knew I has to let her go. Yes, it’s the hardest thing in life to let the person you love more than yourself die, but sometimes it’s the right thing to do. Not saying I want Sam [u]or[/u] Dean dying anytime soon, but I understand Sam’s speech to Dean, and I understand why Dean would save Sam time and again.
[quote name=”mary9930″]Thank you Sofia, especially for these quotes:
“But at the end of the day, I agree that it’s because he, Dean, can’t imagine living without Sam. Not because he thinks it’s what Sam wants. It is incredibly selfish and incredibly human. And I’m with Dean on that. I get it. If I was in his position, I would do the same thing.”
“Believe me, I understand that Sam is probably taking the healthy approach to this. If a loved one is dying and has made peace with it, the healthy thing to do is to let them go. But that’s asking a lot of someone, especially when there is a chance of survival.”
I think you can completely disagree with Dean’s action and still sympathize with him. Likewise you can complete agree with Dean’s action and feel awful for Sam. An interesting question is how much worse is it to have your choice taken away (Sam) than to have to face making a choice (Dean)? Both are pretty bad in my book.[/quote]
Amen to that comment! I wouldn’t want to be on either end of that situation.
[quote]Thank you Sofia, especially for these quotes:
“But at the end of the day, I agree that it’s because he, Dean, can’t imagine living without Sam. Not because he thinks it’s what Sam wants. It is incredibly selfish and incredibly human. And I’m with Dean on that. I get it. If I was in his position, I would do the same thing.”
“Believe me, I understand that Sam is probably taking the healthy approach to this. If a loved one is dying and has made peace with it, the healthy thing to do is to let them go. But that’s asking a lot of someone, especially when there is a chance of survival.”
I think you can completely disagree with Dean’s action and still sympathize with him. Likewise you can complete agree with Dean’s action and feel awful for Sam. An interesting question is how much worse is it to have your choice taken away (Sam) than to have to face making a choice (Dean)? Both are pretty bad in my book.[/quote]
Amen to that comment! I wouldn’t want to be on either end of that situation.
Dear Sylvie, I’m so sorry to hear you and your mum had to go through that.
Dear Sylvie, I’m so sorry to hear you and your mum had to go through that.
[quote name=”Sylvie”]Thanks for the review Sofia. I also really enjoyed this episode, I love it when they have friendly monsters, and am really glad they let Maritza go. Sam sure did look yummy in that black tracksuit! I’m with you Manzanita Crow, he looked like a nice wrapped up present. 😳 And Dean in a hairnet! Too funny. 😆
Now for the ouchy part. That conversation at the end broke my heart all over again. But I understand both guys in this, because I kind of lived it…in a less huntery way. My mother had cancer, she would get the treatment, but the cancer kept coming back over and over. I would not let her go in peace, she kept going back for treatment knowing full well it would always come back, but she did it for me. I was selfish, could not think of a life without her until I realized what it was doing to her and I knew I has to let her go. Yes, it’s the hardest thing in life to let the person you love more than yourself die, but sometimes it’s the right thing to do. Not saying I want Sam [u]or[/u] Dean dying anytime soon, but I understand Sam’s speech to Dean, and I understand why Dean would save Sam time and again.[/quote]
I’m so sorry for your loss. That is a terrible situation to be in. What a way to make this fictional storyline feel so much more real. Thank you for sharing.
[quote]Thanks for the review Sofia. I also really enjoyed this episode, I love it when they have friendly monsters, and am really glad they let Maritza go. Sam sure did look yummy in that black tracksuit! I’m with you Manzanita Crow, he looked like a nice wrapped up present. 😳 And Dean in a hairnet! Too funny. 😆
Now for the ouchy part. That conversation at the end broke my heart all over again. But I understand both guys in this, because I kind of lived it…in a less huntery way. My mother had cancer, she would get the treatment, but the cancer kept coming back over and over. I would not let her go in peace, she kept going back for treatment knowing full well it would always come back, but she did it for me. I was selfish, could not think of a life without her until I realized what it was doing to her and I knew I has to let her go. Yes, it’s the hardest thing in life to let the person you love more than yourself die, but sometimes it’s the right thing to do. Not saying I want Sam [u]or[/u] Dean dying anytime soon, but I understand Sam’s speech to Dean, and I understand why Dean would save Sam time and again.[/quote]
I’m so sorry for your loss. That is a terrible situation to be in. What a way to make this fictional storyline feel so much more real. Thank you for sharing.
[quote name=”mary9930″]T
“Believe me, I understand that Sam is probably taking the healthy approach to this. If a loved one is dying and has made peace with it, the healthy thing to do is to let them go. But that’s asking a lot of someone, especially when there is a chance of survival.”
By natural means, yes. By supernatural means? NO. When has that ever been a good thing?
“Believe me, I understand that Sam is probably taking the healthy approach to this. If a loved one is dying and has made peace with it, the healthy thing to do is to let them go. But that’s asking a lot of someone, especially when there is a chance of survival.”
By natural means, yes. By supernatural means? NO. When has that ever been a good thing?
[quote name=”mary9930″]Thank you Sofia, especially for these quotes:
. An interesting question is how much worse is it to have your choice taken away (Sam) than to have to face making a choice (Dean)? Both are pretty bad in my book.[/quote]
Since we humans have free will, IMO, taking that away is worse. How is that any different than making someone a slave to your whims?
[quote]Thank you Sofia, especially for these quotes:
. An interesting question is how much worse is it to have your choice taken away (Sam) than to have to face making a choice (Dean)? Both are pretty bad in my book.[/quote]
Since we humans have free will, IMO, taking that away is worse. How is that any different than making someone a slave to your whims?
I was just watching Bad Boys (S9:Ep7), and that torturous ending where 16 year old Dean turned his back on everything a 16 year old boy should want and have … well, I realized how Sam will never know the sacrifice Dean has made for him. It has been ingrained into him since he carried Sam from the fire (S1;Ep9) …
SAM: Yeah, but how much do we know? I mean, how much do you actually remember?
DEAN: About that night, you mean?
SAM: Yeah.
DEAN: Not much. I remember the fire…the heat. [He pauses for a moment.] And then I carried you out the front door.
SAM: You did?
DEAN: Yeah, what, you never knew that?
SAM: [shaking his head.] No.
I don’t know if it is possible for Dean to really have another identity besides Sam’s caretaker. It almost seems like Ben and Lisa were just a substitute and a place for Dean to park all that emotional caretaking need while Sam was gone.
On the flip side, Sam has always fought for his independence. He probably felt smothered by Dean at times when they were growing up. He can’t possibly understand the feeling. He hasn’t had the experience.
However, I definitely DO think this season, and possibly Season 10, are setting them up for some serious role reversal. Push will come to Shove … and we’ll see what decisions Sam makes for his brother. That Mark of Cain will bite Dean … and Sam … and all of us. Anything that scares Crowley that badly … well, I’d be shocked if it didn’t figure prominently in their future.
I was just watching Bad Boys (S9:Ep7), and that torturous ending where 16 year old Dean turned his back on everything a 16 year old boy should want and have … well, I realized how Sam will never know the sacrifice Dean has made for him. It has been ingrained into him since he carried Sam from the fire (S1;Ep9) …
SAM: Yeah, but how much do we know? I mean, how much do you actually remember?
DEAN: About that night, you mean?
SAM: Yeah.
DEAN: Not much. I remember the fire…the heat. [He pauses for a moment.] And then I carried you out the front door.
SAM: You did?
DEAN: Yeah, what, you never knew that?
SAM: [shaking his head.] No.
I don’t know if it is possible for Dean to really have another identity besides Sam’s caretaker. It almost seems like Ben and Lisa were just a substitute and a place for Dean to park all that emotional caretaking need while Sam was gone.
On the flip side, Sam has always fought for his independence. He probably felt smothered by Dean at times when they were growing up. He can’t possibly understand the feeling. He hasn’t had the experience.
However, I definitely DO think this season, and possibly Season 10, are setting them up for some serious role reversal. Push will come to Shove … and we’ll see what decisions Sam makes for his brother. That Mark of Cain will bite Dean … and Sam … and all of us. Anything that scares Crowley that badly … well, I’d be shocked if it didn’t figure prominently in their future.
PS … I really like Tara’s comment in #1 that Charlie, Cas and Sam are alive because of Dean’s decision to let Ezekiel/Gadreel take possession and heal Sam. Someone should tell Sam that!
PS … I really like Tara’s comment in #1 that Charlie, Cas and Sam are alive because of Dean’s decision to let Ezekiel/Gadreel take possession and heal Sam. Someone should tell Sam that!
Thank you for your review, Sofia. I really liked this episode, especially the parallels between the monsters and the brothers. What I took away from it is that you can’t force people to change. Maritza had the best intentions, but the way she acted on them was misguided. She tried to make her brother follow a path he didn’t really believe in. Ultimately, Alonso couldn’t change because he didn’t see the need for it. Why shouldn’t you eat if you’re hungry? In Sam and Dean’s case, Dean craves affection just as much as Alonso craved human fat. He doesn’t understand why he shouldn’t save Sam’s life if he has the means to do so. Sam certainly has a point, and every right to be hurt and angry, but trying to force Dean to see things his way by confronting him with harsh truths and keeping their interactions ” strictly business” doesn’t seem to help. Dean won’t change unless he reaches the conclusion that he needs to do so by himself.
I was also very bothered by Sam asking about the upside of him being alive. That utilitarian, cost vs.benefits line of thought reminded me of the time when Sam considered killing a virgin at Ruby’s suggestion. We all know where listening to Ruby led Sam later. I think both Sam and Dean’s approaches are dangerous when brought to extremes.
Thank you for your review, Sofia. I really liked this episode, especially the parallels between the monsters and the brothers. What I took away from it is that you can’t force people to change. Maritza had the best intentions, but the way she acted on them was misguided. She tried to make her brother follow a path he didn’t really believe in. Ultimately, Alonso couldn’t change because he didn’t see the need for it. Why shouldn’t you eat if you’re hungry? In Sam and Dean’s case, Dean craves affection just as much as Alonso craved human fat. He doesn’t understand why he shouldn’t save Sam’s life if he has the means to do so. Sam certainly has a point, and every right to be hurt and angry, but trying to force Dean to see things his way by confronting him with harsh truths and keeping their interactions ” strictly business” doesn’t seem to help. Dean won’t change unless he reaches the conclusion that he needs to do so by himself.
I was also very bothered by Sam asking about the upside of him being alive. That utilitarian, cost vs.benefits line of thought reminded me of the time when Sam considered killing a virgin at Ruby’s suggestion. We all know where listening to Ruby led Sam later. I think both Sam and Dean’s approaches are dangerous when brought to extremes.
Loved your review.You gave equal weight to Sam and Dean’s thoughts.I too liked that they let the MOW go Liked the sheriff of the week.I agree with most of your review.
Loved your review.You gave equal weight to Sam and Dean’s thoughts.I too liked that they let the MOW go Liked the sheriff of the week.I agree with most of your review.
[quote name=”Judy Lee Thurber”] I realized how Sam will never know the sacrifice Dean has made for him.
I have the deepest sympathy for Dean being put in such a parental role at such a young age. John had no right to do that to him. And I can see why Dean’s messed-up, but Sam was just a kid and had no power to control that situation. So I can see why Dean did what he did in 9.01 and afterwards, no matter how wrong I think it was from a purely objective POV.
However – just like Sam had to stop behaving the way he did in S4 and Cas had to mend his ways after S6 – Dean cannot continue on this way. I can see WHY he did what he did, but Sam is right to try and make Dean see that he can’t treat people this way. People have the right to self-determination and you should respect that.
(Now the writers seem determined to make Sam as unsympathetic as possible while he does this, but that’s a different issue.)
[quote] I realized how Sam will never know the sacrifice Dean has made for him.
I have the deepest sympathy for Dean being put in such a parental role at such a young age. John had no right to do that to him. And I can see why Dean’s messed-up, but Sam was just a kid and had no power to control that situation. So I can see why Dean did what he did in 9.01 and afterwards, no matter how wrong I think it was from a purely objective POV.
However – just like Sam had to stop behaving the way he did in S4 and Cas had to mend his ways after S6 – Dean cannot continue on this way. I can see WHY he did what he did, but Sam is right to try and make Dean see that he can’t treat people this way. People have the right to self-determination and you should respect that.
(Now the writers seem determined to make Sam as unsympathetic as possible while he does this, but that’s a different issue.)
Great review Sofia. I just don’t know what or how to say anything. My heart is just so heavy right now for both the boys and so hope JC gets them back on the same page after some real dialog.
On a lighter note. I was just wondering if anyone noticed the forensic guy shown briefly at the gym after the girl is sucked dry, ugh, was the same guy that played a nursing assistant in Pac Man Fever when Dean was in the hospital talking to a nurse about Charlie’s mom? After about 20 viewings I start noticing other little things in the background.
Great review Sofia. I just don’t know what or how to say anything. My heart is just so heavy right now for both the boys and so hope JC gets them back on the same page after some real dialog.
On a lighter note. I was just wondering if anyone noticed the forensic guy shown briefly at the gym after the girl is sucked dry, ugh, was the same guy that played a nursing assistant in Pac Man Fever when Dean was in the hospital talking to a nurse about Charlie’s mom? After about 20 viewings I start noticing other little things in the background.
HOW absolutely gorgeous does Sam look in that tracksuit while running down the corridor looking for Dean?
I mean seriously, yum. 8)
I mean yeah the sleeveless thing and the gratuitous camera shots up his legs etc etc, but that tracksuit….. sigh ….
It hurt me deeply to see him back in his usual fortycoats with his 50 pockets*
*Irish joke, sorry, it sort of does apply to the Winchesters though.
HOW absolutely gorgeous does Sam look in that tracksuit while running down the corridor looking for Dean?
I mean seriously, yum. 8)
I mean yeah the sleeveless thing and the gratuitous camera shots up his legs etc etc, but that tracksuit….. sigh ….
It hurt me deeply to see him back in his usual fortycoats with his 50 pockets*
*Irish joke, sorry, it sort of does apply to the Winchesters though.
It had light moments,cute moments. throwbacks to earlier brotherly banter, but IMO that was all the cover for an episode that had a tough reality at the beginning for Dean and Sam and a tougher one at the end. The pishtako storyline made the two sides of the episode all the more capable of ripping our hearts.
It had light moments,cute moments. throwbacks to earlier brotherly banter, but IMO that was all the cover for an episode that had a tough reality at the beginning for Dean and Sam and a tougher one at the end. The pishtako storyline made the two sides of the episode all the more capable of ripping our hearts.